"Hey, Taoist priest, do you know what's going on outside now?" The fifth one among the Golden Crows asked the incarnation of Zhunti with a hint of curiosity.

"Now, the witch and demon clans are fighting each other, especially the witch clan has bullied the Taoist demon clan. I heard that the demon emperor Jun was beaten."

The old man who was the incarnation of Zhunti said tremblingly,

"What!!!" The eldest of the Golden Crows said with a hint of anger in his eyes.

"Is what you said true, Taoist priest?" The ten sons of the Golden Crow said in unison.

"How dare the Taoist priest lie to the ten sons of the Golden Crow." The old man who was transformed by Zhunti said to the ten sons of the Golden Crow.

"It's absurd, brothers, let's go and vent our anger for our father and burn them to death." The eldest prince who was in the lead said with boundless anger.

The sun's true fire on his body burned fiercely.

Afterwards, they didn't care about the existence of Zhunti, and flew out of Tanggu one by one and appeared in the prehistoric world.

The old Taoist priest who was transformed by Zhunti smiled, and then wiped out all traces of himself, disrupted the secret of heaven, and disappeared in Tanggu.

On the prehistoric land, ten suns appeared in the sky on this day. Including the original sun, there were eleven suns hanging in the sky.

At the beginning, the golden sun fire burned on the prehistoric land.

It caused boundless killing.

On Chaos Island.

Yuan Meng noticed this scene, with a trace of thought in his eyes.

The ten sons of the Golden Crow, the top existences in the prehistoric world with great potential, it would be a pity to die like this.

And as for Buddhism, Yuan Meng did not like Buddhism very much.

"Forget it, I will take action when the time comes." Yuan Meng said lightly, with a gleam in his eyes.

If we take action now, there is no need, and it is time for the witch to withdraw from the prehistoric stage.

This time will be an opportunity for the witch to withdraw from the prehistoric stage.

The prehistoric land.

In the human witch tribe of the witch clan.

A giant looked at the tribe he was protecting, which was directly burned by ten golden crows, and chased after the ten golden crows in anger.


A great witch of the witch clan!

"Damn flat-haired beast." Kuafu's eyes were filled with boundless anger, and he waved the peach wood stick in his hand, as if the whole world was shaking.

The ten sons of Jinwu quickly dodged Kuafu's attack with horror.

Turned into long rainbows and disappeared in the sky, and Kuafu chased after them directly.

Crossed endless mountains and rivers.

Chased from the eastern part of the prehistoric world where the tribe of the human witch was located to the northern part of the prehistoric world.

The Jinwu clan's Jinwu turned into a rainbow and was also one of the fastest in the world.

Although Kuafu had the cultivation of Daluo, he was still a little short of catching up with the ten sons of Jinwu in terms of speed.

After the ten sons of Jinwu found that Kuafu could not catch up with him, they began to tease Kuafu constantly.

Because of the confusion of the heavenly secrets.

Di Jun, Taiyi and others did not notice that the ten sons of Jinwu had left Tanggu.

The people of the demon clan did find it, but when they went to report.

A great witch in the witch clan also stood up.

The ten sons of Jinwu teased Kuafu and returned to the witch clan's tribe.

Endless sun fire fell and burned in the tribe of the Wu Clan.

"Is the Wu Clan just like this?" The second of the ten sons of the Golden Crow looked at Kuafu, who was obviously a great witch, with a teasing look in his eyes, but could not catch up with himself and his brothers, and said with disdain on his face.

At this moment, a long arrow directly pierced through his body, and the martial arts will on it was wiping out his soul.

"Second brother!!!" The eldest of the Golden Crows roared in horror, looking at the long arrow on the chest of the second prince of the Golden Crow.

A great witch of the Wu Clan on the ground, holding a longbow, nodding the arrow, aiming at the ten sons of the Golden Crow above the sky.

The next moment.

A long arrow pierced through time and space and directly hit the eldest prince of the Golden Crow.

"Big brother." The remaining eight Golden Crows looked at the eldest and second sons who fell from the sky to the ground, and they were all terrified.

"Go quickly, go back and tell my father." The third prince of the Golden Crow said with horror.

When the remaining eight Golden Crows wanted to leave.

The great witch bent his bow and nodding the arrow again! !

Another golden crow fell from the sky.

The Great Witch had an endless indifference on his face, and he kept drawing his bow and arrows. Nine of the ten golden crows fell in an instant.

"Ah!" A violent roar resounded through the prehistoric world.

When Di Jun and Tai Yi arrived, only the youngest golden crow was still alive.

The other nine golden crows didn't even have corpses.

Di Jun fell into a rage, and the boundless sun fire burst out.

"Hou Yi, you deserve to die!" Di Jun looked at the descendant of the Great Witch like a wounded beast.

There was a trace of solemnity in the descendant's eyes. He was only at the Great Witch realm, that is, the Daluo realm, and was far inferior to Di Jun and Tai Yi.

"Miscellaneous bird, why are you not hanging in the sky and coming to my witch clan?" "A rough voice sounded.

Zhu Rong appeared in front of Di Jun, Tai Yi and others.

"Father, Uncle Tai Yi, Big Brother, Big Brother, they are all dead. "The last golden crow flew in front of Di Jun and Tai Yi, crying to them.

"Xiao Shi, don't cry, uncle will help you get revenge." Tai Yi's eyes were full of murderous light.


The Chaos Bell rang.

Hou Yi's body was directly shattered by the bell, and he perished along with endless time and space.

At the same time, countless demons appeared behind Di Jun and Tai Yi.

The twelve witch ancestors also gathered together at the first time.

"Destroy the witch clan! ! "Di Jun's eyes were full of blood.

Countless demons attacked the territory of the ancestor witches instantly.

The twelve ancestor witches did not say much, the cause and effect were already very clear.

Instantly, the second war between the witches and the lich broke out directly.

On Chaos Island.

Yuan Meng looked at the nine golden crows in front of him, whose auras were extremely decayed. If he had not protected these golden crows, I am afraid that these golden crows would really fall directly.

"Husband, why did you save these little guys?" Yuan Huang asked Yuan Meng.

"They should have died, but I don't want them to die. Their blood can be said to be the top blood in the prehistoric world. It's a pity to die like this." Yuan Meng said with a smile.

Hearing Yuan Meng's words, Yuan Huang instantly understood what Yuan Meng meant...

"Let these little guys calm down and sleep honestly through this catastrophe first." Yuan Meng said with a smile.

Then he waved his hand.

Nine golden crows, like nine suns, appeared on the Fusang tree planted by Yuan Meng.

Fell into a deep sleep.

Buzhou Mountain!!

This place has become a battlefield, where countless immortals and gods have perished.

No matter from the witch clan or the demon clan, people are perishing all the time.

The blood of immortals and gods rushed to the sky and flooded the prehistoric land.

Endless killing enveloped this place.

The whole prehistoric land turned bloody.

Billions of lives have perished here.

Among the twelve witch ancestors, Di Jun and Zhu Jiuyin teamed up to deal with Donghuang Taiyi.

Johnny, Rushou, Shebishi and others dealt with Di Jun.

Gonggong and Zhurong teamed up to deal with Kunpeng.

Hou Tu and Xuan Ming were held back by Fuxi.

Yes, Fuxi also took action this time.

As for why Hou Tu and Xuan Ming were held back by Fuxi, it was because Fuxi's identity was too special.

The elder brother of the Saint Nuwa.

Just based on this identity, there are definitely not many people in the prehistoric land who dare to take action against Fuxi.

The stubborn witch clan counts as one.

But Hou Tu and Xuan Ming cannot be counted.

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