Time passed slowly.

In Zixiao Palace.

The six saints gathered in Zixiao Palace.

They all looked at each other with wide eyes.

If it was the original fate, the six saints would be fighting for the position of the Emperor of Heaven.

But now, why the six saints have no explanation and don't care about the position of the Emperor of Heaven, it is largely because of Yuan Meng.

In short, what is the status of the Emperor of Heaven? The supreme status between heaven and earth, controlling the existence of the three realms of heaven, earth and man.

But now there is no such thing as the three realms of heaven, earth and man.

In short, the thirty-three heavens are the heavens, the earth is the earth fairy world, and the human world is where mortals live, also called the world of cultivation.

They are collectively called the three realms.

However, the formation of the three realms was after the great catastrophe of the Conferred God, and the three realms were formed by the shattering of the prehistoric world.

Now, there is no such thing as the three realms.

And the Emperor of Heaven is the supreme existence of the three realms, at least in the era when saints did not appear, then the Emperor of Heaven is the supreme existence.

Of course, this is the original fate of the prehistoric world.

But now the appearance of Yuan Meng has brought many changes.

For example, the original position of the Heavenly Emperor, the Three Pure Ones, the Two Saints of the West, and even Nuwa all fought for their own disciples.

But now there is no need for this.

The current prehistoric Heavenly Emperor is almost like a mascot. Although he has the status of the Heavenly Emperor, he may not be able to mobilize other prehistoric creatures.

In simple terms, the current Heavenly Emperor is a mascot. Just do your position as the Heavenly Emperor honestly, and don't bother with social (prehistoric) things.

It's probably like this. There is only a title, but no matching strength. You are bound by rules and regulations, and the most important thing is to manage the operation of the three realms.

Very simple things, such as the disciples of the Three Pure Ones sitting on the position of the Heavenly Emperor, you have to find the dragon clan to make clouds and rain, and now the dragon clan is not in decline.

On the contrary, it is still very glorious.

In addition to the existence of the old antique Zulong, as the Heavenly Emperor, you order the dragon clan to make clouds and rain? Are you sure it is an order, not a request?

Of course, this thing is just an example. If it is to control the clouds and rain, the dragon clan will naturally do it. After all, this is also a merit.

This is not the dragon clan in the original destiny trajectory, the dragon clan that anyone dares to step on.

Then there is the human race.

The three thousand human races have reached the human race, all of which are martial arts quasi-saints, and there are two saints, Nuwa and Yuan Meng, behind them. Are you sure you can calculate the human race?

Not to mention the two witch and demon clans, Nuwa of the demon clan, Pingxin of the witch clan.

The three innate clans, Zulong, Shi Qilin, Yuanhuang, and Yuan Meng of the fierce beast clan!

What is this Emperor of Heaven if not a mascot?

And there is endless anger.

Even if Hongjun is behind you and the saints give you face, what can you do?

Everything has changed. The original destiny trajectory of the prehistoric world has long deviated from the established track and is on the road to conquer the heavens and will never return.

The throne of the Emperor of Heaven, the Three Pure Ones do not want it, the two saints in the West do not want it, and Nuwa naturally does not want it.

This has led to the fact that now, the six saints are unwilling to speak in Zixiao Palace, or they are praising each other for how excellent the disciples they are dealing with are.

It's completely the opposite.

Hongjun opened his eyes, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes. Now, the disciples of the prehistoric creatures who have some ability have been sent to the battlefield outside the domain to plunder the resources of the abyss.

Who is willing to work in the prehistoric world?

"In this case, if you don't want to, I won't force you. Haotian, Yaochi, listen to my orders." Hongjun said slowly.

Haotian and Yaochi, who were guarding the gate, were stunned. Now they are both at the peak of Daluo, and they are only one step away from Quasi-Saints.

"Haotian, Yaochi, should be the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother, control the central heaven of the prehistoric world, and maintain the operation of the prehistoric world." Honghuang said slowly.

Wu Tian and Yao Chi looked at each other, and then said, "Follow the Daozu's order."

"You all should help each other to build the Heavenly Palace." Daozu looked at the Six Saints and said in a deep voice, and then Hongjun closed his eyes.

The Six Saints looked at Haotian and Yao Chi.

He took a deep breath, and it was not bad.

"In this case, my good corpse will be stationed in the Heavenly Palace." Laozi spoke first, and my good corpse was the famous Taishang Laojun.

"Thank you, senior brother." Haotian and Yao Chi said to Laozi at the same time.

When the other saints saw this scene, their eyes twitched. Laozi was generous and directly let his good corpse enter the Heavenly Palace, but the other saints couldn't say anything.

Laozi only has one disciple, Xuandu, who is now on the battlefield outside the domain.

You can't let the only seedling of the Taoist lineage go to the Heavenly Palace.

And the good corpse of a saint has given Wu Tian Hei Yao Chi enough face.

Other saints also arranged for their disciples to enter the Heavenly Court to serve, but the number of people needed by the Heavenly Court was far from enough.

This is not much different from the original fate trajectory.

It is precisely because of this that the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods has begun.

But it is still early.

Fuxi has not yet become the Emperor of Man, and the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of the human race have not yet been born. It is still early for the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods.


Haotian and Yaochi have become the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother from Hongjun's Taoist children.

But all this has just begun.

On Chaos Island!!

Yuan Meng looked at the Honghuang Continent.

"This brat, he didn't know how to come back after he went out. He has been out for thousands of years and is still in the prehistoric land." Yuan Huang said unhappily beside Yuan Meng.

Yuan Meng smiled.

Nan Nan, who was having fun in the prehistoric continent, was suddenly grabbed by a big hand.

"Ah!!!" Nan Nan looked at herself being imprisoned, her whole body was filled with the breath of destruction, the road of destruction emerged, and countless cracks appeared in the space.

"You have become bolder, and you don't even recognize your mother?" Yuan Huang's voice sounded in Nan Nan's ears.

Nan Nan's eyes had a bad look.

"No, mother."

The next moment, Nan Nan returned to Chaos Island.

Looking at Yuan Meng with a smile on his face, and Yuan Huang with a black face.

"Mother." Nan Nan walked to Yuan Huang with a flattering smile on her face and rubbed Yuan Huang's face.

"Now I know I was wrong." Yuan Huang looked at Nan Nan and said unhappily.

"It's not me, it's all Tuanzi. It's Tuanzi who doesn't want to come back." Nannan pointed directly at Tuanzi who was crying beside her.

Tuanzi looked at his little master in confusion.

"You've been out playing for thousands of years, and you don't know how to come back to see your mother. You've really grown up." Yuanhuang directly carried Nannan back.

Prepare to clean up properly.

Yuanmeng smiled and looked at Tuanzi at his feet: "You can go with him."

"Oh, oh, oh!!" Tuanzi cried a few times and chased after Yuanhuang happily.

Yuanmeng couldn't help but smile helplessly.

Nannan will definitely be cleaned up by Yuanhuang.

But Yuanmeng didn't care and looked at the human tribe.

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