The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

Nezha happily drank the pear and white fungus soup prepared by his mother, and his previous unhappiness had disappeared by more than half!

When he came out of the kitchen, touching his belly, he suddenly saw a group of guards running into the mansion in a panic.

"Sir, the waves are coming again, and this time thirty acres of farmland along the coast are flooded!"

"Just now, the intelligence said that more than a dozen fishermen's boats were swept away by the waves, and their lives are unknown!"

"It's the eighth time, and the waves are still encroaching on the fields!"

Nezha stared with curiosity, not knowing what happened at all.

However, just by listening, he knew that it seemed to be something at the seaside?

At this time, Madam Yin got the news, put on armor, carried two swords, and hurried out from the backyard, just in time to see Nezha standing aside with a puzzled look on his face.

Madam Yin whispered a few words in the deputy general's ear, and a group of guards hurriedly went ahead.

Madam Yin walked to Nezha's side.

"Zha'er, listen to your mother and stay at home!"

"Don't go out casually, wait for me to come back!"

Nezha was skeptical, vaguely guessed something, and thought of those fishermen who called him a monster, and his face dimmed instantly.

"Well, I know, mother."

"I'll go to my senior brother's Shanhe Shejitu and wait for you to come back."

With that, Nezha, who was a little sad and depressed, returned to Shanhe Shejitu alone. He didn't want to save those fishermen. No one liked him at all.

Madam Yin looked at her son's lonely back, feeling a little sad, but she didn't care so much, and hurried to the beach.

Not letting his son go out is to avoid suspicion!

Be careful that the fishermen will think that it was Nezha who did it, and then turn the tables and hurt Nezha even more.

When we came to the beach, it was already a mess!

All the fishing boats, big and small, whether they were docked in the port or moved to the shore, were beaten to pieces at this time. Many fishermen were lying on the beach crying. Eighteen fishermen had disappeared in three days, all swept away by the waves!

As soon as Mrs. Yin arrived, everyone gathered around her!

"Madam Yin, help me, aren't all your family immortals? Go to the sea and save people!"

"Yes, the waves are so high, they can be taken down at any time, we can't bear it at all!"

"Help me, save my child, he is only eight years old, and he was swept away by the waves!"

"If General Li Jing was here, he would definitely not ignore us!"

Listening to the fishermen's cries, Madam Yin was also anxious. Although she had some practice, her aptitude was limited. Now she was only in the realm of earthly immortals. It was difficult for her to fly in the clouds, let alone go to the sea!

She was born in a noble family, and her family worshipped the scattered immortals of West Kunlun, so she had the opportunity to practice immortal magic!

But now it is too difficult for her to go to the sea to save people!

Madam Yin comforted the fishermen's emotions, inquired about the course of events, and was shocked!

It turns out that since the waves three days ago, this shore has been uninhabitable. From time to time, some undercurrents and whirlpools will appear to stir up fishing boats, and the fishermen who are not careful will be dragged into the water!

At the beginning, some fishermen who are good at swimming can swim back to save themselves.

But as time goes by, the waves become more fierce, and the whirlpools are stronger than one another. At first, only some cats and dogs, poultry and livestock were lost. The fishermen thought that the weather was bad and the waves were strong, so they dragged all the fishing boats ashore and waited and saw what would happen.

However, today, all the fishing boats left the water as if something had been angered!

Suddenly, a wave that was far more turbulent than three days ago swept in. The fishermen who were reinforcing their boats on the shore had no way to avoid it. They were knocked unconscious and swept away more than a dozen of them!

The fishermen were completely panicked and hurried to report to the general's mansion!

After hearing this, Mrs. Yin was also embarrassed and frowned.

She is a cultivator, so she naturally understands that such abnormal waves must be caused by demons. The creatures that stir up wind and waves in the sea are rampant, and they must find a way to get rid of the demons!

"Don't worry, the East China Sea is guarded by the Dragon King. No matter what kind of demons, they can't resist the Dragon King's orders!"

"Guard Liu, immediately prepare incense, candles, ingots, three kinds of livestock, and follow me to set up an altar and worship the Dragon King!"

This is what cultivators with insufficient cultivation are like. If they want to do things, they have to pray to gods and monsters and use their power to seek peace!

In fact, this is also a manifestation of the weakness of the power of the heavenly court. The immortals are

There are too few people, and they have no time to take care of the three realms, let alone interfere with the jurisdiction of the King of Man.

Now that the luck of the human race has not dissipated, it is not inferior to the gods, and even has a higher status!

The guards and fishermen did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly prepared all the things for the altar.

However, no one noticed that a white dragon was circling rapidly in the water.

Ao Bing was furious and impatient.

"Yaksha, it's been three days, how can Nezha be so indifferent?"

"Logically speaking, he saved the lives of those mortals last time. Shouldn't the mortals ask Nezha for help when something happens? Why is Nezha still not here?"

Those mortals before were all released by Ao Bing on purpose!

But the development of things seems to be a little different from what he imagined. Those mortals didn't ask Nezha at all. Wouldn't this make all his efforts in the past few days in vain?

Yaksha was also scratching his head in confusion.

"Third Prince, I don't know either!"

"If you hadn't ordered us not to make a big fuss, we should have killed people at the beginning, and it would have been a big fuss long ago!"

Ao Bing was devoted to the dragon clan, but that didn't mean he was cruel by nature!

Since the target was only Nezha, he only planned to make a little noise at the beginning to attract Nezha, but gradually found that it didn't work, so he got angry and made a storm to sweep away 18 fishermen!

And in the water behind Ao Guang, the fishermen were trapped in 18 bubbles, all unconscious but not in danger of life.

Ao Bing was also angry when he heard the Yaksha complain.

"Damn it, do you really want me to make a big fuss at Chentangguan?"

Just when Ao Bing was hesitant, suddenly a voice came from the shore, and the magic talismans and decrees also poured out!

It was Madam Yin who was performing a ritual to summon the Dragon King!

Ao Bing flicked his tail and instantly destroyed this magic power.

If Madam Yin's magic power reaches the Dragon Palace, it means that he is not doing a good job, which is not what my father wants to see!

Ao Bing gritted his teeth, and the sea water surged.

"Okay, since Nezha won't come out, let me make a big fuss in Chentangguan!"

"All those fishermen on the shore will die today. I want to see whether you will save Nezha or not!"

When Ao Bing thought of the immortal gate of the Four Seas Dragon Clan, he could no longer delay, otherwise he would become a sinner of the Dragon Clan!


As soon as the voice fell, the sky was overcast, and the waves were like ink, surging!

Madam Yin, who was practicing on the shore, was delighted when she saw this.

"The Dragon King is coming!"

Upon hearing this, the fishermen who were looking forward to it were all ecstatic and even cheered. For them, being able to see the Dragon King meant that the fishermen who were swept away could be released!


Suddenly, a dragon roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, high and fierce, deafening!

Then a white figure over a hundred feet long jumped out of the sea, circling in the sky with its fangs and claws bared. It was a deer-like horn, a camel-like head, rabbit-like eyes, a snake-like neck, a clam-like belly, fish-like scales, eagle-like claws, tiger-like paws, and cow-like ears!

The little white dragon whimpered, and its huge and majestic body frightened everyone!

Madam Yin suppressed her fear and offered sacrifices to the gods.

"Is this the Dragon King of the East China Sea?"

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