Honghuang: With a supernatural understanding, I have opened up three thousand demon worlds

Chapter 49 Hongjun: Damn, someone became a saint earlier than me!

"Go to Hongjun, just give him some face. As for the way Hongjun talks about, it is the way of heaven, which is different from the way we walk, but it also complements each other. There is no need to understand too much." Yuan Meng said slowly.

"The road is made by yourself, not by others. At your level, you should understand what you are missing now." Yuan Meng said in a deep voice.

"I know, Your Majesty." The King of Eternal Age nodded seriously.

Then the King of Eternal Age returned to the ancestral city of the fierce beast clan and began to summon the other ten kings to prepare for Hongjun's preaching 30,000 years later.

What Yuan Meng considered was very simple.

The ten kings of fierce beasts, ten sub-saints, represent the goodwill of the fierce beast clan.

You, Hongjun, became a saint, and I have given you enough face.

Yuan Meng believes that Hongjun also understands Yuan Meng's thoughts.

Moreover, the moment Hongjun became a saint, he knew the existence of Yuan Meng. Yuan Meng was at the same level as himself, and even became a saint earlier than himself.

If Yuan Meng went by himself, it would not be a good thing. You have to know that Hongjun was giving a sermon, and Hongjun was the protagonist. What would you do?

Would you want to slap Hongjun in the face?

That's why Yuan Meng chose not to go.

Similarly, the Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan, and Qilin Clan all sent a sub-sage from their clan to go to Zixiao Palace, which was also a face-saving move for Hongjun.

As for Zulong, Yuanhuang, and Shi Qilin, they also had their own plans for not going.

They would not think that they were inferior to Hongjun. You have to know that they were all of the same generation, and it was only a matter of time before they broke through. Sending someone to go had already stated their position.

And it would be embarrassing to go there. Except for Hongjun, even the Three Pure Ones were their backs.

Would they sit with their backs? Crowded together to listen to Hongjun's sermon?

Zulong, Yuanhuang, and Shi Qilin could not afford to lose face. Although they had not yet become saints, they would not do this.

The most important reason was that Zulong and others walked on the Great Dao, while Hongjun walked on the Great Dao, which was essentially different.

Because of this, the three Zulongs made the same choice as Yuan Meng.

Time passed.

Thirty thousand years had passed.

For the prehistoric creatures, nothing was more important than listening to a saint preach.

Chaos rolled, and countless purple lights suddenly appeared in the chaos.

A Taoist palace floated in the chaos, and there was a pair of golden boys and jade girls at the door, who were the famous Jade Emperor and Queen Mother in later generations.

Now they were just Taoist children sitting under Hongjun.

Who knew that these two Taoist children would be the Lord of the Heavenly Court and the head of the female immortals in later generations.

With the continuous rolling of chaos.

Thirty thousand years are coming.

Yuan Meng arrived at the Zixiao Palace naturally as the Three Pure Ones.

Laozi, Yuanshi, and Tongtian are now all Daluo Jinxian. The reason why their strength is improving so slowly is largely because the Three Pure Ones have never walked in the prehistoric world since they were born.

It is already very good to be able to reach Daluo Jinxian after practicing hard behind closed doors.

The Three Pure Ones arrived at the gate of Zixiao Palace, looked at Haotian Yaochi, and the two Taoist children, and then went directly into Zixiao Palace.

In addition to the futon on the high platform, there were only six futons in front of the Zixiao Palace.

The Three Pure Ones sat on them without hesitation and occupied three futons.

Then there was a noise outside the door, and three men and one woman appeared outside the door.

One of them had a ruddy face and smiled at everyone. He was also Hongyun, the first unlucky person in the prehistoric world.

The other one had an endless gloomy face, the first Kunpeng in the prehistoric world!

The demon master Kunpeng in later generations.

The other two.

The man was elegant and graceful, with a smile on his handsome face.

The woman had curiosity in her eyes and a cold face on her beautiful face.

Fuxi, Nuwa! !

The four of them walked into Zixiao Palace together and looked at the remaining three seats.

Fuxi had a hint of strangeness in his eyes. He and Nuwa were both in the early stage of Daluo, Hongyun was in the middle stage of Daluo, and Kunpeng was the same.

Thinking of this, Fuxi made a decision.

He took Nuwa to sit on the fourth cushion. Nuwa wanted to give it to Fuxi, but Fuxi shook his head and stood behind Fuxi without saying anything.

Seeing Fuxi's appearance.

Kunpeng and Hongyun didn't say anything.

Hongyun sat on the fifth cushion directly, and Kunpeng then sat on the last cushion.

"I am Tongtian, and I have met a few Taoist friends." Tongtian said to Nuwa, Fuxi, Hongyun and others around him.

"Nuwa, Fuxi has met Taoist friends." Fuxi responded with a hearty smile on his face.

As time passed, Fuxi chatted with Tongtian in Zixiao Palace.

Laozi sat on the first cushion calmly. Yuanshi was a little displeased that Tongtian beside him was talking to others, but it was nothing.

Nuwa looked at Tongtian curiously who was talking to her brother.

Hongyun smiled foolishly and interjected from time to time.

Kunpeng sat gloomily in the last seat and kept silent.

Soon, there was a sound outside Zixiao Palace.

Two golden suns rose in the chaos, one with an ancient bell on top, and the other with two books on top, and then turned into a human form and appeared at the entrance of Zixiao Palace.

Dijun, Taiyi!!!

Just when the two had just arrived.

A woman in palace clothes walked in the chaos without any protection. She was obviously only Daluo, but she was not afraid of the erosion of chaos at all, and walked towards Zixiao Palace.

You must know that ordinary Daluo will choose Lingbao to protect themselves when facing such dangerous chaos, but this woman in palace clothes is like walking weakly in the courtyard.

It was Hou Tu, one of the twelve ancestral witches.

Originally, the Wu clan didn’t want to come, but Houtu thought about it and came anyway. After all, there is no place between heaven and earth.

The first saint must still give him the face he deserves.

Although I don’t understand, it doesn’t stop Hou Tu from coming here.

The three of them entered the hall at the same time.

Look at the people who have arrived inside.

The three of them were stunned for a moment, and then they didn't care about anything. They just found a place and sat on the ground.

As time goes by, more and more people come to Zixiao Palace.

Among them were Ran Deng and Zhen Yuanzi, who were famous for their supernatural powers in later generations.

Hongjun's figure appeared on the high platform.

When Haotian and Yaochi were also preparing to close the gate of Zixiao Palace.

Chaos rolled, and two tattered figures walked out of the chaos, appeared in front of the gate of Zixiao Palace, and walked in.

Looking at the people who have arrived in Zixiao Palace, greet them and mention them!

Both of them had bitterness on their faces, and the one who led the way was even more bitter.

"Brother, we are late. It's a pity that we have traveled hundreds of millions of miles from the west to come here. Who knows, we don't even have a place to sit. We might as well crash to death in this hall." As he said this, Zhunti said Prepare to hit the pillar in Zixiao Palace.

The corners of the other great supernatural powers' mouths twitched.

They are all Da Luo. If you can be killed here, then Da Luo is too worthless.

At this time, a person stood up. Yes, it was the good old man Hongyun.

The first unlucky guy.

"Why are you doing this, fellow Taoist? Just come and sit." Hongyun said to Zhunti.

Zhunti's eyes lit up and he pulled Jie Yin in front of Hong Yun, and immediately let Jie Yin sit on Hong Yun's futon.

Hongyun looked at this scene with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

Zhen Yuanzi on the side was a little helpless. He was delayed because of something, so he came late. Looking at Hongyun, Zhen Yuanzi didn't know what to say.

But what happened next made all the gods have a new understanding of shamelessness.

After sitting on the fifth futon, Zhunti looked at Nuwa, but looking at Fuxi standing behind Nuwa, he finally chose Kunpeng.

"What qualifications do you have to sit here?" Zhunti directly attacked Kunpeng.

Jie Yin looked at Kunpeng with eager eyes but said with a bitter look on his face: "Fellow Taoist, my junior brother and I are coming from the west. Please make it easy for me."

Kunpeng's expression turned extremely ugly.

Zhunti, led the two of them to join forces to put pressure on Kunpeng.

Tongtian frowned and couldn't see it, and was about to say something.

But Yuan Shi spoke first: "What qualifications do people wearing feathers have to sit with me?"

Kunpeng was stunned for a moment, and then he was knocked out by Zhunti, who sat down on the last futon.

Kunpeng looked ugly and was about to attack.

Hongjun spoke at this time: "Quiet, you will take this seat from now on."

After speaking, Hongjun remained silent, but took down his position.

Kunpeng's expression turned extremely ugly.

He glared at Hongyun fiercely.

Everything started because of Hongyun.

Hongyun was also a little at a loss, and was finally pulled by Zhen Yuanzi to sit next to him.

"Fellow Taoist, you've caused quite a lot of trouble this time." Zhen Yuanzi said in a low voice.

Hongyun opened her mouth and smiled coquettishly.

Just at this time.

In the chaos outside Zixiao Palace.

A black unicorn, a colorful true phoenix, and a golden true dragon cut through the chaos and appeared outside the Zixiao Palace.

The pupils of the gods in Zixiao Palace shrank.

The three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn! !

If this is the case, these gods will not be so surprised. They know the reputation of the three innate clans.

But this is too tyrannical.

Each of these three creatures can easily destroy the gods in Zigu Palace, including Sanqing.

"Dragon Clan: Ao Mie, on behalf of the Dragon Clan, congratulates Taoist Hongjun on becoming a saint!!"

"Phoenix Clan: Huang Yin, on behalf of the Phoenix Clan, congratulates Taoist Hongjun on becoming a saint!!"

"Qilin Clan: Qilin, on behalf of the Qilin Clan, congratulates Dao Ancestor Hongjun for becoming a saint!!"

Hongjun opened his eyes with a hint of joy: "Good!!"

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