Honkai Biography

Vol 5 Chapter 60: The road is difficult and the long journey is difficult

Three hundred years of Hedong, three hundred years of Hexi, Fengshui turns.

People, as long as they can live forever, they will always wait for the day when the time comes.

Therefore, even Xiao Shi, who was heavily in debt and seemed to never be able to repay his debts, was able to transform himself into a "big local tyrant".

A book she wrote became popular and became popular all over the world, called "Taste of Customs in Another World".

This is a book that is difficult to define.

Its illustrations are second only to the number of words, like a novel, but not a novel; it sounds a little serious, but the content is serious; it looks like a fantasy book, but a lot of it describes real life Characters and stories...

The protagonist of this book is Xiao Shi himself, and the "vice protagonist" is Hua. Most of the content in the book is based on the perspectives of the two of them, telling in detail the stories they experienced in various world bubbles, and there are real The photos do "assist".

It looks a bit like a biography, but it is not a biography, because a small part of the content is made up, and even the protagonist has changed.

But it is such a book, but it is "fired", and it is even regarded as a divine book by many people, and there are "other world tasters" who specialize in this book.

Of course, "fire" naturally has the meaning of "fire". The real person Chiyuan has a great reputation, and although Xiaoshi looks like a child, her education level is not low, although the content of the book seems to be a bit " Messy”, but the writing is smooth and easy to understand.

In addition, the publicity stunt of Cangxuan Publishing House is - the story of the parallel world. It caught people's attention at once, and then it became popular. Even Otto watched it several times.

Xiao Shi's book is still being serialized and not finished.

Thanks to Xiaoshi, several publishing houses under Cangxuan's name also made a fortune, and as the richest man in the world, she became richer and richer.

All of Cangxuan's personal assets are open and transparent... No, it should be said that in this world, the assets of the top 100 rich people are all transparent, and they are viewed very strictly.

Their money is well earned.

On this planet, there are no special, special... special rich people. The gap between the rich and the poor is actually not very big.

It is very difficult for the Zuben family to survive. He inherited the concept of Wutong. Otto, who has seen the darkest and most filthy things, hates the blood stripper the most. , he can ruin that person or organization.

Of course, nothing is absolute, there will always be some "little fish" that slip through the net, for example, "thieves" who dare not be big.

However, although there are many unscrupulous thieves, basically no one dares to pirate books, games, music, and film and television works issued by Cangxuan, because the products issued by Cangxuan are not only of good quality, but also very cheap, and the profit is very thin, which is less than some Piracy is cheap.

Moreover, piracy thieves are not fools. Their purpose is to make money, not to make themselves uncomfortable.

Cangxuan can make pirates go bankrupt, eat as much as they eat, and vomit as much as they can. If they find that the problem is particularly serious, they can be sent directly to prison, where they can work together with their minds to reform. Moreover, there is nowhere to hide in the world.

In this world, interrogation of criminal suspects is very simple. Yu Duchen is not needed. Many items can have an impact on the spirit and consciousness, so that the suspects can tell the truth.

Xiao Shi has been very "hot" recently, but Wutong has been a little angry. Since the last time he chatted with Weiwei for a day, he left the Spiral Workshop and returned to Linshan, and he hasn't slept for three days.

On the fourth day, he finally fell asleep, and he had a "nightmare".

He dreamed that he was tired and wanted to go to bed, but when he lifted the quilt, he found that there was actually a little Xilin lying under the quilt. Little Xilin was wearing his white shirt and called him tenderly. husband.

Indus was immediately woken up by fright.

After waking up, Wutong couldn't sleep anymore, and he fell into self-doubt.

He is so old, how could he still have such a dream? Xilin is a little loli who hasn't been born yet! This is so sinful.

To tell the truth, Wutong likes little girls, but it's not that kind of liking, it's just love at most. He always thinks he is a "gentleman" who is not so "righteous"...

But why would a "crooked gentleman" have such a dream?

Could it be that he is really not a "gentleman"?

No, he is!

Wutong thinks that it may be the reason of Mebius, and it is the snakes that have affected him...

Do not! It's all because of the broken will! This dream must have been imposed on him by Honkai Will!

Yes, that must be the reason!

Otherwise, how could such a "pure" person have such a "nightmare"?

Honkai Will inexplicably took a black cauldron.

Gu Xun After self-liberation, Wutong's psychological pressure was completely empty, but he was still a little troubled because he did not solve the main problem.

There are too few cores of the Herrscher, especially the cores and gems of the Herrscher of the Sky are too few to be used at all.

Ten days ago, Velvi successfully developed a stable, safe, and durable "teleportation" device. The only thing missing now is the core or gem of the empty law.

Heavenly Court is not without a teleportation device, and Heavenly Court's "portal portal" doesn't even need an empty law core, let alone life.

Ordinary people can't use the portal developed by Tianting. It is unstable and dangerous, and it often breaks down.

If you want to be rich, build roads first.

Today, the construction of roads and safety facilities around the world has been basically completed, and it is very convenient to travel by "sea, land and air", but it is not enough, and "transportation gates" must also be popularized on a large scale.

Portals can not only make economic development faster, but also make people’s travel more convenient.

If the imaginary space is used as a "transit station", it can also build a "bridge" between the current civilization and the former civilization, making the exchange and cooperation between the two worlds more convenient.

In addition, the portal has another advantage, that is, it can consume a lot of Honkai energy and balance the "real number energy" and "imaginary number energy" in the real number space.

Therefore, in any respect, it is imperative to build portals around the world.

Although the transmission device is extremely expensive and more expensive than building roads, the three major organizations and Moth Chasing Fire can afford it. In addition, Wutong has done the relevant preparations a long time ago, and the materials are basically not a problem except for the core or gems of the empty law.

But this question is the most "fatal" question. Where can we fix the core of the law of solitary space?

The core of the Herrscher of the Sky is the most scarce. Kevin and Hua's fleet has just "formed" not long ago, and large-scale expansion is needed in the future.

And the large-scale construction of stable portals, the demand for the core of the air law, is obviously much more than the two fleets.

The Herrscher of the Sky of the pre-civilization was almost exhausted trying to create the Herrscher core. Of all the Herrschers, she lived the most tired and had the most resentment, so the supply was in short supply.

Although Kong Lü is the richest and the best paid among the Herrschers, she still wants to be more leisurely, lying at home blowing the air conditioner, eating potato chips, drinking Coke, chasing dramas, playing games... is that bad? What's the use of so much money? If there is an accident, you can't take it with you if you die.

And Wutong doesn't have time to run around the world and condense the core of the empty law. Although he seems to be playing and idle every day, in fact, he is doing more important things, more important than building a portal matter.

Wutong once wanted to go to another world and bring back a few Void Laws, because even if you add Xilin, the "output" of two Void Herrschers is definitely not enough.

But after thinking about it again and again, he still thinks about this idea, because the gains outweigh the losses.

Not every world bubble collapses, nor does a collapsing world bubble necessarily have a Herrscher, and it is not that a world bubble with a Herrscher will definitely give birth to the Law of Empty.

Some human beings in the world bubble can't even defeat the law.

Another example is the world bubble of modern civilization, where the law of emptiness was not born.

Moreover, even if Wutong did find a few Konglu, they might not cooperate. No, it should be said that they would definitely not cooperate, and would rather die.

The "collapse" of the current civilization was "influenced" by the previous civilization, and it is very special, so the Herrschers may be turned against by humans, while the Herrschers from other worlds are different, they are loyal to the "collapse~www. readwn.com ~ not a traitor to Honkai.

It's too difficult to "brainwash" a brainwashed person who believes in "gods". Even if it really takes a lot of time and the brainwashing is successful, no one can guarantee whether this "believer" is pretending to be brainwashed.

If this lawyer was temporarily and deliberately brainwashed successfully, then what Wutong brought back was not a "worker", but a "disaster".

In addition to this unfeasible method, Wutong has also thought of many more outrageous, more difficult and more harmful measures, such as releasing the end of the world, cloning the law of the sky, turning the law of **** into the law of the sky... …

So these plans were rejected by him in the end.

After thinking for a while, Wutong still couldn't come up with a satisfactory solution. It seems that only a few important teleportation points can be built at present.

Tell Mei, let's give Kong Lu some more benefits...

come on!

You are the best lawyer.

At this moment, Wutong hoped that Xiao Xilin would be born and work for him... Oh, no! It is to share the pressure for the empty laws of pre-civilization.

"Hey... When will the lovely little angel Sirin be born? Dad needs you."

Even though it is a little melancholy, Wutong is ready to be Xilin's godfather.


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