
With the passage of time, several days have passed in this unconscious, such an ordinary day.

Today, Su Shixiu took the baby.

Suzu was pulled back by Sakura because she couldn't get out because she didn't finish her homework.

The homework is not finished, and it may be difficult to see the bell come out to play.

Only Lixia and Grace Xiu, the two children are quite well-behaved, although they are less noisy and lively, but they can really make themselves less headaches.

Although it is not so active, it does not mean that several people are unhappy with each other.

For both Grace and Lisha, he is their very important brother.

"Brother, why haven't you seen Sister Cheshire in the past few days?"

Su Shixiu shrugged: "She, ah, was pulled by your sister Aili to help." "


"Maid, you have to do some work. Besides, it was Eden's concert, and I was also very interested.

Lixia was a little speechless.

So, what is the job of a maid in her brother's mind?

Last time he gave her a chainsaw and asked her if she could take this to the battlefield, which caused Cheshire to almost beat someone.

Cheshire: I'm a long-range firepower overlay, not open the spirit, how to play melee combat?

Su Shixiu: So let you be all-powerful and all-powerful....

Cheshire: Then don't let me practice some weird skills!

"Hacking people with a chainsaw?"

"Ahem, last time it was a whim!"

With two dry coughs, Su Shixiu's gaze fell on Grace Xiu not far away.

Grace sat on a stool, paint in his hand, and painted the landscape in front of him with a brush.

Back to the time when I could still hold little Grace.

Now, little Grace can speak, and can draw some higher-level paintings, and it is not so easy to hold her by himself.

After all, people can also walk and run, and they also go to kindergarten, which is really good.

"A day that feels like a waste every day..." Looking

at Grace's paintings, Lixia instantly felt that life was boring.

People are more popular than dead people is true.

"Nope. Lixia is not good at drawing, and it is not good to compare your shortcomings with parents.

At this moment, Grace also put down his brush.

"My brother is right. Not... If you want to draw, Sister Lixia wants to learn, I can also teach you!

"Okay, but I'll forget it, I don't have that material."

Lixia shook her head and waved her hand to signal Grace to continue drawing.

Grace nodded, picked up the brush, and got busy again.

"Clouds, sky... Well, should we add more human tracks?

Glancing at the brother he liked very much, Grace thought about it, but chose to give up.

"No, my brother's color is so gorgeous and monotonous. Mixing, difficult, the painting is not suitable. "

I want to paint him a picture, but I feel that no matter what kind of scene, I am not worthy of this very good brother Shi Xiu."

What's more, his colors are good-looking, but they are also good-looking and difficult to mix.

That's really not a human hue.

"Brother, tell me a story!"

What Grace had in mind was not known.

At this time, Lixia lay in Su Shixiu's arms with peace of mind and closed her eyes happily.

"Okay. So, I'll tell you a very ordinary and ordinary story.

"Well, as long as it's my brother, Lixia is willing to listen to it."

"Haha, huh?"

Su Shixiu smiled helplessly, helped Lixia sort out her silver-white hair, and began to narrate:

"However, this time's story is really ordinary and ordinary, even ordinary... A little sad. "

There is a man who seems to have been cursed by heaven, even if he was born, has suffered misfortune.

When he was born, his parents were rejected by his grandparents, grandparents, and grandparents.

Not to mention, there were also brothers and sisters of their parents at that time, and they also intrigued in disguise, so that they eventually left their home and took their young children to the field.

The child does not know when he is born, he only knows that he traveled to many places and witnessed many people and many things.

When he was young, he could make many friends every time, but every time he suddenly left, it was so hurried.

In such a hurry that he couldn't even tell his friends a goodbye.

Probably because of the long time of travel, parents also feel that this is a little inappropriate, they took their children and finally settled on a residence.

At that time, the child, who had gone through countless partings at birth, was already eight years old.

Eight years old, it was the child's elementary school time.

At that time, his parents may never know that he had seen something in the eight years that he had been wandering with them since he was a child.

The deepest impression of him is probably that he witnessed the death of his friend when he should have been full of innocence.

It was what happened before his eyes, and the pain, despair and fear of powerlessness at that time were still remembered by the child.

However, he has also met very nice and good people.

There was a teacher who influenced his whole life, so that no matter what pain he suffered in the future, he was able to maintain his original innocence in his heart.

After all, children at that time were also young, did not understand anything, could not understand anything.

Only on that occasion did I understand what death was.

For the first time, without his parents knowing, he understood how close death could be to them.

Later, the days of elementary school settled in one place.

It was an inconspicuous small township, and it was unbelievable for him to be born in a big city.

Having received an education in the city, children at that time always felt that they could not get along with other people.

Maybe it was a misunderstanding of ideas caused by ignorance at that time, or maybe it was because I didn't know my classmates in the first place.

Since he came there, he has always had few friends.

In elementary school, he was still willing to open up occasionally, but his experience was simply a fantasy for many children in that place.

Such days gradually came to his junior high school time.

The few friends were separated, and he was truly lonely.

Not to mention, the other classmates at that time gave him a merciless blow.

Those words were insignificant to themselves, but for him who became a teenager at that time, how prickly and piercing.

"Have you read too many novels?"

"Come on, you look really silly like this. Aren't you afraid of being laughed at these days?

"Day by day, stop fantasizing, okay?"

Similar words and the feeling of not being trusted made this teenager whose heart was far more sensitive than his peers, and the initial gap in his heart expanded a lot.

If no one gets along, it's really alone.

At that time, the teenager understood what loneliness was.

Because what he wanted to talk about, his parents didn't want to listen, or didn't believe it at all.

The pain of not being trusted left the teenager lonely for a long time.

It also made his heart hurt silently for a long time.

Not to mention, the parents at that time went through the divorce procedures.

He knew, and his parents thought he didn't know.

So, what kind of ordeal?

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