Over the past ten thousand years, not only has the human race developed, but Gu Changqing's Holy Spirit Clan has also flourished.

More than ten thousand years ago, Gu Changqing cultivated eleven trees of life in eleven worlds.

With Gu Changqing's countless resources.

Although the male high-grade tree of life has not bloomed, the ten low-grade trees of life have already produced a batch of innate Holy Spirit Clan.

In addition to the innate Holy Spirits born from their natural combination over the years.

At this time, the number of Gu Changqing's Holy Spirit Clan has exceeded 100,000.

On this day.

Gu Linger, the Holy Spirit Queen, who was stuck at the peak of Taiyi God and could not break through, secretly ran out of Yuanyi Realm when the Holy Spirit Emperor and his mother Xiaosheng were in seclusion.

Gu Linger is very smart.

Since she was a child, she liked to listen to the Holy Spirit Emperor telling stories about the prehistoric world and other worlds.

She had long known about the colorful scenery of the prehistoric world from the Holy Spirit Emperor and other gods.

She couldn't help but feel very yearning for the world outside Yuanyi Realm.

In addition, her cultivation was stuck at the peak of Taiyi God recently and could not break through, so she suddenly had the idea of ​​traveling to the prehistoric world.

But based on her understanding of Mother Goddess Xiao Sheng and His Majesty the Holy Spirit Emperor, they would definitely not agree to her going to the dangerous prehistoric world.

After all, she often heard from the gods that the prehistoric world was a cruel world where only the fittest survived and strength was supreme.

However, this could not stop her yearning for the prehistoric world.

She had been with the Holy Spirit Emperor since she was a child, and she had long understood most of the rules of the gates of the Yuanyi Realm.

Therefore, she deliberately avoided their induction when the Holy Spirit Emperor and Mother Goddess Xiao Sheng were in seclusion.

Then she secretly passed through the gate of the gods, turned to the heaven realm, and then passed through the gate of the heaven realm to the mountain and sea realm, and then went to the prehistoric world from the gate of the mountain and sea realm.

The reason why she did not go directly to the prehistoric world through the gate of the gods of the Yuanyi Realm.

Because she knew that this direct gate had the induction of His Majesty the Holy Spirit Emperor, and no one could avoid the induction of His Majesty the Holy Spirit Emperor.

Therefore, she would go to the Heaven Realm through the boundary gate.

This was also thanks to the help of her good friend in the Heaven Realm, Gabriel, one of the seven archangels in the Heaven Realm.

So, she only brought four personal guards who were also innate holy spirits and the Archangel Gabriel of the Heaven Realm, and went through the gates of the two realms and descended into the prehistoric world together.

The east coast of the prehistoric East Continent.

A huge city is standing here.

All the gods and descendants of the innate divine way are coming and going.

At this time, a ray of light flashed at the teleportation boundary gate.

Several beautiful figures appeared in this huge city.

However, their actions were quite strange, which attracted the curious eyes of the gods passing through the boundary gate.


In order to avoid exposing their identities as the Holy Spirit God Clan, Gu Linger and her guards changed into the appearance of the angel clan.

However, their behavior and dynamics were indeed different from the natural Gabriel on the side.

Fortunately, there are many gods here, and they know Gabriel, an angel from the nine supreme gods, quite well.

That’s why no gods came to check on them, allowing them to easily pass through the gate and arrive at Shanhai City.

“Ling’er, you should relax, we’ve all passed, don’t be nervous.” Facing the excited and cautious Gu Ling’er, Gabriel smiled bitterly.

“Haha, I’m too excited~! By the way, Sister Gabriel, this is the Shanhai City of the Great Dragon God King in the prehistoric world, right?”

Gu Ling’er blushed and smiled embarrassedly at first, then changed the subject and said to the strange Shanhai City.

"Yes, the Shanhai City is in the boundary city of the prehistoric world!"

As he said, Gabriel continued to introduce to Gu Linger and others with shining eyes: "This Shanhai City was built more than 30,000 years ago, covering an area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles. It was built by His Majesty the Tianlong God King and the East China Sea Dragon Clan."

"Then this place is so small, not even as big as my palace!" Gu Linger looked at it for a while, and then said proudly.

Hearing this, Gabriel said with a smile: "My queen, you are the little princess of the God Court, and you are deeply loved by His Majesty the God Emperor. The small Shanhai City certainly can't be compared with your palace!"

"Hahaha~!" Hearing this, Gu Linger couldn't help laughing happily.

As the few people walked and stopped along the way, they came to a slave trading place.

At this time, Gu Linger suddenly stopped and looked at a monster trading stall with curiosity.

Seeing this, Gabriel stopped and looked carefully.

"Come and have a look, come and have a look! These are the hundred human warriors that we captured near the Wu tribe. You can take them home with just one low-grade artifact!..."

The four pig tribe True Immortals shouted at the top of their lungs.

His shouting really attracted the attention of some of the gods in the Mountain and Sea Realm and the gods in other realms.

"Where did the wild immortals come from? Just a hundred or so immortals, and you want to exchange for a low-grade artifact. You are crazy about the artifact!"

The Flying Dragon God Clan cultivator of the Mountain and Sea Clan, who had been watching for a long time, cursed.

"That's right! Just a hundred immortal slaves want to exchange for the artifact of my God Clan. It's just wishful thinking!"

"Yes! Wishful thinking!"


Under the public attack, the leading pig tribe immortal hurriedly explained.

"Friends of the gods, please be patient!" After calming down the gods who were watching.

He pointed to the hundreds of human beings who were sealed and tied together by magic power and continued: "These were created by the Queen of the demon tribe, Nuwa, ten thousand years ago. They are all people with great luck, and they are not just celestial immortals!"

"Why not? In my opinion, they are just a group of weak celestial immortals!"

Hearing this, the captain of the pig tribe immortal smiled and told a story mysteriously.

"Everyone, please listen to me, Zhu Gongni."

"More than a hundred years ago, when I was fighting with a group of Wu Clan members of Dayi Tribe, I accidentally found a group of more than 10,000 people on the way, and then I captured them all.

Because there was not enough food at the time of the battle, I, Zhu Gongni, only captured a hundred or so people, but I never thought that I, Zhu Gongni, would break through from the peak of Xuanxian to the real fairyland!"

Speaking of this, Zhu Gongni couldn't help but smile proudly.

"What? ! ! A hundred or so people allowed you to break through from Xuanxian to the real fairyland?" A Lava Demon Clan monk from the Abyss shouted in disbelief.

"How many do you have left? Hurry up and bring all the more than 10,000 to me, and I will give you a high-quality lower-grade artifact!"

"Hehe~ Sorry, there are only these last hundred or so left!" Zhu Gongni said embarrassedly.

Gu Linger and others on the side couldn't listen anymore after hearing this.

She listened to their conversation with a frown on her face. When she heard that the abominable pig tribe had eaten all the ten thousand humans, leaving only a hundred, she couldn't help but want to step out and stop them.

However, Gabriel, who was standing by, held her down and shook his head at her.

Then, under Gu Linger's dissatisfied gaze, Gabriel walked towards the pig tribe.

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