The sound of the dragon's beard trembled, and Ao Bing growled in his throat.

"Who is the worshiper!"

"I am Ao Bing, the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea!"

When they heard Ao Bing's name, all the fishermen shouted and greeted him, and asked for help, hoping that the third prince of the Dragon King could save the fishermen who were swept into the sea!

"The third prince has appeared, and my child is saved!"

"Please ask the third prince of the Dragon King to help us save those who were swept away by the waves, punish the demons in the water, and give us peace!"

"Great, the third prince of the Dragon King has come to save us!"

Seeing the fishermen kneeling and begging for mercy, with tears of gratitude, Ao Bing was also anxious.

Although he looked down on mortals, he never thought that one day he would use such means to oppress mortals!

The arrogant Jiaolong clan disdained to embarrass mortals.

Ao Bing shook his head, threw away all his kind thoughts, and roared at the beach.


The deafening roar instantly frightened the fishermen to fall and dodge, and they had no power to resist at all!

Yin Shiniang barely managed to hold on to her magical power. Her shallow cultivation foundation could barely hold on at this time, but this was also because Ao Bing did not attack her, otherwise it would be easy for Ao Bing, who was in the Xuanxian realm, to deal with her, who was in the Dixian realm!

Even though she was frightened by a dragon roar, Yin Shiniang still gritted her teeth and greeted her.

"The Third Prince of the Dragon King has appeared. Please punish the evil spirits and demons in the sea and rescue the fishermen and people!"

"The wife of the general of Chentang Pass, lead the people to offer three kinds of animals and three kinds of livestock, money and gold ingots, and in the future, you will definitely offer them to the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea on the first and fifteenth day of every month!"

Ao Bing's body circled in the air, but he suddenly laughed.

"Hahaha, stupid!"

"In this East China Sea, except for my Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, who else dares to stir up trouble?"

"The waves that have come down in the past few days are a punishment for your Chentang Pass!"

As soon as these words came out, Yin Shiniang's face suddenly changed, and those fishermen who were still bowing were even more terrified. They looked at each other and started to talk.

"What, what does this mean?"

"The waves are the Dragon King's anger?"

"Is it the East China Sea Dragon Palace that is punishing us, so the waves swept away so many people?"

"Oh my God, what sin have we committed in Chentangguan, what have we done wrong?"

"My child, my child, he is only eight years old, what mistake has he made!"

Yin Shi Niang pretended to be calm, anger was already taking root in her heart.

"Dragon King Third Prince, what do you mean by this!"

"The human race and the East China Sea Dragon Clan have always lived in peace, why are you punishing them now!"

"Aren't you afraid that we will report to the Human King and punish you!"

Even if there is a heaven above, the human race's affairs still have to be heard in the name of the Human King, no matter what immortals, Buddhas, and other races come!

Ao Bing also made up his mind at this moment, and he must force Nezha out today!

If you continue to be indecisive, it is unknown how long this matter will be delayed. By then, I am afraid that the dragon clan's finally opened gate to heaven will be completely closed!

"I tell you, Nezha of Chentangguan blasphemed the power of the East China Sea and committed treason. As long as he does not go to the East China Sea to atone for his sins, you Chentangguan will never have peace!"

"Hand over Nezha!"

A roar, instantly like a thunderbolt, exploded in Yin Shiniang's ears!

Yin Shiniang staggered back, but her eyes gradually became firm, and she held the hilt of the sword behind her with both hands.

Being a mother, you must be strong!

I never expected that the one who caused the flood disaster in recent days was the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. They also named Nezha and asked him to go into the sea to make amends. Isn't this to kill Nezha!

However, before Yin Shiniang refused, the fishermen and people who heard the news were completely boiling.

"Nezha, it's Nezha again!"

"I knew he was a disaster, a monster!"

"Madam Yin, why don't you hand Nezha over quickly? He is a monster. What normal child is born after three years!"

"That's right, hand over Nezha and give us peace!"

"Let Nezha pay for my son's life!"

Even though there were soldiers protecting them, the excited fishermen and people had already rushed over without paying any attention. They crowded around Madam Yin, as if they wanted to eat her alive, ferocious and terrifying!

Madam Yin looked at the fishermen she was protecting and wanted to kill her son, and her heart suddenly turned cold.

But she also knew that all this was the conspiracy of the Dragon King's Third Prince, and it was his instigation!

Now that her husband is gone, she not only has to protect Chentang Pass, but the most important thing is to...

It's to protect the son and the family. How can I just hand the son over like this!

"Dragon King Third Prince, you, the East China Sea Dragon Clan, were ordered to guard the East China Sea, but you killed people privately. What's your intention!"

"Nezha will definitely not be taken away with you today!"

After saying that, Madam Yin immediately soared into the air, and the two swords behind her flew out, brazenly setting up a magic circle, which was clearly to challenge the Dragon King Third Prince!

Seeing this, Ao Bing roared in anger.

"Then you want the people of Chentangguan to die!"

"I'll help you!"

"Wind! Water!"

As Ao Bing's body stirred, the water control technique was performed, and the huge East China Sea surged in an instant, and the undercurrents that had just accumulated surged, rumbling waves piled up!


The sudden storm blew on the beach. The fishermen and civilians could not withstand such magic. They staggered and couldn't even stand steadily!

Yin Shiniang tried her best to fight against it, but before she made a move, she was shocked to find that the sea and sky were connected in the distance. A huge wave as high as a hundred feet was rushing in. The dark sea water seemed to cover the sky and the sun. The oppression was suffocating!

In addition to Yin Shiniang, the fishermen and civilians also found a thin white line on the sea in the distance. It looked like the sky and the sea, and it was impossible to tell!

But the oncoming storm and sea water have made everyone realize that this is a terrifying wave that can submerge the entire Chentang Pass!

If it really falls, not only a dozen fishermen will disappear, but everyone will die!

Yin Shiniang gritted her teeth, and her spiritual power surged instantly. Even if it was the Dragon King, she would fight to the death!

"Ao Bing, do you know that you are violating the heavenly law by doing this!"

"If you don't stop, I will have no choice but to fight you!"

"Chen Tang Pass is the territory of the Human King, how can you be so presumptuous!"

Ao Bing is already crazy at this moment. In order to complete his father's mission and reverse the fate of the four sea dragons, he has to do this and force Nezha out!

"Hand over Nezha, this matter can still be discussed!"

"He is a monster, and he will never be allowed to survive in the world!"

"If you don't hand over Nezha, I will teach you to make Chen Tang Pass extinct and the sea water backflow!"

Seeing Ao Bing so aggressive, Yin Shiniang was also trembling with anger.

What a coincidence that Yang Jian is not here, and there is no master immortal master guarding, even the four generals of the Demon Family and the master can't come back. Is today really the day when Chen Tang Pass is in great trouble?

At this time, the soldiers on the ground could no longer hold on. It was simply impossible to resist the fishermen and civilians rushing in from all directions. They broke through the blockade in an instant and rushed straight to the general's mansion!

"Find Nezha and let him atone for his sins!"

"Let's go, rush into the general's mansion with me and catch Nezha!"

A group of fishermen shouted, and all rushed to the general's mansion to kill!

Yin Shiniang was in a dilemma, and her heart was extremely anxious.

On one side was her son, and on the other side was the huge waves that were about to sweep over. Yin Shiniang knew that Nezha would not be in danger for a while, so she had to fight with Ao Bing and stop the huge waves first!


"Xuan Guang Sword Technique!"


The two immortal swords released spiritual energy, and in an instant, they took Yin Shiniang to kill Ao Bing!

Ao Bing looked at Yin Shiniang who was coming to kill him, and there was murderous intent in his eyes. The scales on his body were shining, and a dragon's breath was brewing. In an instant, two water balls the size of a house condensed in front of him and rushed straight towards Yin Shiniang to kill!

"If Nezha doesn't come out, you will all die!"

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