However, the man's embarrassed escape seemed out of place with the surrounding scene.

In the section he passed, there were many ice-blue ice attribute collapse beasts and dead soldiers, lying crookedly on the man's way, not knowing whether they were dead or alive.

At this time, he also saw the icy blue streamer covering the sky, and couldn't help but stop.

Then, feeling the temperature around him gradually rise to normal, he was silent for a while, and finally set foot on the road.

"Oh, it's really big-hearted."


At this time, Kevin followed the trace...


A big sword smashed directly over, but it didn't hit the huge big man!

"I lean! Senior, what the hell is this big man? It's the first time I've seen such thick skin!

Kevin rolled over, quickly avoided the ice thorns that flew in, raised his twin guns and hurriedly came a few shots, aiming at the huge Collapse Beast!

However, the bullet landed on its dark blue casing, and it had no effect at all!

"How do I know! But this big man is definitely the Honkai Beast variant codenamed "Canisa"! Seeing

the big man flying towards him, Mark quickly raised his big sword and tried his best to block this blow!

Seeing that the pistol was useless, Kevin directly took out his special big sword, ready to fight violence with violence!

"That senior, its strength?"

"Hey, let's count it as an emperor level! At least it can't reach the judgment level, but it's definitely not easy to handle! The

two looked at each other, nodded, and while talking, they found an opportunity to sneak over, leaving a long sword mark on its body!

Of course, at the same time that the sword marks appeared, both of them noticed the cold light that suddenly enveloped the sky, and also weakened the defense of this big man in disguise!

"Kevin, the code name is "Pavanti". If the task report is solved, this big man is solved and then written! Target attack core, don't hit crookedly! After

feeling that his movements were no longer affected by the low temperature, Mark probably guessed something, but this was not the time to say.

"Good! Big man, eat me with a sword blade out of the sheath!

Kevin nodded, raised his big sword vigorously, and smashed it directly!

Anyway, it's just an imperial level, or try to keep a whole corpse, of course, if you are not afraid of being waistbed by Mebiusga, then naturally you can consider a five-horse corpse.



Putting away Fang's raised left hand, the blue light that shrouded the entire African region disappeared in an instant.

The star armor on Su Shixiu's body turned into starlight in almost a second, dissipating between heaven and earth.

The cold light in his eyes dissipated, and Su Shixiu, who was overconsumed, almost failed to stabilize one and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, his reaction was very fast, and the Chengying Sword was assembled at the speed of light, becoming a sharp weapon for Su Shixiu to support his body!

Changing the temperature of a continent, and still pulling the terrifying ultra-low temperature below absolute zero back to the normal temperature of the African region, is something that even lawyers, can not easily do.

Su Shixiu's lawyer core, unlike those who were born from the collapse, they have the support behind the collapse, while Su Shixiu can only rely on his own authority and stored collapse energy.

However, being able to do this is enough to cultivate this "Heavenly Frost Law" so Su Shi has already grown.

At least at this moment, it is certain that the fifth great collapse of this generation, mankind has survived.

Although Su Shixiu knew that this was a single brush of Robbery Brother... But at least one person single-handedly brushed the outrageous record of a near-complete body law, and Su Shixiu admitted that he was not so easy.

The Ice Law has been born for so long, it should be considered a complete body, right? Although this intact body was not long after its birth, it may be really... Is it that weak?

But after all, she is a lawyer, and her power cannot be denied.

However, just as Su Shixiu was panting and recovering his strength, Cheshire and Alicia had already come to his side.

Seeing that Cheshire was ready to help himself, Su Shixiu shook his head gently:

"No need. I still have spare energy, just take it slowly.

Alicia nodded, she smiled slightly, raised the bow and arrow in her hand, aimed at the Avalanche Beast that began to wander nearby in the distance, and a crystal arrow shot out directly!

Cheshire also reacted and constructed dozens of drones, allowing them to protect the exhausted Su Shixiu while also helping to clean up the Avalanche Beasts wandering nearby!

After a few minutes, Su Shixiu's strength also recovered somewhat.

Taking advantage of this strength, he took out the communicator and directly contacted the headquarters of the Fire Moth.

"Headquarters headquarters, mission accomplished, call for air support!"

"Received! Su Shixiu senior, hard work!

After the communication over there hung up, Su Shixiu didn't care about his image, and instantly transformed the Chengying sword in his hand into a bracelet and attached it to his hand.

And his whole person directly opened his arms, lying straight on the barren land that had returned to normal temperature, silently looking at this blue sky.

"Didn't do anything though. But, I should also be able to take a break..." The

sky is very blue and beautiful, there are many missiles, and the crystal dome that unfolds in the distance from time to time cannot make Su Shixiu raise the will to fight again.

Anyway, he has done what he can, but the African region, which has been destroyed, does not know if it can be restored to its original appearance... Su Shixiu really couldn't say for sure.

Fortunately, on the periphery of the African region, there have always been fire-chasing moth troops stationed.

After the effects of the extreme cold disappeared, communication immediately returned to normal, and the headquarters received the communication, and the speed of arranging support was also very fast.

After a while, Su Shixiu saw dozens of fighter squads carrying special Avalanche energy bombs, whizzing past everyone's heads.

"Swish... "

Dozens of giant bombs flew out of the fighter, cutting through the air and flying towards the distant hordes of Broken Beasts and Dead Soldiers.



"Boom! Several

huge explosions resounded in the distance, and in the deafening explosion, one by one, the broken beasts and dead soldiers were blown apart.

The carbonization organization of the collapsed beast and the body structure of the dead soldier splashed straight into the sky, and were burned by even more ferocious flame waves!

It wasn't until the three waves of surrounding bombing were completed that Alicia's crystal dome dissipated from Su Shixiu's head.

The surroundings were cleared, and the remaining few broken beasts and dead warriors were very simple to deal with.

Seeing that Cheshire hurriedly took care of Su Shixiu, Alicia could only pout depressedly, raised her bow and arrow and quickly shot out a few crystal arrows, solving those ice attribute abnormal collapse beasts!

After confirming the safety of the surroundings, the helicopter suspended overhead finally landed in front of Su Shixiu, Cheshire, and the belated Alicia.

Looking at a small team coming down from the plane and quickly guarding the surroundings of the three people, Su Shixiu couldn't help but relax in his heart, and the whole person instantly relaxed a lot.

Gotta go, it's finally done!

A warrior who was obviously the leader of the squad came to the three and saluted the three with an excited and serious expression!

"Seniors, welcome to Triumph!"

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