Silently, Gu Changqing appeared in Nuwa's sight.

Nuwa was stunned at first when Gu Changqing appeared.

When she saw Gu Changqing's face, she was reminded of the scene of divine power in the Buzhou Mountain Innate Array many years ago.

Nuwa's heart tightened immediately.

At the same time, she secretly guessed the purpose of Gu Changqing's visit.

Gu Changqing did not speak first, but restrained his divine power and squatted down to look at the hundreds of innate humans on the ground.

Seeing this, Nuwa couldn't help but said anxiously: "Senior, this is the spirit created by Nuwa!"

"I know!" Looking at the curled up innate humans, Gu Changqing felt inexplicably emotional for a while.

In his previous life, how could he have thought that he would be in this situation today, and would look down on them like a god?

"Then, senior, this is..." Nuwa saw Gu Changqing's actions and asked in confusion.

"You didn't stay in the heaven to comprehend the Three Corpses' Way of Proving the Dao, but came down to the world just for the Creators?" Gu Changqing glanced at Nuwa and asked calmly.

Nuwa heard this, and a helpless look appeared on her beautiful face.

"Nuwa also wanted to use the teacher's Three Corpses' Way of Proving the Dao to prove the Dao, but for thousands of years, only the corpse of her own obsession has not been cut off."

At this point, she glanced at the group of innate creatures curled up on the ground.

Then she continued: "I once thought of what the teacher said, that there are three ways to prove the Dao, proving the Dao with force, proving the Dao with three corpses, and proving the Dao with merit. In addition, the teacher also said that Nuwa would do something great, so I wanted to prove the Dao with merit."

When he heard that there were three ways to prove the Dao, Gu Changqing couldn't help but sneered, but he didn't correct her.

Gu Changqing nodded, and without further nonsense, he handed the innate gourd vine that had been prepared long ago to Nuwa with divine power.

Seeing Nuwa taking it with doubt, Gu Changqing also said: "Feel the restriction of its innate immortal spiritual light!"

Nuwa heard this and immersed her mind in the innate gourd vine in her hand.

Soon, Nuwa's expression became excited.

"Nuwa thanks the senior for helping me!"

As one of the ten best innate spiritual roots, the innate gourd vine is also a top-grade innate spiritual treasure in itself, in addition to the seven top-grade innate gourds.

The seven top-grade innate gourds represent the three souls and seven spirits of all spirits.

Each of them has the function of eliminating the three souls and seven spirits of all spirits.

It's true that the gourds that Gu Changqing brought back before were either called Jiujiu Sanhun Gourd (Hongyun Laozu), Jiujiu Juhun Gourd (Nuwa Juyaofan), Jiujiu Lianhun Gourd (Tongtian)...

And the innate gourd vine that gave birth to them is the opposite, with the ability to give all spirits three souls and seven spirits.

And these three souls and seven spirits not only secretly conform to the Way of Heaven, but also perfectly match the innate human beings created by Nuwa.

The innate Dao body that secretly conforms to the Great Dao and the three souls and seven spirits that secretly conform to the Way of Heaven, the innate human beings created by this move are more in line with the love of the Way of Heaven.

Perhaps, this kind of action is the great merit that the teacher said, right?

Nuwa thought with joy in her heart.

Without further ado, Nuwa, who took over the innate gourd vine, began to create people quickly at the signal of Gu Changqing.

She threw the large ball of Nine Heavens Xirang and Three Lights Divine Water in her hands to the ground.

The Three Lights Divine Water that fell to the ground turned into a small river, and the Nine Heavens Xirang turned into silt.

They merged together to form a long river full of vitality.

Seeing this, Nuwa raised the innate gourd vine in her hand, turned it into a long whip, and swung it fiercely at the long river.

While swinging it, she did not forget to bless a large amount of good fortune on the long whip.

The long whip hit the mud of the long river, splashing countless mud balls.

Under the influence of the aura of creation, the mud balls turned into little people one by one, and immediately knelt down to Nuwa without any instruction after falling to the ground.

At the same time, he shouted: "Meet the Holy Mother!"

Holy Mother!

The word "holy", this is not a compliment that ordinary people can bear.

Fortunately, Nuwa had already proved the way of quasi-saint for many years, and this time there was the attention and blessing of the heavenly way, so there was nothing wrong.

On the ground.

As the long river became shorter and thinner, until it disappeared, a large number of little people appeared on the ground.

At this time, Nuwa also underwent a great change.

The sky began to be filled with golden clouds, and the prehistoric land began to rise with auspicious clouds, and golden lotuses surged.

At the same time, the primordial purple air in the depths of Nuwa's soul trembled, and directly turned into a mysterious fruit position, blessing her soul.

Until this moment, Nuwa's figure spontaneously soared into the air, facing the golden clouds in the sky.


A huge amount of golden light of merit fell from the golden cloud, flying towards Nuwa, Xiantian Gourd Vine and Gu Changqing.

Among them, the golden light of merit that flew towards Nuwa was the most, accounting for about 80% of the total golden light of merit.

Gu Changqing and Xiantian Gourd Vine each accounted for 10%.

As the golden light of merit and Nuwa merged, she instantly peeled off the heavy fog, saw the Great Dao, and the perception of the Great Dao of Creation came out of thin air.

After raising Nuwa's realm to the peak of the early stage of the saint, it faded away.

At the same time, all kinds of Dao fruits belonging to Nuwa, the past, present, and future, all the heavens, him and me, all turned into one.

After everything was over, Nuwa slowly woke up from the sky.

In an instant, everything in the world seemed to wake up, and a feeling of knowing everything and being omnipotent arose from the heart.

"I, Nuwa, have created a spirit today, named Man. The human race is established!"

After saying this, strange phenomena appeared in the heaven and earth, and the image of Nuwa could not help but appear in the hearts of countless creatures.

Just like Hongjun's sainthood in previous years, all the spirits in the prehistoric world knelt down on the ground in the direction where Nuwa was.

At the same time, they shouted: "Congratulations to Nuwa for becoming a saint, and may you be blessed with great grace!"


Facing the sainted Nuwa, Gu Changqing focused most of his energy on this incarnation of divine power.

And the merits of creating human beings that belonged to him were all invested in the whip of creating human beings.

He did not want to use the merits of the prehistoric heavenly way.

At this time, Nuwa, who had successfully achieved the Tao, slowly came back to her senses from her perception, and then returned from the sky to the ground.

She had a partial understanding of the cause and effect of heaven and earth, and she also understood the reason for the innate gourd vine lent by Gu Changqing.

"Thank you for the innate gourd vine!" Nuwa said politely with a smile on her face.

As she said that, she used her magic power to guide the whip in her hand and returned it to Gu Changqing.

"You're welcome!"

After Gu Changqing took back the innate gourd, Nuwa secretly looked at the incarnation of Gu Changqing's divine power in front of her.

Although it was just an incarnation of divine power in the Daluo realm, she still felt the boundless will from it.

This is a force that is not weaker than hers!

She thought to herself.

At this moment, more than 129,900 innate human races she created had gathered at their feet, and then knelt on the ground, shouting: "Greetings to the Holy Mother!"

Then they knelt down to Gu Changqing and said: "Greetings to the Lord of Heaven!"

Gu Changqing was in a trance when he heard this.

Looking at these newly born innate human races in front of him, his thoughts could not help but return to the blue planet in his previous life.

I thought that with the passage of time, coupled with the fact that he was no longer a human race in this life, he would naturally forget the time of his previous life.

But I never thought of it.

After meeting his clansmen from his previous life again, he still had a deep memory of that life, and would still recall that short period of less than thirty years.

Thinking of this.

He gradually understood.

Although the previous life was only less than thirty years, it was the beginning of his two-life consciousness.

He went from being ignorant there to being a god in his current life, which was still considered a lifetime of consciousness.

However, all this is over.

Gu Changqing lamented in his heart.

In this life, proving the infinite diversity of the Tao, and even becoming the Lord of Chaos and transcendence, became his only goal.

After thinking about it, his eyes gradually became clear, and his Tao heart became more determined.

When he looked at the human race again, he no longer felt the throbbing in his heart.

Looking back, Gu Changqing said to Nuwa: "This matter is over, I will go first!"


Then, Gu Changqing, the incarnation of divine power, turned into a particle of divine light, and disappeared in front of Nuwa in an instant.

This made Nuwa, who had been watching him, stunned.

"How is it possible? I didn't even sense his departure!!" Nuwa thought with a surprised look.

You know, she, who has achieved the Dao of Heavenly Dao, knows very well how powerful the saint is.

There is basically no one in the whole prehistoric world who can hide from them!

Unless this person has left the prehistoric world, otherwise, every flower and grass in the prehistoric world, every move will be sensed by them.

In this regard, Nuwa could only sigh: "It is indeed worthy of being a person who can be praised by the teacher!"

Then, she looked at the weak and helpless innate human race, and suddenly her heart moved.

She mobilized the power of Heavenly Dao and said loudly: "Within ten thousand years, all races shall not appear in the land of human race without reason! Those who violate it will be punished by heaven!"


As a roar sounded, it seemed to be responding to Nuwa's words, which made the whole prehistoric race understand immediately.

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