Honghuang: With a supernatural understanding, I have opened up three thousand demon worlds

Chapter 85 Jie Yin Zhunti: The demon race should be destroyed

This side of Chaos Island.

Yuan Meng sensed something strange and looked towards the Western Fantasy World.

Liuer Macaque was fighting with a main god at this time.

Sun God: Apollo!

Authority: Light!

Also called the God of Light.

At this moment, Liuer Macaque was holding a fairy gold iron stick, with an endless tyrannical aura on his body. The iron stick in his hand shattered half of the stars in the Western Fantasy World and smashed towards Apollo.

Apollo was wearing golden armor and holding a magic sword. Endless sun fire gathered on the magic sword and chopped directly at Liuer Macaque.

Liuer Macaque's body cracked, and countless blood-colored lines appeared, and bright red blood was flowing.

However, the aura on his body surged again.

"Kill!" Liuer Macaque had an endless fierce light in his eyes. When the iron stick was swung, endless time and space were broken, although he was only in the realm of Xuanxian.

But the combat power of Liuer Macaque is not weaker than that of ordinary Golden Immortals. Of course, the Golden Immortals here refer to the Golden Immortals after Hongjun merged with the Dao.

Not the Golden Immortals of the ancient times, but before the ancient times.

Yuan Meng looked at this scene. Although Apollo's current realm is the realm of pseudo-Daluo, the combat power he exerted is not much stronger than Liuer.

The reason why Liuer is so miserable is just because of the suppression of Apollo's realm.

The gap between Xuanxian and Daluo is still too big, even Liuer can't cross such a big gap.

"Are you going to die?" Liuer Macaque panted and looked at Apollo.

The fighting spirit in his body was boiling, and endless Dao emerged from Liuer's body.

The next moment, Liuer's eyes were filled with endless fierceness, and he gathered the last mana, and a stick broke towards Apollo.

Apollo's eyes were filled with endless divine light, and endless sun fire gathered.

"Outside the domain evil demons, all deserve to die." Apollo's hand pierced through the body of Liuer Macaque.

The light in Liu'er Macaque's eyes gradually extinguished.

His body fell directly from the sky into the endless sea.

Yuan Meng looked at this scene and had no intention of taking action. Liu'er was not dead yet, but he was almost dead. The fire of the sun was constantly burning Liu'er's body.

For Liu'er, it was a crisis and an opportunity. If he could survive, he would have a bright future. If he couldn't survive, Yuan Meng had to take action.

After all, Liu'er was Yuan Meng's first disciple anyway. Losing was not terrible. What was terrible was that he would never be able to stand up again after losing.

And Liu'er was able to cross realms and fight Apollo for so long, which was not bad.

Even if he was defeated, there was nothing to say. If he lost so badly in the same realm, then Yuan Meng would have to consider whether to retrain Liu'er.

Yuan Meng glanced at Liu'er.

He found that Liu'er was not in any crisis.

If he had to say, it was whether Liu'er could survive this time. Of course, Yuan Meng must have thought that Liu'er would survive by himself, which was a good thing for Liu'er.

Maybe he could break it and then stand up, and step into the realm of the Golden Immortal in one fell swoop.

Yuan Meng left a trace of divine thought on Liu Er and then retracted his gaze.

On Chaos Island!

Yuan Meng watched Nan Nan rushing towards him, with a big flag behind her, emitting the breath of chaos.

Five Elements Flag.

It was directly combined by Yuan Meng's five elements into a Chaos Flag, an innate treasure.

Yuan Meng gave it directly to Nan Nan.

But now Nan Nan can't control it very well.

At the same time, a black and white ball followed Nan Nan and rolled and crawled over.

"You two little guys." Yuan Meng smiled and picked up Nan Nan, making Nan Nan giggle.

"Daddy, play with me." Nan Nan said to Yuan Meng in a baby voice.

"Okay, Daddy will play with you." Yuan Meng said with a smile, holding Nan Nan and walking towards the island.

Time passed slowly.

Time passed by like a white horse passing by, and in the blink of an eye, ten thousand years had passed.

Sanqing and others also finished their retreat, completely stabilized their own realm, and at the same time opened up their own Dao Palace in the chaos outside the sky.

This is basically what every saint has to do.

The two saints in the West also came out of retreat.

"Brother, now in this prehistoric world, all races only respect the demon race and do not respect the saints." Zhunti said slowly, revealing his fangs and ambitions.

The silence before was because of insufficient strength.

Now the words are different.

Now that the two of them have become saints, there is no place that they cannot go in the prehistoric world.

Especially now that the witch clan and the demon clan are powerful, there is also a problem that what should they, the saints, do?

The creatures of all races now only respect the demon clan, that is, Di Jun and Taiyi, which is something that the saints cannot tolerate.

Zhunti's words made Jie Yin's eyes also reveal a gleam of light: "It should be destroyed."

"Good!" Zhunti's eyes were shining.

If the West wants to flourish, the first thing is to have enough creatures.

Now the creatures in the prehistoric world, the ones with potential are basically in the Central Asian region and the east of the prehistoric world, and there are not many creatures with potential in the south and the north.

This is why Zhunti wants to plan the demon clan.

The demon clan can be said to be the first force in the prehistoric world now. Of course, the premise is that the three innate clans do not appear and the fierce beast clan does not appear. The demon clan is the first force in the prehistoric world.

It is not the first force after the appearance, this is certain.

Even if there are more creatures in the prehistoric world, compared with the three innate tribes or the fierce beast tribe, the demon tribe has an advantage in quantity, but the quality of the demon tribe is completely incomparable to the three innate tribes and the fierce beast tribe.

Zhunti and Jieyin have reasons to plot against the demon tribe.

Zhunti and Jieyin are also blind to the three innate tribes and the fierce beast tribe, especially the fierce beast tribe.

The ancestral city of the fierce beast tribe is at the junction of the western and southern parts of the prehistoric world.

Zhunti and Jieyin know very well what the fierce beast tribe is like.

But after becoming a saint, Zhunti and Jieyin understood in their hearts.

Whether it is the three innate tribes or the fierce beast tribe, they are all ruled by saint-level beings.

As for plotting against the demon tribe.

That is because the demon tribe has no saints.

You mean Nuwa?

Nuwa is just a figurehead in the demon tribe, which is a recognized thing.

It is okay to shock other tribes, but it is completely useless for Zhunti and Jieyin.

This is also the main reason why Zhunti and Jieyin plotted against the demon clan.

It is still a question of strength and foundation.

The demon clan does not have enough foundation and strength after all.

Compared with the three innate clans and the fierce beast clan, they are much more troublesome. If they really take action, I am afraid that they will not let them go so easily.

A saint-level revenge, unless your Buddhist sect does not step out of the Western land in this life, otherwise, you can wait for the revenge of a saint.

Zhunti and Jieyin also know this, so they set their sights on the demon clan.

Of course, this was originally one of their plans to revive the West.

Then Zhunti took a step and disappeared in the Western land.

Appeared again, appeared in Tang Valley.

This place was banned by Di Jun, but it was useless for Zhunti, who was already a saint. Zhunti directly turned into an old man and appeared in Tang Valley.

"Hey, how did you appear here, old Taoist?" The eldest of the ten sons of Jinwu looked at Zhunti and asked.

"I also stumbled here by mistake." The old Taoist incarnation of Zhunti said with a look of fear.

"You are so timid." The leader of the Golden Crow looked at the old man incarnation of Zhunti and laughed.

The ten sons of the Golden Crow flew over together.

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