Honkai Biography

Vol 5 Chapter 59: forward-reverse-forward-reverse spiral-like

Although Wutong and others are trying to bridge the gap between ordinary people and geniuses, it does not mean that the future of geniuses will change. They are so dazzling no matter when or where they are.

Time flies like an arrow, vicissitudes of life.

Honkai calendar year 4655, AD 1954.

Liesel Albert Einstein, who was only 16 years old, came up with the general theory of relativity and received her Ph.D. from ETH Zurich.

In September of the same year, Einstein and Tesla, who had not graduated, were invited by Dr. Schrödinger to the Anti-Entropy Laboratory to study and work in Anti-Entropy.

Dr. Schrödinger is currently an assistant to Dr. Planck.

"Anti-Entropy" is the second laboratory jointly established in North America nine years ago by the three major organizations, Heavenly Court, Destiny and World Snake.

The Anti-Entropy Laboratory is jointly managed by three people, namely:

The young, only 33-year-old honorary president of the "Underground University of Science and Technology" - Planck;

Otto's chosen successor, the next archbishop of destiny - Walter Joyce;

Provided 82.25 billion Shenzhou coins, thus successfully establishing the "anti-entropy" Edison.

Nancy Thomas Alva Edison, thanks to her family, is very, very...very rich.

Quantum sea, filthy soil,

Spiral Workshop.

"Hey~ Dear guest, this is not a big deal... Cough! Isn't this the big boss of Wutong?! Come on, please come in, I recently developed a new type of armed robot called 'Reloaded Kai' Wen 36D', would you like to take a look? Hehe~"

Wutong had just arrived, and before he could enter the door, Wei Wei, who received the news, took a mobility tool similar to an electric wheelchair and greeted him happily.

"Don't look at it, instead of pondering what kind of strange name to use to attract my curiosity, you might as well spend your time on business."

Wutong turned her wheelchair and walked into the workshop together with Weiwei.

"Hey, how can it be called attracting curiosity? The names I have named are very realistic." said Velvi, who was following Wutong.

The interior decoration of the Spiral Workshop is very delicate, mainly in brown tones, with a sense of technology, machinery, retro style... clearly opposed, but perfectly blended.

It is divided into many areas, not only a "workshop", but also a "bar", and even a "stage", which integrates work, entertainment, life and other functions.

Wutong is a regular customer of the Spiral Workshop, and he is very familiar with it. He walked to the bar and ordered a glass of mixed fruit wine from a "female" robot bartender who looked very much like a gray snake.

The bartending robot was very efficient, and placed a glass of blood-red fruit wine in front of Wutong in just over ten seconds.


"You're welcome, Mr. Wutong."

The voice of the robot is very nice, with tone and emotion, like a cute girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. When she closes her eyes and listens, she is no different from a human being.

"Are you crippling your legs?" Wutong asked Weiwei.

He sat on the sofa not far away with a wine glass.

The bar is relatively quiet, the music played by the speakers is mainly soothing light music, the dim and warm warm lighting, and the wine glass filled with bright red liquid in Wutong’s hand have all “neutralized” a lot, and it does not look so coquettish.

Not far away, a one-meter-high robot walked to the bar, stood on tiptoe, ordered a glass of "electric wine", and left in a hurry after "drinking" without paying.

"Oh, what are you talking about? I'm so important, who would break my leg?"

"Then who knows, you've been tricking and teasing too many people."

"How can there be?" Wei Wei said innocently, "I have always adhered to the concept of honest management, and the quality of the products 'going out' from our workshop is good, hehe."

"Yes, the price is also high."

"Hey, you get what you pay for!"

"Why are you always giggling 'hehe', who did you learn it from? Did you make a problem with your brain when you were researching something?" Wutong asked in surprise.

Wei Wei didn't talk like this before.

"Hey, no, it's an art of speaking, which I've recently learned."

Wei Wei scratched her head and smirked: "If you talk like this, it will make people more likeable and convincing. People who are not familiar with me will mistake me for an honest person who doesn't lie.

"Even some of my acquaintances, for example, Boss Eden, she was much more generous to me."

"They don't take you as an honest person, but as an idiot with a bad mind." Wutong said in a flat tone, "Eden is just simple and generous."

"Hey, no matter what it is, in a word, the Spiral Workshop is more prosperous this month."

Wutong shook his head and said, "You can't do it. You're doing 'hehe' too often. It's a bit deliberate and not natural enough. Go and learn from my little daughter. That's a real fool."

"...Are you saying that, Kiana?"

"She can't listen."


"Okay." Velvi rubbed her hands and said, "Did you come today...?"

"I asked you to make two things."

Gu Jia "Please speak."

"A big library, and a big arsenal."

"do you have any requests?"

Wutong took a sip of wine and said, "It's similar to the library in the void, but in the library, not only virtual knowledge, but also physical books must be stored.

"Moreover, specific books should be taken out and taken back anytime, anywhere.

"In the great library, it is best that there is no passage of time.

"The conditions of the arsenal are the same as those of the library. In addition, the arsenal should be divided into 15 areas, thirteen of which will store the corresponding God keys, and the remaining two areas must have a large space. , I want to store my collection of weapons and gear.

"It would be even better if there was another intelligent librarian and weapons manager."

The weapons and equipment in Wutong’s collection cannot be accommodated in small and medium-sized museums. Because of this, Cangxuan can’t afford the maintenance costs of those weapons and equipment. They are all very precious and delicate treasures.

Cangxuan had urged Wutong many times to move his collections out of the Shenzhou Museum. After so many years, Wutong finally came here.

In fact, he can make a big library and arsenal that can be stored in his body, but he finds it troublesome.

"...Aren't you having too many conditions?! It's too embarrassing, I can't do it." Wilvi spread her hands.

She is trying to get more compensation.

"No, you can."

Wutong didn't bargain, and generously threw her ten Herrscher cores, 4 of which were materials, and the rest was Weiwei's reward.

All Wutong's consumption in the Spiral Workshop is settled with Herrscher cores or gems, which are "money".

"Okay! Thank you, Boss Wutong, the boss is so cool! I wish the boss can find more and more complete world bubbles and make a fortune!"

Wei Wei carefully put the "money" into the armrest of the wheelchair. She likes people like Indus and Eden who don't like bargaining.

Big fat sheep!

"Big Boss Wutong, what do you want the library and the arsenal for?" Vervi praised deliberately, "As far as I know, with your combat power, you don't need to use these two things as weapons at all, right?!"

"It's for collection." Wutong paused and said, "Of course, it's not impossible to use those weapons and books to kill a person during a fight, but it's a bit wasteful, they are all expensive after all. Perhaps, only let me Quite respectful opponents, I would do that."

"By the way, I don't think I've ever seen you fight." Vivi was thoughtful.

"I'm a kind person and don't like to fight very much. However, I have fought a few times. Kevin and Su have met." Wutong seemed to have remembered something, and said in a pleasant tone, "I had a fight with Kevin."

"You tortured him?"

"No, I was still weak at that time, and I had a draw with him."

"It's Kevin as expected." Vile Wei sighed slightly, "By the way, boss, recently, Quantum Sea's revenge on the "dirty soil" has become more and more frequent. Do you want to transfer Kevin back and be stationed here?"


Wutong was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "How can the attacks of those quantum creatures be regarded as the revenge of the quantum sea?

"In terms of the current plundering speed of human beings, even if we plunder for another 100,000 years, 1 million years... it won't hurt the root of the two.

"The punishment and revenge of the 'sea' and 'tree' have yet to come."

"But even so, they will definitely punish us." Vervi said.

"Of course, so we have to plunder more ruthlessly and wildly."

"Aren't you afraid that they will deliver 'God Punishment' in advance?"

Wutong chuckled and said, "Afraid? Heh, when humans do nothing, they also give down a punishment called 'Hangkai'.

"Concession and compromise cannot be exchanged for lingering.

"So, the sooner their punishments appear, the better, so that humans can understand them better.

"The more they do, the greater the step forward for mankind."

"Apogna is right, you are the greatest enemy of mankind. However, I like the way you behave. Hehe~"

Wei Wei has never been afraid of the so-called "God's punishment", but she is afraid of not seeing the punishment and revenge of the gods.

Spirals are divided into left-handed and right-handed.

Wei Wei is also like a "spiral", her appearance looks slightly off-line, and she seems to be a friendly and normal person, but after spending time with her, you will find that Wei Wei's inner essence is different from the former Indus and Mebius. very similar.

"Don't say that, how can I become the biggest enemy of mankind? Kevin or Dr. May might have come earlier than I hoped the "God's Punishment"!"

"Hey, Boss Wutong, what if humans can't bear it?"

"I'd rather be broken jade... not..."

Wutong made a gesture, indicating to the bartender robot to serve another glass of the same wine.

"It has to be broken for jade."


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