Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and the teenagers in the story are no exception.

But at that time, my father's practice was a combination of fists and feet.

At this time, the shadow of his youth emerged.

Later, in junior high school, even if his father never did anything to him again, there was already a deep gap between the teenager and his parents.

Since then, the teenager has really been alone.

But at that time, did he really not want to contact and communicate with other people?

He thought too, but he couldn't do it.

It's not that he can't do it, it's the rejection, disgust and alienation of everyone that makes the teenager fall to this point.

The end of loneliness will only breed endless loneliness.

Later, he became depressed.

Every time he comes to the holidays, he is reluctant to spend more time at home.

It was always me who went out to play with my friends, but did he really go to find it?

There is simply no one to find.

Because of the small town, the teenager can go to very few places, and because of his experience over the years, he began to fear places with many people.

In this way, the long-term loneliness and longing to communicate with others were hurt again and again.

Later, except for the teenager himself, no one knew that he was depressed, let alone how he came out of depression.

It took a long time for him to finally come out of his increasingly severe depression.

It's just that he came out by himself.

In the end, he healed himself alone, so even if he was really left alone, what was the harm?

He healed himself, and he figured out that he didn't have to have someone around him.

At that time, he understood a truth, in fact, it is good to be alone.

Later experience made him believe that he could do many, many things by himself without the interference of others.

Not influenced by others, you can do what you want to do as you like, and you are at least free.

Yes, really free and free, unrestrained, just occasionally quiet a little lonely, a little lonely.

In addition, the contradictions between him and his parents later became more and more irreconcilable.

He has his perspective, he has his mind, he does what he wants to do.

But such a view is not recognized.

Maybe it's because my father's concept is more conservative.

In the end, after countless contradictions accumulated, with the point of a small contradiction, it crushed all the straw that supported the boy's beliefs.

The belief broke through the wind and broke, and finally the teenager broke with the family, went out alone, and lived his own life.

During that time, the teenager's mother thought about saving him, because she thought it was her own child and became ill.

yes, every parent thinks so... Most of them have only realized such a serious problem to the point of no return.

The boy's heart was already sick, but he himself had been cured.

He could see everything very clearly, but he was finally alone.

The contradiction between the teenager and his father is the heaviest.

So he did not reject his mother, who would have thought that his mother wanted to find him a psychologist, and did not dare to tell him openly?

The result?

The teenager's heartfelt remarks convinced the psychiatrist, and even made people cry.

It's outrageous but very real because he really sees very clearly and clearly, and he sees things that many people can't see.

Yes, once upon a time, the boy has always been as simple as a child's heart.

However, as if it was only for a moment, he suddenly grew up and understood a lot.

And understand so much at a cost ... It's that there is no longer anyone around.

The young man's mother, due to his father's existence, can only occasionally come to help him, but after all, he can't give him a lot of real help.

The teenager is alone, living to this day....

"This is his story, a very ordinary story, a very sad story, a story that makes people ... I don't know how to evaluate the story.

Su Shixiu paused, and then smiled helplessly.

"Maybe from the beginning, that teenager has been wrong badly, but to be able to force the teenager to such a point, the people around him can't be wrong at all."

Lixia nodded obediently.

"Yes, brother, I don't think there is anything wrong with the teenager... He just longed to be loved. Hearing

this, Su Shixiu sighed.

"Alas, maybe for the teenager at that time, no matter who it was, as long as there was even a sincere person, he was willing to listen to his story."

"Even if you don't believe it, at least being able to gently comfort him is enough to change that teenager's life."

"Even a simple, heartfelt hug can make the teenager understand again what the warmth of the world is."

Lixia could notice that after telling this story, his brother's heart was really heavy.

"But at least that teenager is not completely alone in the end, right, brother?"

Unexpectedly, because of Su Shixiu's story, Grace Xiu had long stopped the painting in his hand and came over to listen to the story.

"Yes, at least his mother understood him..."

"I hope that boy can live happily in the future."

Listening to Lixia's voice, Su Shixiu lowered her head in surprise, but found that her sister's eyes were already shining with tears.


heard my brother say that only after suffering can you enjoy happiness. Brother, the teenager in your story can't be so unfortunate all the time.

Su Shixiu was silent for a moment, and then let out a long sigh of relief.

Yes, no one will be unfortunate for a lifetime, bitterness is sweet at the end, such a truth many people are willing to believe.

"Yes, I also hope that when that teenager grows up, he can realize his dreams and become the person he wants to be."

"I also hope that when he grows up, he can be cared for by many people, and I hope that he... Be enveloped in warmth and happiness! Hearing

Grace's expectations, Su Shixiu couldn't help but smile and rubbed Grace's head:

"Yes... It will definitely be. He

didn't say the end of that story.

At the end of that story, the teenager tragically lost his life.

However, he did not die with regret, he came to another world.

In this world, he encountered many things that he had never encountered before.

Warmth, optimism, hope, friendliness, trust...

Influenced by these things, healed by these things, the boy gradually grew up in another world.

He became gentle, and he became able to use his own light to shine on everyone around him.

He became genuinely kind to others, he became kind and optimistic, he became the person who was very gentle and gentle.

And that lonely soul, in this new world, has always been taken care of by countless people.

Those beauty, those warmth, the teenager simply cannot forget.

Even now, when he has become one of the few hopes of mankind, he cannot forget this beauty.

Because it is these beautiful changes that make him a better and better person.

Because of these beauty, he became the person he wanted to be.

That's why he's been fighting so far.

"You gave me the light, shone on me, and let me see the light from now on."

"So what's the harm in giving everything I have so that you can see hope for the future?"

"I may be asked, is it worth it?"

"My answer is always worth it."

"Maybe you'll laugh at me for being silly and stupid, but I've always been such a stupid person."

"I've always been such a person, silly innocent, silly cute, and silly stubborn."

"You can't just let them give for me and I don't do anything for them."

"The so-called apocalypse is that the day I met you, you started a new life for me."

"As long as you can be fine, I don't care no matter what."

"Even if I fall into darkness, even if I never see each other again, I will exchange it for you and receive light."

From: Su Shixiu.

He is the hero of this story, and at the end of this story, he is finally treated with tenderness.

To this imperfect story, I was able to have a happy time - Su Mu Qiuxue.

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