Among the Fuxi tribe.

Now Fuxi's prestige among other human tribes has gradually risen.

There is already a tendency to become the co-owner of the human race.

As for why, of course it was Fuxi who deduced the Xiantian Bagua.

The birth of the innate Bagua can be said to be a big event for the human race, as it can predict misfortunes and blessings.

It is precisely because of this that Fuxi's reputation among the human tribes has become even greater.

However, the current human race is still a tribe, a tribal form.

If you want to become the Human Emperor, you must be recognized by other human tribes.

Each tribe has its own style and characteristics.

Fuxi has been teaching Xiantian Bagua to various human tribes over the years, and his reputation gradually spread among the human tribes.

It probably won't take long for Fuxi to become the co-leader of the human race, unite the destiny of the human race and become one of the three emperors of the human race.

Extraterritorial battlefield! ! !

Hundreds of years have passed now.

On this battlefield, many of the primitive creatures also perished, but more demons on the abyss side perished.

In the plane of the abyss.

The six-eared macaque looks at the red sky.

"I don't know what Junior Brother Kong Xuan is like." The six-eared macaque Nannan said. Because of being in the abyss for a long time, the six-eared macaque itself was involuntarily infected with the aura of violence.

In addition, the six-eared macaque itself is one of the four monkeys in the world.

The factor in the bloodline of the six-eared macaque carries an aura of boundless violence.

"Found you!!" A rough voice sounded.

A towering Abyss Demon God appeared behind the six-eared macaque.

"You guys are really haunted." The six-eared macaque turned to look at this abyss demon, a being in the golden immortal realm.

In addition, between heaven and earth, abyss demon gods appeared beside the six-eared macaque, surrounding the six-eared macaque.

All of them are abyss demon gods in the Golden Immortal realm.

The six-eared macaque's body was filled with an aura of violence.

"Did you swallow up a plane soon? There's no need to be so stingy." The six-eared macaque said with a violent aura on his face.

When he first entered the abyss, the six-eared macaque entered a small plane, which was controlled by one of the abyss demon gods.

As a result, the six-eared macaque unceremoniously refined the blood sacrifice of this plane to improve himself.

This is also the reason why the six-eared macaques are constantly being hunted by these abyss demons in the abyss.

"Death!!" The terrifying demon god stretched out his big hand, black demonic flames burned the sky, and endless time and space was contained in his hand, and he suppressed the six-eared macaque directly.

The claws covering the world fell.

next moment.

Golden light rises.

A terrifying giant ape appeared between heaven and earth, with golden hair, wrapped in the light of law, and holding an iron rod like a sky pillar in his hand.

Intertwined with the avenue of war, it shattered time and space and smashed directly towards the Abyss Demon God.

boom! ! !

Endless rain of blood fell.

Black blood rained from the sky, and the arm of the Abyss Demon God was shattered.

Other Abyss Demon Gods also took action.

The six-eared macaque's eyes were filled with blood, and its body was intertwined with immortal golden light. It directly fought with these abyss demons.

Countless stars have fallen.

The entire plane is crumbling.

At the same time, Kong Xuan's side.

Kong Xuan is also constantly being hunted by an Abyss Demon God in the Golden Immortal realm.

Kong Xuan is only in the Xuanxian realm now.

Like the six-eared macaque, Kong Xuan was hunted down by the Abyss Demon God because he had devoured and refined too many Abyss Demons.

But so far, no one above Daluo has taken action in the entire abyss, including the Great Desolation.

The Abyss Lords did not take action either.

They know that if they take action, those of the same realm who are sitting on the battlefield outside the territory will also take action.

As if a silent tacit understanding had been reached, people under the Quasi-Sage were allowed to take action.

As for the others, just pretend they haven’t seen it.

Yuanmeng's side.

Yuan Meng looked at the new people who had joined the chat group.

Xiao Chen! !

Known as a war correspondent, he is a war correspondent who has practiced eight things.

The protagonist in the world of longevity.

"Interesting, finally a member from the Great Thousand Worlds has arrived." Yuan Meng looked at Xiao Chen.

I saw the great world of immortality.

Kyushu, heaven, alien world, ancestor god, supreme ancestor, stone man, stone man emperor! !

Xiao Chen is now at the point in time after his Nirvana, after he has embarked on the two paths of the Ancestral God and the Stone Man.

At this time, the ultimate battle between the other world and Kyushu is about to begin.

Esdeath: "What did I see? The boss of Sixteen Stars!!!"

Yingzheng: "..."

Zhu Yuanzhang: "..."

Kaido: "..."


Busujima Yako: "..."

Xiao Chen: "What is this??"

In the world of immortality, Xiao Chen, who was in heaven, looked at the chat group in his mind with a confused expression.

At this time, Xiao Chen looked confused. He had just come out of Nirvana and successfully embarked on the dual path of ancestral god and stone man.

To put it simply, the ancestral gods follow the path of the Supreme Dharma, while the stone men follow the path of the flesh.

The Ancestral God cultivates immortality and supreme supernatural powers. The stone man walks in a way that his body is immortal and his body is eternal.

If converted into the prehistoric realm, Xiao Chen is now in the Da Luo realm! However, in the world of immortality, stone men and ancestor gods are not the focus. There is another realm above, that is, the emperor and the emperor!

Let’s talk about the Supreme Ancestor here. The Ancestral God reaches the limit of this realm and is called the Supreme Ancestor. The limit of the stone man is called the Stone Man King!

In the chat group.

Yuanmeng: "This is the chat group of all heavens! Created by me."

Esdeath: "Your Majesty has also appeared. Is this how a new boss is treated?"

In the Naruto world, Tsunade looked at Yuanmeng who took the initiative with a hint of complexity in her eyes.

You must know that when she joined the group, Yuan Meng did not come out in person.

Xiao Chen: "Is the chat group of the heavens the world of the heavens? Which world of the heavens and worlds are you from, Your Majesty?"

Yuanmeng: "It does not exist in the world where you are. You can understand it this way. The world you are in is made up of countless worlds, but these worlds form a whole, called the great world of longevity, and I am The world outside this great world of eternity.”

Xiao Chen had a hint of shock in his eyes!!

But he also understood in an instant that Yuanmeng was not the existence of the Changsheng World. The Changsheng World was composed of countless worlds, and this entire world was called the Changsheng World.

Xiao Chen: "Then can I also see my destiny?"

Yuan Meng: "Yes, but I don't recommend it. Look at your fate. Once something is broken, the consequences will be bad, especially if your enemies notice it."

After hearing what Dao Yuanmeng said, Xiao Chen began to believe it.

But looking at the destiny function, Xiao Chen took a deep breath with a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

The current situation in Kyushu is not easy. The entry of foreigners into the group is a great liquidation in the history of civilization. Kyushu is like cattle and sheep raised in captivity by foreigners.

The time has come, it’s time for the harvest from another world.

Xiao Chen: "Then if I really want to watch it, what will be the consequences?"

Yuan Meng: "The consequences are not something you can bear, and they may even destroy the eternal layout of the sages of your world."

Yuan Meng: "If you still don't believe it, then go to the Tiandao Monument and have a look. It will also be good for you."

Looking at Yuan Meng's words, Xiao Chen looked at the Tiandao Monument in the group chat function.

Then Xiao Chen clicked in directly, and then came to a blank space.

The ancient Tiandao stele stands in this space.

Xiao Chen's eyes froze, this was an understanding that was older than the heavenly monument he practiced on, and was full of the aura of the origin of Tao.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen walked over directly.

After touching the Tiandao Monument, he also wanted to know what skills he could inherit.

Endless divine light bloomed on Xiao Chen's body, intertwined with golden immortal divine light.

Yuan Meng smiled when he saw this scene.

"The great world of immortality." Yuan Meng had a hint of planning in his eyes.

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