"Yes, Sister Bei Mihu has already gone to the Australian region..." Sitting

on the sofa in Alicia's dormitory, Su Shixiu nodded thoughtfully and didn't say much.

"Uh-huh! Even Ah Hua also went ♪~"

Indifferently raised his head, looking at Alicia's smile, Su Shixiu nodded and didn't say anything.

Looking at the current Su Shixiu, Alicia couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

"How about a drink?" The black tea you gave me before, I haven't finished drinking it yet, right ♪? Taking

the brewed black tea, Su Shixiu nodded lightly and took a sip.

However, on his face, there are really very few changes in his expression.

Even his eyes, Alicia found that since Su Shixiu's gaze had that purple meaning, his whole person began to change.

He is still so gentle, but not so enthusiastic and optimistic.

Alicia can feel this through her heart.

Sitting next to Su Shixiu, Alicia gently patted Su Shixiu's shoulder and smiled softly at him:

"Axiu, do you want to go out and go around ♪?"

Stunned for a moment, Su Shixiu shook his head abruptly and squeezed out a gentle smile.

"Nope. Sister Ellie, don't you have any tasks?

Alicia shook her head.

Su Shixiu still needs to rest and rest, and his current state is not suitable for fighting at all.

Taking a baby at home and being a male mother with peace of mind is what Su Shixiu should do now.

At least, the existence of children can allow Su Shixiu's injured heart to be gradually repaired.

"In that case, then I'm sorry Sister Ellie, I've disturbed you. I went back first. Putting

down the cup in his hand, Su Shixiu stood up and was about to leave.

“... Good. Ash, have a good ♪ journey! Watching

the dormitory door close again, Alicia looked at the black tea that had taken a sip and was silent for a long time.

"If I can have such a good brother, I should also be very happy, right ♪?"

After returning to his dormitory, Su Shixiu directly entered the study, picked up a book on the table, and flipped through a few casually.

He had a penchant for reading, and occasionally read for pastime, something he used to do when he was younger.

Since entering the Mebius laboratory, until now, Su Shixiu has rarely had such an opportunity, occasionally sitting down and reading books.

However, after flipping through a few pages, Su Shixiu put the bookmark back in its original place, closed it and put it away.

To be honest, Su Shixiu was not in the mood to watch.

Alicia has no tasks here, and Mei doesn't give herself anything to do.

To be honest, since entering the Fire Moth, there are really very few long holidays that do not need to worry about any aftermath.

But unfortunately, Su Shixiu did not have that mood to enjoy.

Eventually, he returned to the bedroom, took off his coat, and fell directly on the bed.

Soon, the youth fell asleep.

In my dreams, I didn't dream of anything new.

It's all memories of the past, not much, but nostalgic enough.

Even if he knew that he might see him one day in the future.

However, before that day comes, it is very torturous to go through this long journey.

Think of a person... No words are needed.

That heart, self-knowledge, can also be perceived by others.

Because he already has the opportunity to see him again in the future, Su Shixiu has also been deceiving himself, he doesn't think much about Xi'er, anyway, he will see him again anyway.

However, every move is unintentional, more or less revealing something.

In this matter, Su Shixiu could not be optimistic at all.

Because I really care.

Because... He's not just that kind of person.


Fire Moth Engineering Department, Spiral Workshop.

"It is not impossible to make the core of the lawyer into the key of God alone. It's just that with our existing warrior conditions, maybe no one can use it. "

Looking at the core data of the Sixth Law parsed by the Mebius laboratory, Vilvie... To be precise, the "expert" Wilvie was also a little difficult for a while.

"But it can be made, right?"

Mebius didn't want to care that much.

She only knew that this sixth god key that would be made was far different from the current third god key "Seven Thunder of Sins".

It is a very unique divine key, precisely because its core comes from the sixth lawyer, the law of death.

The identity of the Law of Death is inextricably linked to the person she cares about the most in her heart.

Of course, such a reason will certainly not be stated.

"Yes, but I think I might have a better solution."

Seeing the "expert" Vilvi frantically tapping the keyboard, Mebius was stunned, and then also leaned over to take a look.

"Hey, what's the troublesome plan?"

"According to your analysis, the core of the Law of Death can theoretically be divided into two major authorities: "death" and "life"."

"I thought, is it possible to use this as a model to create a divine key that can use two authorities alone?"

Looking at the blood-red lawyer core, Wei Wei frowned:

"After all, we are not dead lawyers, and we can't easily control two authorities through one core."

Mebius nodded, but then she remembered something that had happened before.

"Ashuta... The weapons of the Dead Law can be used. "

Expert" Vilvie suddenly realized!

"So, if the two forces are combined into the original power, are there people who can use it..." After

thinking about it, Vilvie quickly continued to tap the keyboard:

"Then make two separate God keys, and a complete sixth God Key that merges into one."

After all, the combined power of "death" and "life", although rarely controlled by people, after all, that is the true complete authority of the law of death.

"Exactly, since Axiu is recognized. Then the Sixth God Key can just be..."

"I don't think so."

At this moment, the person who pushed open the door and came in was their current superior, Mei.

Seeing May's arrival, Mebius frowned, but didn't say much.

"Hmm... Then don't deny my plan.

After thinking about it, "expert" Wei Wei still said this.

"Your plan is good, I won't deny it."

Mei shook her head, then looked at the dissatisfied Mebius, and smiled helplessly:

"I know, Dr. Mebius, you are also for Ah Xiu."

"Who said that? If he hadn't been able to use the weapon of the Law of Death, do you think I would recommend him?

Looking at Mebius, who was still hard-mouthed, Mei smiled slightly, and continued:

"However, for Axiu, the existence of the Sixth Law is very sensitive."


Upon hearing such a hint, Mebius immediately reacted.

That is Su Shixiu's most important relative, do this...

"Give priority to the captain of the special squad. When the time comes, it's up to Alicia to make her own decisions.

After thinking about it, Mei proposed a plan that could be recognized by the two.

"Trouble, I'm leaving!"

Without bothering to say another word, Mebius turned around and hurriedly left the spiral workshop.

"Vilvie, do you need my help?"

"Huh? You're not quite busy..."

"After all, it's related to Ash. As his sister, I can't help me, right?

"Expert" Vilvie was stunned for a moment, and then showed a rare smile: "

It's hard to imagine that you also have a few emotional times. Welcome, Dr. May! "

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