Honghuang: With a supernatural understanding, I have opened up three thousand demon worlds

Chapter 117 The common leader of the human race, Emperor Fuxi

This world is very big and very old, with a trace of the primitive world in it.

The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, Pangu and Nuwa, all exist. In this ancient world, in addition to Jiuzhou, Heaven, and Otherworld, there are countless other worlds.

There is also a most special world, the Only True World!!

The origin of this world is very sufficient, even if you look at the heavens and all worlds, it is a first-class existence.

Whether it is the Otherworld, Jiuzhou, or Heaven, it contains endless world origins, plus the existence of the Only True World.

Although it is not as good as the world of fierce beasts, it is not much worse, at least it is much stronger than the previous Western Fantasy World.

The highest existence of the creatures in this world is those emperors and emperors, which are quasi-saints if converted to the primitive world.

But this is the upper limit of this world.

Saints cannot be born.

Except for the Only True World, other worlds cannot carry emperors and emperors at all.

This is a defect of the world, something that even emperors and emperors cannot make up for. The emperors and emperors who leave the Only True World will eventually be wiped out by the Great Dao and the world.

Xiao Chen inherited the knowledge in the Heavenly Dao Monument for three days.

Xiao Chen woke up from the inheritance, and the golden Dao divine pattern appeared in Xiao Chen's eyes, and then returned to normal.

Xiao Chen returned to his own world, and the cultivation method inherited from the Heavenly Dao Monument was firmly imprinted in Xiao Chen's mind.

"These are all true." Xiao Chen murmured. He is now a ancestor god, and he is practicing the same way as the ancestor god and the stone man.

His knowledge is naturally not bad.

He doesn't think that people from other worlds will use such things to deceive him, and he is not a great figure in Jiuzhou.

He is not qualified to be calculated by those stone kings and supreme ancestors from other worlds.

Xiao Chen: "Your Majesty, what should I do now?"

Yuan Meng: "It depends on you."

Xiao Chen: "Your Majesty, what is your purpose?"

Xiao Chen said with a solemn look in his eyes. He doesn't think that Yuan Meng, who has spent all his efforts to use these things for the members of the group, is not asking for anything in return.

Yuan Meng: "Merge worlds, and then I will merge your world with my world."

Xiao Chen's eyes were filled with shock. Merge worlds?

How exactly is it merged, is it swallowed or something else? Xiao Chen felt a little heavy in his heart.

Yuan Meng: "It is also a great benefit for the creatures in your world, just like when you ascended from the mortal world to the Jiuzhou Everlasting World. Do you understand what I mean?"

Xiao Chen's eyes were filled with a gleam of light. After hearing this, Xiao Chen understood.

But there was also a trace of suspicion in his heart. He didn't know why Yuan Meng did this.

Looking at the fate function of the chat group, Xiao Chen still chose not to look at it. He was afraid that what Yuan Meng said was true.

If he really saw the fate behind and caused the calculation of the ancestors of Jiuzhou to fail, he would not be able to forgive himself. Now Xiao Chen has already vaguely felt that the ancestors of Jiuzhou have laid out the eternal situation.

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time. There is no need for such an existence to deceive me like this." Xiao Chen murmured, and then closed the chat group.

Begin to sort out your gains.

On the Chaos Island of Honghuang.

Yuan Meng thought with a trace of thoughtfulness in his eyes.

If the Changsheng World is integrated, then the Fierce Beast World should be able to get a qualitative improvement.

Of course, it is impossible to catch up with Honghuang.

Honghuang is the highest Honghuang.

There are seven saints born.

Of course, the saints here are worthy of Hongjun and others.

Seven saints, nine saints are the limit of this Honghuang, which means that the current Honghuang can still give birth to two Heavenly Saints.

As for the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it is not included.

Let's talk about other creatures. Whether it is the three innate tribes, the ferocious beast tribe, or the two witch and lich tribes, these are all things that other worlds cannot breed.

Maybe some worlds can breed one or two tribes.

But it is impossible to breed all of them. Except for Honghuang, other worlds basically cannot do it.

Here it refers to the innate breeding of so many creatures.

And this is just talking about the famous races in Honghuang.

Other less famous ones, such as the Tianyi Clan where Qingtian is, the White Tiger Clan among the four innate spirits, and things like the Demon Realm.

This is still the unstrengthened Honghuang. Honghuang itself can give birth to so many races.

This is not to catch up with Honghuang by merging a great world.

But for Yuan Meng, it is also a quality improvement.

You must know that if the origin of the fierce beast world becomes stronger, then Yuan Meng will also be improved.

Now Yuan Meng naturally has to plan the Changsheng World carefully.

It is best to preserve the Changsheng World to the maximum extent.

But now, Yuan Meng is not in a hurry. There is no need for Yuan Meng to merge the Changsheng World now. Wait until the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of the Changsheng World take action and sacrifice the only true world to the other worlds of the Changsheng World.

That is when Yuan Meng will take action.

There is no need to take action now.

Honghuang World!!

Time passes slowly.

In the human tribe, after a thousand years, Fu Yi traveled through all the human tribes and passed down his innate Bagua.

Unprecedented reputation among the human race.

The coast of the East China Sea, this is the origin of the human race, and also the ancestral land!!

A huge altar appeared in the tribe of the human race.

The three ancestors of the human race also walked out of the small world.

Today is the time for Fuxi to ascend to the position of the emperor of the human race.

Time passed slowly.

All the leaders of the human tribes came here.

Then watched Fuxi step by step onto the altar.

"Heaven is above, I am Fuxi of the human race, I created the innate eight trigrams and spread them throughout the human race. Now my merits are complete, I should be the common leader of the human race, and the heaven will witness it!!!"

Fu's voice resounded through the prehistoric emperor.

Nuwa on Chaos Island opened her eyes and looked in the direction of Fuxi, then disappeared in the palace and appeared in the ancestral temple of the human race.

Heaven brought down merits.

Fuxi sat cross-legged on the dragon horse, and the luck of humanity emerged on his body.

Fuxi, one of the Three Emperors of Heaven, Earth and Man, was born!!!

"We pay our respects to the Emperor of Man!!!" The leaders of other human tribes said to Fubiao in unison.

After absorbing the merits of Heaven, Fuxi opened his eyes, and his own aura continued to break through, and then he reached the realm of sub-sage before stopping!!

Of course, this is because of the blessing of Heaven's merits and the luck of the human race, combined with one-third of the Hongmeng purple air, that Fuxi reached the realm of sub-sage.

Fuxi opened his eyes, and the aura of sub-sage permeated, but this also means that Fuxi is only at the realm of sub-sage, and it is impossible to break through Hunyuan.

This can be regarded as taking a shortcut. With the blessing of the fruit position, Fuxi reached this realm.

Nuwa had a smile on her face.

"Human Fuxi, meet the Holy Mother." Fuxi looked at Nuwa with a hint of strangeness in his eyes and said.

Nuwa shook her head and helped Fuxi up.

Fuxi had a hint of emotion in his eyes.

The three ancestors left the ancestral temple tactfully.

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