On Chaos Island.

Yuan Meng suddenly opened his eyes, and endless laws appeared and intersected in Yuan Meng's eyes.

"Interesting." Yuan Meng disappeared on Chaos Island and appeared in Chaos.

Endless chaos was constantly rolling.

Yuan Meng walked in Chaos, time was illusory, and it passed through Yuan Meng.

A Chaos Ancient Beast at the peak of Quasi Saint.

Yuan Meng stretched out a finger, and the bright light surrounded Yuan Meng's fingertips, which looked like a candle that would be extinguished at any time. Looking closely, it seemed that infinite worlds were circling and intersecting on the light of this fingertips.

"Destroy!" Yuan Meng said lightly.

This Chaos Ancient Beast at the peak of Quasi Saint collapsed.

Yuan Meng directly collected its origin. Although it was useless to Yuan Meng, it was a good thing for those under his command.

The origin of a Chaos Ancient Beast at the peak of Quasi Saint was enough to feed countless small worlds.

A golden road was interwoven under Yuan Meng's feet, extending into the endless chaos.

Yuan Meng stepped onto the road and appeared at the edge of chaos.

A decayed world appeared in Yuan Meng's eyes.

"The decayed and withered world seems to have encountered some terrible darkness." Yuan Meng looked at the decayed world.

It was precisely because of this that Yuan Meng came to the chaos from the Chaos Island.

"The decayed world." Yuan Meng saw through the world with endless laws in his eyes, and there were still many creatures in it.

However, these creatures were decayed and eroded by darkness, and the whole world showed a dilapidated scene.

"Such a world is really rare. The world's will has dried up and died completely. It seems that it can't hold on for long." Yuan Meng murmured.

Then he stretched out his big hand.

This decayed world appeared in Yuan Meng's hand.

Yuan Meng looked at the world in his hand, and endless divine light appeared in his eyes, intertwined.

The long river of time appeared in Yuan Meng's eyes, and the reason why this world has declined like this appeared in front of Yuan Meng.

"The Fallen!" Yuan Meng looked at this decayed world with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The cause of the decline has been found by Yuan Meng, the Fallen!!

Those sources of darkness hidden in the endless void of the heavens and myriad worlds.

Each one is an existence above Daluo.

The source of darkness that erodes other worlds.

There is a general name, called the Fallen.

Each Fallen has at least one world in his hands, or several worlds have died.

This big world is the same.

These Fallen are like hunters hidden in the darkness, spying on every world.

They feed on the origin of the world and all living things.

They are called Fallen, the source of darkness, or the source of unrest, the source of disaster, whatever.

Yuan Meng directly crushed this big world.

The origin of this big world has been swallowed up and wandering in the endless void.

Even if Yuan Meng does not take action, it will not take long for this big world to completely collapse. Now the only value of this big world is to see if it can touch other worlds in the heavens and myriad worlds.

Thus becoming a signpost for the source of darkness and invading new worlds.

"These sources of darkness may be good medicines, but unfortunately, they are too difficult to find." Yuan Meng couldn't help thinking.

The current prehistoric world is not suitable for conquering the outside world, otherwise, Yuan Meng would not mind letting this big world become a signpost for the source of darkness to descend on the prehistoric world.

The great calamity of the witches and liches has not passed yet, and Yuan Meng does not want to interfere with the progress of the prehistoric world because of things in the outside world.

After the war between witches and liches, it is the time for the prehistoric world to conquer the world.

Before that, Yuan Meng did not intend to let the prehistoric world appear in the outside world.

As for the subsequent calamities, whether it is the calamity of the Conferred God or the Journey to the West, they are nothing more than internal struggles between saints. Yuan Meng does not want to care about these trivial matters at all.

After doing all this, Yuan Meng went directly back to the prehistoric world.

Time passed, and billions of years passed.

This day!

In the prehistoric world, countless creatures felt a terrifying pressure.

Above the sky, endless purple air filled the air, golden lotus emerged from the ground, and countless auspicious clouds appeared in the sky.

Billions of immortal lights appeared in the prehistoric world with Yujing Mountain as the center.

The world of three thousand immortal ways needs to appear.

Hongjun's figure appeared in the prehistoric world.

Yuan Meng on Chaos Island opened his eyes: "Here it comes."

Zulong, Yuanhuang, and Shi Qilin all opened their eyes and looked at the square where Hongjun was.

They all knew that Hongjun had become a saint.

A voice sounded in the prehistoric world.

Lying high in the ninth heaven, I have realized the truth of Taoism.

Beyond the heaven and earth, I will be the master of the sect.

Pangu gave birth to Taiji, and the two yin and yang and four images followed.

One way passed on to three friends, and the two sects were divided into Chan and Jie.

The leader of Xuanmen, one Qi turned into Hongjun.

"I am Hongjun, who became a saint today. Thinking that the prehistoric creatures have no way to seek Taoism, I opened a Taoist temple in the chaos. After 30,000 years, everyone with a predestined relationship can come here to listen to Taoism!!"

Yuan Meng looked in the direction of Hongjun with a smile on his face.

Hongjun finally chose the path of being in harmony with the heavenly way.

Originally, he had the opportunity to take the great path, but Hongjun gave up and chose the path of being in harmony with the Way of Heaven.

Hongjun's preaching is a good thing for the prehistoric creatures, especially the acquired creatures, but it is not a good thing for the innate creatures.

Especially for those who are born with great supernatural powers and have inherited the legacy.

It is clear in their hearts that Hongjun is teaching the Way of Heaven, not the Way of the Great Dao.

Among the three thousand guests in Zixiao Palace, how many are innate great supernatural powers?

In other words, those who are famous are considered innate great supernatural powers, such as Sanqing, Nuwa and others.

But now they have just embarked on the road of Daluo.

It is still very far from being a quasi-saint.

On Chaos Island.

Yuan Meng looked at the Eternal King who appeared in front of him.

"What's the matter?" Yuan Meng looked at the Eternal King and said lightly.

"Your Excellency, Hongjun has become a saint. Should we prepare something?" The Eternal King thought about Yuan Meng and said.

Hearing the words of the Eternal King, Yuan Meng was a little silent.

Originally, Yuan Meng didn't want to pay attention to Hongjun, but he had to give some face to him since he became a saint.

"No need to prepare anything. When the time comes, the ten kings of fierce beasts can go together to listen to the teachings." Yuan Meng said slowly.

"I understand, Your Excellency." The Eternal King said respectfully.

"Anything else?" Yuan Meng looked at the Eternal King.

"Your Majesty, I want to report the current situation of the ferocious beasts." Wang Gu Wang said with a smile on his face.

"Tell me about it." Yuan Meng looked at Wang Gu Wang.

"Your Majesty, the number of ferocious beasts has exceeded billions, including more than 3,000 ferocious beasts in the quasi-saint realm, millions of ferocious beasts in the Daluo realm, more than 100 million ferocious beasts above the Golden Immortal realm, and no statistics of ferocious beasts below the Golden Immortal realm." Wang Gu Wang said with joy.

"Yes." Yuan Meng nodded.

According to Wang Gu Wang, the ferocious beasts can now be said to be the largest tribe in the prehistoric world.

There are more than 3,000 quasi-saints, millions of Daluo realms, and more than 100 million ferocious beasts above the Golden Immortal realm. It seems a lot, but you have to know that there are more basic ferocious beasts.

It doesn't seem to be a lot.

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