Back in the dormitory, looking at Lixia and Xi'er, who had already fallen asleep, Su Shixiu, who was standing by the bed, sighed helplessly.

The two girls were wearing pajamas, so Su Shixiu was not afraid of any influence, he silently covered the two girls with quilts and quietly walked out.

Sitting silently on the sofa, Su Shixiu subconsciously took out a photo from the inner pocket of his combat coat.

Looking at the scene in the photo, Su Shixiu's gaze revealed a little nostalgia, and the corners of his mouth inevitably rose slightly.

The content on the photo is very delicate and high-definition, but it is also a very warm and familiar scene:

under the dusk of the setting sun, Su Shijie, who is standing at the airport, is wearing an overcoat, holding Xi'er with a gentle smile, and Xi'er in the young man's arms is also waving his limbs and struggling.

On the face of the young man, you can see the gentle and spoiled look, while on the face of the girl, there is dissatisfaction and disgust.

However, in both he and her, they can see the attachment and love for each other.

This is a photo that witnessed a warm moment for the brother and sister, and it is also a photo that has been well preserved by Su Shixiu.

That is, Alicia filmed it for them.

Even if he rejected the kindness that came from Alicia just now, this did not hinder Su Shixiu's kindness towards Alicia.

"Sister Ellie, I'm probably that timid from the beginning, right?"

Silently placing the photo on the table, Su Shixiu sat quietly in the living room with the light turned off, enjoying this moment of peace of his own.

"Actually, from the beginning, from the moment you changed me, I actually became... I want to say this to you. "

The content on the photo has always been beautiful, just like in the current time, Su Shixiu still has the opportunity to accompany Xi'er and Lixia.

Recalling the time over the years, thinking back to the past experiences during this time, Su Shixiu's smile has always been so gentle.

"I really, really want to say thank you to you, Sister Ellie."

Su Shixiu, he is a lawyer and a human being.

In a long time, no matter how good a person's memory is, it will always be diluted by time to blur, and even forget some important things.

After living in this world for a long time, even the things that he had been in that world before he crossed over, Su Shixiu couldn't remember more and more.

It is clear that he is a soul from the other world, but he has become a member of this world, and in this world that should be strange, he has found a truly home home.

According to his own memory, if time passes, maybe he will also forget the years he spent together, and he will gradually forget those good pasts.

However, photographs can always remember those old times.

Even if it is only a moment, at least the moment that happened has been remembered forever.

At the very least, the person concerned has the right to look at the photo and reminisce about that time.

Memory is always the most precious asset.

Because what is precious is not the memory, but the story you remember and experience.

It's a story that exists because of you and so on.

Su Shixiu is actually quite grateful to Alicia, because she helped herself record these beautiful pasts.

These pasts, as long as they exist and are remembered, are worth cherishing.

Su Shixiu picked up the photo on the table and fell silent again.

And Cheshire just stood aside, quietly watching Su Shixiu reminisce about the old days, and did not say anything.

She, in fact, can be said to be the one who knows Su Shixiu best.

Even though she is a companion Avalanche Beast, she is also Su Shixiu's Companion Avalanche Beast.

However, this peaceful and beautiful moment, which should have been calm, was suddenly broken by a shrill communicator ringing!

Putting down the photo, Su Shixiu glanced at the name on it and helplessly picked up the communicator.

"Hello? Sister Mei, the big night..."

"Something happened, Axiu, urgent mission!"

"What's going on?" Su Shixiu looked confused.

"The fifth collapse, broke out!" (PS: also refers to the Great Collapse)


Su Shixiu flipped the communicator and immediately rushed to the wardrobe next to the gate, and directly took out a combat coat.

Ignoring the communicator anymore, he hurriedly put on his clothes and put the bracelet on, Su Shixiu quickly rushed to the table to pick up the photo and stuffed it into his inner pocket.

"Cheshire, go!"

"Come on, come on, dear slow down!"

At this time, the two of them couldn't care about other things, and rushed out of the dormitory with one arrow and went straight to the conference room of the headquarters building!


Far East, the headquarters of the fire-chasing moth, the headquarters building, and the high-rise conference room.


Seeing the gate that was smashed by Cheshire's fist, Mei, who presided over the meeting, couldn't help but jump slightly.

At the same time, she began to calculate in her heart how to use this reason to study the budget from Su Shixiu's family (this sentence is crossed out).

"What's going on with the fifth crash?"

Su Shixiu strode in and took a cursory glance at everyone present.

Most of them didn't know, but a few he knew.

Alicia, Bemihu, Kosmor, Daistobia, and even Mebius and Virvi are there!

"Coming? Exactly, look at the big screen.

For the descendant of the largest shareholder of the Fire Moth headquarters, Mei did not lose her temper, but calmly pointed to the situation on the panel.

Through satellite monitoring, the global situation is presented on a large screen, but these monitoring data are obviously only for temperature.

The other regions are normal, but only the African region, watching Su Shixiu was stunned.

"I lean, absolute zero (-273.15°C)?!"

"No, there are still signs of a decline!"

Mei's face was solemn, and she pointed to the temperature change on the side.

"According to our observations, the Fifth Law was born this time, and it has been more than an hour."

Looking at everyone's doubtful eyes, Mei seemed to have just said the doubts in their hearts, and then cleared her throat and spoke:

"The extreme low temperature has caused all the detection equipment belonging to the fire-chasing moth in the African region to strike, and the satellite is still operating over the African region, and I learned about this news."

After Mei said these words, she set her eyes on Vilvie.

Then, Vilvie stood up and quickly manually switched a new set of information and cast it on the big screen.

"According to the data of the previous civilization, we can determine that the authority of the fifth law born this time is related to the cold wave and ultra-low temperature."

From such a tone, Su Shixiu could hear that the current Wei Wei was a "scholar" personality.

"The cold snap has severely affected the entire African region. Especially in the heart of the African region, the temperature is already too low for other fighters to enter! Soon

, Mei called up the data and put it directly into the core of the African region!

Looking at the temperature index above, Su Shixiu couldn't help but gasp for air.

"The low temperature is beyond the limit and cannot be observed?!"


Mei nodded and gave Alicia a solemn look, and Alicia smiled at her as well.

"Captain Alicia, member of the Su Shixiu team, the situation in the African region is urgent, and the crusade against the Fifth Law cannot be delayed any longer!"

Yes, if it drags on a little longer, the entire African region may be shrouded in extreme cold, or even worse, the entire planet will directly enter the cold wave era!

"I see. Sister Ellie, go!

"Good! Asyu, let's ♪ go! Even

at such a critical time, Alicia did not forget to engage in a wave of things, and took Su Shixiu's hand under the angry gaze of Mebius!

Looking at Su Shixiu and Alicia, who left in a hurry, Mebius originally wanted to say something.

But she hesitated slightly, and she didn't even speak until the two figures disappeared.

What she actually wanted to say was quite simple, but she couldn't open that mouth.

"Axiu, pay attention to my safety."

This is, a rotten word of the heart.

At this time, the whole world is also surging!

The fifth Great Collapse Outbreak caused the most serious impact ever!

The African region has fallen, there has been a serious abnormal extreme cold weather, such a severe abnormality, no one in this world can not know.

As a result, the United Nations Organization was forced to hold a videoconference for the world.

From now on, all people in this world will begin to officially recognize the real world.

This world has been facing the threat of collapse!

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