Honghuang: With a supernatural understanding, I have opened up the divine world of the heavens

Chapter 26 Emperor Jun: The human race should be a member of the demon race

Nuwa created a race after proving the Dao, and then successfully became a saint. After that, she protected the human race for ten thousand years. During this period, all races were not allowed to appear in the human race without reason, and they were not allowed to harm them!

The reason why Nuwa set the time to ten thousand years.

Because any race that wants to develop must go through many difficulties and tests.

If you always rely on the protection of others, you will not grow up.

Especially the human race, which has received much attention from the heaven, needs to be more careful.

If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight!

If the human race wants to develop among the ten thousand races, or even replace the current witch and lich races, it must learn to bear the test.

After doing all this, Nuwa sensed the prehistoric world for a while, and then flew straight out of the chaos.

Since becoming a saint, she found that.

Her every move, every breath, will bring up the extremely huge energy of the prehistoric world.

If she wanted to avoid harming the prehistoric world, she had to go to the chaos and open up a new world, like Gu Changqing, a senior, and walk the prehistoric land with her incarnation.

Thinking of this, she stepped into the void, just as she was about to go to the chaos.

Suddenly, she heard a phoenix cry, and a golden phoenix flew to her feet by itself, and cried a few times from time to time.

Seeing this, Nuwa couldn't help but smile.

She stepped on the golden phoenix's feather back with her jade feet, as if she agreed to the golden phoenix's surrender.

Then she stepped on the jade feet again, and disappeared into the void with a phoenix cry.

Seeing this, the human race underground shouted: "Farewell to the Holy Mother~!"

With the departure of Nuwa, the holy land was gone.

These more than 120,000 innate human races magically grew from a small person as small as a palm to a good man of eight feet tall and a young woman of seven feet tall.


Witch Clan Pangu Temple

The twelve witch ancestors gathered here.

The space witch Emperor Jiang, who was at the top, said solemnly: "The demon clan's Nuwa, actually achieved sainthood!?"

"Brother, I don't know why the clan created by Nuwa is so magical? It can make Nuwa achieve sainthood in an instant!?"

Gong Gong also asked with a surprised look.

"It is very magical, how about we go and see?" said the wood witch Ju Mang.

"No! Brother, brother! After all, the saint Nuwa just warned the ten thousand clans not to get close. If we do this, wouldn't it give the saint an opportunity to do it himself!"

Hou Tu stood up to stop them when she heard that their brothers had this idea.

"Little sister, don't worry. Didn't the saint say it would take ten thousand years? Then what's wrong with us waiting for him for ten thousand years?" Zhu Jiuyin, the time witch, smiled.

"Well, if that's the case, let's ignore it. Now the biggest enemy of our clan should be the two bastards of the demon clan!"

When Emperor Jiang said this, he immediately showed anger on his face.

Due to the Wu clan's wanton conquests in the prehistoric world, the demon clan ascended to heaven in large numbers and joined the heavenly system.

Therefore, the prehistoric land at this time was basically in the hands of the Wu clan.

At this time, the demon clan, which gathered all the tribes in the prehistoric world, was in its heyday, with demon kings and demon gods everywhere, and countless demon soldiers under them.

The Wu clan also vacated a lot of land due to the departure of the demon clan.

The Wu clan, which obtained a large amount of land, also saw its population increase countless times.

The place where Nuwa created humans was not far from the Dayi tribe, which belonged to the ancestor witch Hou Tu.

This is why the Wu clan first knew what the human race was.

Not to mention the Wu clan, Nuwa's creation of humans and becoming a saint made the prehistoric great men envious, and they were also very curious about the human race she created.

What kind of race was it that allowed Nuwa to gain immeasurable merits and thus prove the truth and become a saint in one fell swoop?

After observing from a distance in secret.

It was discovered that this human race had no other special features except that it was born with an innate body of Taoism!

Moreover, they also found that the human race was born extremely weak. Among the more than 100,000 people, not a single one was born sacred. All of them were at the lowest level of the heavenly immortals in the prehistoric world.

It can be said that the strength of this human race is the weakest in the prehistoric world.

Not only is the number of people the smallest, but each of them is at the bottom of the prehistoric world.

Therefore, this puzzled the powerful people who were secretly observing.

Among them, the most curious one was the old ancestor of the Styx. When the other powerful people lost interest, he observed the human race for a full thousand years.

He really found some clues.

First of all, he found that because the human race is a congenital body of Taoism, even without the method of cultivation, it will increase its strength over time.

In addition, the reproductive capacity of the human race is really too fast!

It can be called the best among all the tribes in the prehistoric world!

In just a thousand years, the population of the human race has skyrocketed from more than 100,000 to billions.

Although the number of tribes has increased a lot, the strength is still not worth mentioning.

However, what surprised the Styx was that this human race seemed to be deeply loved by the Heavenly Dao.

He would always bestow merits to reward the actions of the human race.

This action made him understand.

The reason why Nuwa could become a saint was that she created a race that could be loved by the Heavenly Dao!

Deeply inspired, he returned to the Blood Sea and immediately used the souls of all spirits and the source of the Blood Sea to create a race called the Shura Clan.

The Shura Clan is similar to the human race.

There is a serious polarization between men and women, with men being ugly and strong and women being charming and enchanting.

The same is true for the behavior styles of the two, with men being irritable and women being insidious, it's simply amazing!

However, the move of Patriarch Minghe did allow him to gain some merit, and he also killed the good corpse and became a quasi-sage who can kill two corpses, becoming one of the top quasi-sages in the ancient world.

It is said that after Nuwa came to Chaos, she used her great magic power to open up a small thousand worlds - Emperor Wa's Heaven!

Then he moved his Wa Palace in Heaven into his own Wa Palace.

On weekdays, I always stay here, comprehend the way of heaven, and become familiar with the power of the saint's realm.

At this time, heaven.

Emperor Jun, the ten demon saints and many demon gods gathered in Chixiao Palace.

Just when Emperor Jun was secretly sulking that Nuwa left without saying goodbye after becoming a saint, Demon Saint Bai Ze stood up and played.

"Your Majesty, it stands to reason that the human race was created by Emperor Wa and can be considered a member of our demon race. Do we need to bring it to live in the heaven?"

Demon Saint Shang Yang also said after hearing this: "Indeed, the conflicts between our clan and the Witch Clan have increased sharply now. There is no guarantee that the Witch Clan will take action against the Human Clan. If we take good care of the Human Clan, maybe Queen Wa will be happy because of this?"

Emperor Jun was also very excited when he heard this. Just when he was about to order the human race to be brought to heaven, Fuxi actually said it.

"This is inappropriate!"

"Your Majesty, Emperor Xi, what's wrong with this?" Bai Ze asked in surprise.

Di Jun and Dong Huang also looked at Fu Xi curiously.

They still care about Fuxi's opinions.

After all, Fuxi is not only the first emperor of the demon clan, but he is also very powerful. There is also a saint sister behind him.

Fuxi frowned and said: "Based on my understanding of Empress Nuwa, if she is willing to bring the human race to the heaven, she will not directly issue a warning to all races in the prehistoric era. Since she warned all races for ten thousand years, it means that She already has other arrangements for the human race!"

Having said this, he glanced at Di Jun, "Besides, the Wu Clan is not short of wise men. They will not risk offending the saints to provoke the human race within ten thousand years!"

After hearing this, Emperor Jun couldn't help but glance at the ministers in the hall, and then asked tentatively.

"Then what Emperor Yixi means is that we will wait for tens of thousands of years before bringing the human race to heaven?"

"It's feasible!" Fuxi thought for a while and finally smiled.

"In that case, I'll just wait for him for ten thousand years!" Di Jun said with a joyful smile.

As a result, there was peace between the two clans, which lasted for thousands of years.

However, ten thousand years later.

As the human race continues to develop, when they look at the human race again, it really makes all the races in the wild feel extremely surprised.

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