After sending warm water to Lixia and Suzu, Sakura sent the plate in and gently put a cup of hot water in front of Su Shixiu.

"Have a drink. Xiu, this...?

She saw the photo on Su Shixiu's hand, but the content on the photo was so beautiful, but it was inexplicably heartache.

The content of the photo is the time when the sun sets.

The plane became the backdrop behind it, and the protagonist in the photo was the young man with short gray and blue hair.

At that time, Su Shixiu smiled so happily!

Gentle, but also with heartfelt joy, and spoiling and loving the girl in his arms.

It can be seen that the girl at that time was such an important existence for Su Shixiu!

The girl who was held in her arms struggled madly, seemingly dissatisfied and ashamed, but in her dark red beautiful eyes, there was a deep, deep joy and attachment hidden.

The girl's fluttering, but shapeless dark red hair is enough to see that the person who captured the photo at that time was superb in shooting.

The scene in the photo is so warm!

Even Xi'er and Su Shixiu in the photo are so happy and attached to each other.

Only, what about Su Shixiu now?

But suddenly, Su Shixiu put away the photo and gently put it in the pocket of his coat.

"Isn't it good?"

Sakura nodded and sat down next to Su Shixiu.

"yes. In that photo, I saw the shadow of me and Suzu... Ahem, sorry! It

seemed that he was afraid that he would mention this matter of his sister and stimulate Su Shixiu now, Sakura quickly stood up and was about to bow and apologize.

"You don't have to. Boys, they're not that fragile!

Su Shixiu knew what she was referring to, but there was already a smile on his face.

"Thanks, Sakura. How about watching TV?

With the idea of accompanying Su Shixiu, Sakura nodded.

Then, picking up the remote control, Su Shixiu turned on the TV.

It's just that the content on the TV almost made him blacken:

"It's very brave!" Are you super good at drinking?

"Just kidding! I'm super brave! I can drink it!

"yes, let me Kangkang, your French is not normal..."

The two looked at each other awkwardly, and then, Su Shixiu quickly switched channels.

It's just that the next channel makes him even more confused.

"Men don't last, most of them are empty! Kidney treasure, one bottle of refreshing the mind, two bottles of never fatigue, three bottles of immortality, oh yes! "

Sakura:=͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪ ‧̣̥̇)

Su Shishu: ...

So, he cut another channel....

"Come on ♂! Stand up well ♂! "

Ah ♂~! FA♂Q! ~~"

The two looked at each other awkwardly again.

Subsequently, Su Shixiu turned off the TV.

What kind of special meow stuff, either education or supplements, and even philosophy ♂ and the like....

The heart of scolding the mother is there.

Looking at Su Shixiu, who was a little helpless, Sakura carefully took out her mobile phone and shook it in front of him.

"Xiu, do you play games?"


Looking at the game interface above, it was quite familiar, and Su Shixiu was stunned on the spot.

People like Sakura, she actually plays online games?!

And, or is it this FPS (First Person Shooter) or something like that?


To be honest, this game is still new to her, and she heard that boys nowadays prefer to play this game.

"Okay, I'll download it first."

Then, after a while, the door of the study quietly revealed a crack.

Two blue gazes secretly stared at the pink and silver heads exposed on the sofa, and then the owner of a certain gaze secretly smiled.

"Bell, whisper, it will be heard!"

Lixia knows that her brother Su Shixiu and Suzu's sister Sakura are both powerful warriors.

Strong hearing, that's a matter of course.

Suzu nodded and continued to follow Lixia, quietly looking at her sister and brother Xiu.

"Over here, Sakura, don't run backwards!"

"Huh?! Shi Xiu, I threw the flash! "

“WTF?! Flashed to me, hey!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, it's just a game... Alas, I lean, this old six I really served!

"It's okay Xiu, I've already knocked him out!"

"Sakura, you're behind!"

"Aaaaah!" × 2

looked at Su Shixiu and Sakura, who were more naïve than the children, Lixia and Suzu looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

"Suzu, to be honest, it's the first time I've seen my brother so happy since that incident."

"Me too. In addition to being in front of me, this is the first time that my sister has smiled so happily in front of others.

Then, the two looked at each other, and Suzu's eyes flashed with malice.

"Otherwise, let my sister and brother Shi Xiu..."

"That's a word!"

At this time, Sakura and Su Shixiu silently put down their mobile phones and looked at the crack in the door of the study.

Ignoring the "friendly greetings" of his teammates on his mobile phone, Su Shixiu gently stroked his bracelet and whispered to Sakura: "

Are you coming or am I coming?"

"I'll come, don't worry, I'll start lightly."

At this time, the door of the study was quickly closed.

Because Lixia followed Suzu, she saw Su Shixiu and Sakura's somewhat dangerous calm eyes.

Soon, Sakura flicked her wrist and walked to the study with a "smile" on her face.

Then, the door of the study opened and closed, and forced laughter came from inside:

"Hahahahaha, sister Sakura, what are you doing, oh hahaha~" "

Cluck, sister don't want ah, cluck!"

The two were frantically tickled by Sakura because it was their weakness.

However, at this moment, the smile on Su Shixiu's face suddenly disappeared.

"Sure enough, it still feels weird."

"Oh yes, too, I'm old. I'm forgetful. People are old, they can't do it..." With

a self-deprecating smile, Su Shixiu sighed, silently looked out the window, closed his eyes, and leaned straight on the sofa.

"I almost forgot, I'm gone..."

Outside Su Shixiu's dormitory door.

"It seems that Ah Xiu's situation is much better! It's a pity that I have been worried about him for so long, hum ♪~"

Alicia smiled, looked at the group of people standing at the door, and compared a wink.

"Gee, trouble... However, my student is fine.

Mebius snorted coldly, then turned around and walked towards the end of the corridor.

Where others could not see, Mebius secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's fine if Axiu is okay. So, let's stay in the headquarters for a while longer.

Vilvie breathed a sigh of relief, pointed in the direction of Mebius, and quickly ran over.

Everyone knows that now Vilvie and Mebius have reached a very harmonious cooperation.

Only for the development of the sixth God Key.

"Harm, I'll just say that Shi Xiu, this kid must be fine! It is worthy of Sakura, and the new comrades do things to reassure me!

He smiled heartily, then looked at the other team members and waved his hand:

"Let's go, go to training." Fighters of the special squad, don't be such a mother-in-law!

Kevin looked at the two newcomers returning from the Australian region, didn't say anything, followed the trace, and then they followed.

Then Alicia's gaze turned to Mei.

"My dear Dr. May, what else would you like to say ♪?"

Mei was silent for a moment, then nodded and shook her head again.

"It's good that Ah Xiu can come out... Although I don't think so.

Then she silently walked up the stairs at the other end and hurried away.

Alicia smiled helplessly and looked at Su Shixiu's dormitory door, her eyes silent for a while.

"Is this self-deception really good..."

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