In the waters near the African region, the fire-chasing moth fleet, the main aircraft carrier air ship command room.

“...... This is indeed the case. Mei, do you want to praise us ♪ more~? Looking

at Alicia's excited posture, Su Shixiu couldn't help but shake his head, and sighed in his heart that he was so old.

Su Shixiu has already reminded him, this has not helped his future daughter-in-law prevent the lesbian leader, why is Kevin so inferior?

At this time, Kevin, who was following the trace, angrily smashed a huge ice pig "Pavanti"...

"Aa I lean, ***, absolutely* it's Ashu, this rabbit cub, cursing me! Or it's Su, that big fairy! Wiping

his itchy nose, Kevin looked at the marks with a depressed look as he carried the repeating RPG, and continuously blasted out special missiles!

"Why are you stunned? Hit the cover, Kevin! Listening

to the angry shout, Kevin was speechless for a moment, silently took up the big sword, and rushed towards Pavanti again.

It's okay, he moves fast, secondly, he resists beating, two to one definitely belongs to the abuse!

Back to Su Shixiu's side.

"If you praise, come back. Axiu, how are you now, are you better? Looking

at the projection communication, Meina unabashedly worried about herself, Su Shixiu sighed helplessly, and had to nod.

"I'm holding hard. Sister Mei, if you were willing to greet Kevin like this, it is estimated that he would have invited me out for a drink!

"You boy! Forget it, get down to business, are you sure? Mei

Gang wanted to be angry a little, but after thinking about her current identity, it was still a little inappropriate.

"Sure... What?

Su Shixiu was stunned.

"About the Fifth Lawyer being crusaded."

Listening to Mei's words, Su Shixiu nodded almost without hesitation.

"I'm pretty convinced. After the birth of the Fifth Lawyer, soon after becoming a basic complete body, she was burned by the power that restrained her. "

Not to mention that Su Shixiu still remembered that the Ice Law was torn by the hands of the robber brother, and the extremely thick flame collapse energy in the air alone came from only one person.

That terrifying level of power can indeed brush the law who has just reached the complete body, and Su Shixiu thinks that he is invincible.

"Can you guarantee it?"

"Yes, that's a fact."

Mei was silent for a while, then looked at Alicia, who was silent on the side and had been looking at Su Shixiu, and coughed gently:


"Yay! Ah, May, what's ♪ wrong?

Mei looked at Alicia's somewhat evasive little gaze speechlessly, deciding to treat it as if she didn't know anything.

"Alicia, what do you think of the person who is suspected of destroying the Fifth Law alone?"

"Me? Well...... What else can be done? Naturally, sit and watch ♪~! "

Su Shixiu: ... (thumbs out, lip shape comes 6)

Mei: ... (pushed the glasses

) Alicia: Hey ♪ ~ (Alicia Wink.jpg)

Looking at the silent Mei, Alicia quickly coughed twice and regained everyone's attention.

"Ahem, just kidding ♪~ Mei, in my opinion, that person must still be alive."

"Alive?" May frowned.

"Yes! To eliminate the lawyer, first of all, he must not be the remnant of the Broken God Sect. Secondly, on the high-level side, no one will come to this muddy water ♪,"

Mei thought, and then quickly nodded.

"Good. Let's leave it as an individual for the time being, not planned for any organization. There is one more very important thing about the Fifth Law..." "


Just as Mei was about to inquire, Su Shixiu, who was in a mess, suddenly interjected.

At this time, Su Shixiu, who was sitting on the sofa, held Erlang's legs, slowly raised his left hand, and spread his palm.

And in Su Shixiu's palm, a crystal clear ice blue crystal was quietly floating, and it was still exuding a cold light at this moment!

"The core of the lawyer is on your side?!"

"Right. The Fifth Lawyer, the core of the Ice Lawyer, has been recycled. As for his body, it is no longer possible to find it. Saying

that, Su Shixiu turned his gaze to Alicia and motioned for her to continue.

Alicia nodded, and then continued the words: "The companion collapse beast of the Ice Law has no trace. But we were sure that it was possible that it had already been born, but we just didn't find it. "

Is it possible?" Mei was stunned.

"Forget it, I'll explain."

Seeing Alicia cast her pleading gaze, Su Shixiu sighed and had to put away her core and stand up.

"This is one of my conjectures. However, for me, I have another conjecture about the Fifth Law Companion Avalanche.

Mei quickly picked up the notebook and pen, and after quickly getting ready, she nodded to Su Shixiu and signaled that he could speak.

Su Shixiu nodded, then rubbed his temples and began:

"In another case, I think it is more likely. So far, the Avalanche Beasts and Dead Warriors encountered by the Fire Moth in the African region are all mutants with ice characteristics. "

“hummm...... Ice properties... Variants..."

Su Shixiu didn't say that quickly, but he gave Mei time to finish writing.

Seeing Mei raise her head and sigh of relief, Su Shixiu continued:

"Its appearance is similar to before, but it has changed color. The white carbonized shell turned into dark blue, the pink collapse energy flowed into ice blue, and the attack characteristics all had cold ice characteristics, which obviously became a lot stronger..."

After almost finishing the report, Alicia, who had already sneaked out, brought Su Shixiu a dinner intimately.

Since he was still at sea, the food was all seafood that Su Shixiu was not particularly used to, but fortunately, the taste was okay and there were a lot of fish.

For the attitude of seafood, Su Shixiu prefers the dishes of the fish series, and the others are not very cold.

Without him, it may be simply because... Su Shixiu can only eat fish.

As for other seafood... Su Shixiu was disgusting.

It's not that it's not delicious, it's just that the taste is really easy to make Su Shixiu shudder.

"Thirsty, huh? Axiu, come ~ take a sip ♪? For

the posture of Alicia squatting in front of her, bringing a cup to herself, and her eyes longing, Su Shixiu could only smile awkwardly.

Mei silently stopped taking notes and pushed her glasses cryptically.

Moreover, from time to time, dangerous white light is reflected on her lenses!

"Good, okay. Sister Ellie, or... Have a bite to eat together? This

was originally a polite remark, just Su Shixiu's words purely to alleviate the embarrassment.

But to Su Shixiu's surprise, Alicia actually nodded happily!

"Okay, okay! Axiu is really good and kind, this does not forget others, wow, I'm so happy ♪~" In this

way, in Su Shixiu's stunned and Mei's shocked eyes, Alicia took out a pair of chopsticks out of nowhere, sat directly next to Su Shixiu, and moved the chopsticks excitedly!

Su Shixiu was dumbfounded on the spot, and Mei was even more shocked.

Mei Inner Os: If I had been so bold in the first place, then Ah Xiu would not have been my younger brother a long time ago, right?

The key is still the same chopsticks, lean, Alicia really has a heart in this wave!

"What are you doing? Axiu, try it quickly, it's delicious! Come, ah ♪~"

Seeing Alicia's eyes flashing with excitement and joy, picking up a piece of fish meat and about to send it to him, Su Shixiu quickly avoided it!

"No, no, Sister Ellie, I'm not hungry yet..."

"Just taste it, it's really delicious~" Seeing Alicia, who was preparing to increase her offensive, and Su Shixiu, who wanted to cry without tears, Mei's ♪

depression in her heart instantly increased a lot.

Subsequently, the projection communication was silently closed, and Mei said that this dinner was not eaten!

Eat**! This dog food is already full!

However, Mei walked fast, but she suffered Su Shixiu!

Su Shixiu: There are people who save me!! (Inner OS)

Alicia: Hehe ♪


"Good! Obedient, Axiu! It's ♪ really delicious~

""Sister Ellie, don't want it!!"

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