After returning to the dormitory, Su Shixiu fulfilled his previous promise and personally bought a pizza for Xi'er and Lixia.

After leaving the two children to cook at home and letting Cheshire take care of them by the way, Su Shixiu personally drove Blanca and Grace back home.

I've been playing here for two days, and I really shouldn't stay any longer.

Sitting in the car, Su Shixiu smiled helplessly, holding Grace Xiu while touching her head, smiling.

"Okay, okay, okay, brother will play with Grace next time, okay?"

"Good. But, I want to hug my brother! Seeing

that Grace in his arms refused to let go, Su Shixiu could only look helplessly at Blanca standing by the car door, saying that he could not do anything.

And Blanca just smiled softly and didn't say anything more.

It's a good thing that Grace likes Su Shixiu, not to mention that the brother and sister have indeed not seen each other for a while.

"It's okay, it's not that we can't meet..."

"Well, my brother's color is still very good." I, love it! At

this moment, Grace's expression: (>v<)

Su Shixiu: (-. ─|||

It is undeniable that Grace is really getting cuter the longer she is.

It wasn't until Grace was in Su Shixiu's arms, and after about a minute or two, Su Shixiu found that the little girl had fallen asleep.

Today, everyone played all day, and they were indeed tired, not to mention that the children still had fun all day.

In this way, Su Shixiu quietly handed Grace to Blanca, and after whispering goodbye to her, he drove the car and drove straight to the headquarters of the Fire Moth!


The headquarters of the fire moth, downstairs of the dormitory, Su Shixiu, who had just opened the car door, was about to get off the car, but he couldn't help sighing.

“WTF?! Why is it raining..." Seeing

that there was not an umbrella on the car, Su Shixiu's mood instantly lost a little.

Theoretically, Su Shixiu could use the collapse energy of the lawyer's authority to condense ice and avoid rain.

It's just that he's not very willing to do it.

Because he almost couldn't remember exactly when he last saw such a rainy night.

The rainy night, for Su Shixiu, has an important meaning, and it also contains a past.

It was also a rainy night that he ushered in his first loss in this world, and it also affected his loss in this life.

People have to lose something before they gradually begin to grow.

Su Shixiu understood this truth because he was also a rational person.

But...... He also has his own sensibility, and he will feel unwilling to lose those things.

That delicate heart that is rarely available to other boys is what makes him so gentle.

Gentle...... No one has ever been gentle at the beginning.

You may never know how costly it is for a person to become gentle.

"It's all gone, though."

Different places, familiar rainy nights, familiar crowds, gave him the illusion of a trance.

It seemed to have returned to those days, but those who used to be around him had slept on that rainy night forever.

However, Su Shixiu was right, everything was gone.

It's all gone....

"Knock knock!"

Just as Su Shixiu was thinking, there was a sudden knock outside the car door.

Subconsciously turning his head, Su Shixiu looked at the rain marks outside the window, even though he didn't see so clearly, he still recognized the person.

Alicia, a man he loves and fears, and is the most important person in his life.

There will always be a few people in your life who will bring you important changes.

Alicia, for Su Shixiu, is such a person.

Opening the car door, as soon as Su Shixiu got out of the car, a purple-pink umbrella was covered on top of Su Shixiu's head.

"Hey! Missed ♪ me? Seeing

Alicia holding the umbrella and smiling sweetly at herself, Su Shixiu's mood was inexplicably touched.

On rainy nights, it is always easy for this big boy to show his true tender side to others without absorption.

Not to mention, Alicia is of great significance to Su Shixiu.

"Yes, of course I want to."

Looking at Su Shixiu nodding firmly, Alicia was slightly stunned, as if she didn't expect that Su Shixiu would actually answer like this!

However, looking at Su Shixiu's clear eyes that were as gentle as water, Alicia seemed to understand something.

"That... How much do you ♪ miss me?

"How much do you want to?"

Su Shixiu closed the car door and stood silently under the umbrella, standing side by side with Alicia, silently looking at the city under the rainy night.

The rain slowly flowed down the rain curtain onto the pavement and disappeared.

Something, even if you don't ask, it will tell you itself.

For example, her changes, her changes....

In fact, Su Shixiu had long known too much, but he had never shown anything.

"I'd love to. At least on this rainy night, I can feel a little relieved.

Su Shixiu kept looking at her eyes, looking at her beautiful face, looking at the look in her eyes, and the smile on his face became stronger and softer.

Listening to Su Shixiu's words, the corners of Alicia's mouth couldn't help but be outlined, revealing a bright smile.

"This way! Ah Xiu is good or bad, it is actually so blatant, but I also like Ah Xiu ♪!

Su Shixiu smiled faintly, and then pondered for a moment:

"Because of sincerity?"

"It's more than that. More, because Axiu ♪ is as always!

Alicia smiled, and then stretched out her hand to Su Shixiu.


"If a little tired. Ash, then you can rest in my arms. Miss Alicia will always respond to Ash's wishes ♪!

Looking at Alicia's innocent and flawless smile, Su Shixiu couldn't help sighing and smiled gently.

"Good. However, I am not that vulnerable yet.

"It's not a matter of being brittle or not fragile. Even if it is Axiu, you have to rest occasionally! "

Occasionally... Rest and rest?

This is also true, Alicia is right, how many times, her heart is under heavy burden!

Indeed, the boy was a little tired, and he did need occasional breaks.

It's just that until the day when hope is truly seen, Su Shixiu will never be able to let go of his heart.

His purpose for coming into this world has always been one, unchanged.

Take this story that was not beautiful at the beginning, and do his best to change it into what he wanted!

Maybe the changed world will still have bad beauty, but Su Shixiu only wants this world to become the beautiful look in his heart, which is enough.

And that expectation is not only Su Shixiu's expectation.

Also, countless captains who have played Honkai III together hope for the best ending in their hearts.

Even if the price of change may be heavy, as long as it can achieve that outcome, it can be regarded as faithful.

Not disappointed, Su Shixiu came to this world, opportunity.

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