When you wake up, I am afraid that it will be a dream, and I will forget my life, where is my hometown?

The old plum in front of the court is fragrant, and the deceased people at that time are now nowhere to be around.

And tonight peeping into the starry night, the past years, bumps and ups and downs.

I realized that there is no end to thinking about this day, and the time in this world is already spring.


This sleep, I didn't sleep very well.

I faintly felt that something seemed to be suppressed in front of me, and my cheeks and neck were itchy, but it seemed like I was prodded by something unbearable.

Opened his eyes in a daze, his sleeping eyes reflected the dimness of the sky and the faint daylight of the east.

Smell a hint of aroma, very good, not like those star hibiscus star flowers, but the aroma of girls.

It smelled good, it was familiar, but the confusion in his mind when he first woke up made him unable to realize the current situation.

Trying to lift my hand, my arm was a little numb, it took some time to regain consciousness, and it was difficult to move at the moment.

With a little force, he could push away what was pressing him away, but he almost subconsciously interrupted that thought.

Blinking, the young man's pale blue eyes already had a shimmer embellished with stars.

The star purple under his eyes suddenly fell into memories.

Last night's dream was also under this starry night, and I was in the sea of stars.

He seems to dream of his mother, and he seems to have returned to the first days of his arrival in this world.

He felt the initial tenderness he had had, and he seemed to feel that warm embrace.

It's a very familiar feeling, but it makes people cry.

Mom...... His subconscious had already told him that the mother who was best and best for him was long gone.

Even if I later realize that this is a dream, I still stubbornly believe that I am at ease with it.

No child will not be attached to the gentle embrace of his mother.

For every child, the embrace of a mother is probably the warmest and safest haven in the whole world.

Later, he dreamed of his mother and left his side.

She was also reluctant to leave his side, but in the dream, she could only say goodbye with tears in her eyes.

In that dream, he was really sad and sad.

He even subconsciously felt that because of his uselessness, his mother would leave him.

Because he failed to protect his last relatives, the guilt and regret in his heart were infinitely magnified in his dreams.

The unclear consciousness, the obsession in the bottom of his heart increased, and he subconsciously thought that he was worthless.

So, he was really sad and painful.

However, at that time, he seemed to feel a very gentle embrace.

He heard her voice.

She told him he couldn't be useless.

She enlightened him, he was not incompetent, and he tried his best.

She told him not to grieve because he had always been excellent.

She encouraged him and cheered him up to be the best he could be.

She comforted her and did not be afraid because she was there all the time.

The tears that did not fight quietly flowed again, only one drop.

That's gratification, that's joy, that's happiness.

The feeling of being so cared for and cared for... It's never too much, because it's really beautiful.

Raising his moving hand, he ruffled the hair from his face, and suddenly raised a strand, and he saw the dark green hair.

The young man was stunned, raised his head and looked at his chest, the woman with long dark green hair was lying quietly in his arms, sleeping soundly.

He suddenly realized something.

Then, he couldn't help but smile softly.

"Thank you, my best teacher."

Raising his hand, the young man's hands paused in the air, and then gently hugged the person in his arms.

"Since it's all in sleep."

"Then, the students are willful occasionally, hoping that the teacher will wake up and not blame him."

Her figure is very perfect, and it is difficult for any boy to have such a stunning woman lying in his arms.

However, he did not have any distractions at this time.

He just wanted to, simply wanted to hug her.

Taking a sharp breath of the breath from the woman in his arms, Su Shixiu's heart calmed down a lot.

Seeing that there was still some time at sunrise, taking advantage of the tiredness left by this fashion, he closed his eyes again, gently hugged the woman in his arms a little, and took a nap.

When he felt the steady and warm breathing sound of the young man's chest, the corners of the woman's mouth that he held in his arms also rose slightly.


twisted his body mercilessly, Mebius was not at all afraid of Su Shixiu's reaction.

He changed to a more comfortable position on his body and was ready to sleep a little longer.

I haven't woken up anyway and don't know anything, right?

Arching her body, her posture seemed to be extremely attached to such an embrace.

Let her, too, occasionally attach herself to this warm embrace.

At this moment, she is no longer a "Mebius teacher" or "Dr. Mebius".

She just, in her identity as "Mebius".


Early morning, 6:30.

Although the sun in the eastern sky, although it has not yet completely climbed out, his light has already lit up half of the eastern sky.

Alicia, who returned home, hummed a little tune leisurely, ready to admire the back garden of Su Shixiu's house.

After all, letting go of the mood in the morning is very conducive to the mood of the day~ However, after stepping into the depths of the back garden, when she saw the sea of ♪

stars, she couldn't help but chuckled:

"Huh? It seems like...... Someone? Quietly

stepped forward and saw the two lying between the sea of stars, Alicia exclaimed, and then quickly covered her mouth.

"Ah, this is really a little sad scene ♪~"

However, she didn't look so sad.

She found a good angle, then lightly touched the camera, then aimed it at the two people in the starry sea, and then gently pressed the shutter!


After thinking about it, Alicia smiled.

"Just give me a picture like this to my lovely Mebius ♪!"

"After all, such a shy and cute Mebius rarely took the initiative once ♪~"


After another while.

At 7:00, the sun is fully rising, and the silhouette is fully revealed in the sky.

Mebius opened her eyes and looked at the gaze of the young man she was attached to, it was so gentle.

She knew she couldn't be willful anymore.

Even though she has not been willful many times, it is clear that this time is obviously approaching.

Gently broke free from Su Shixiu's embrace, looking at Su Shixiu's face, Mebius couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Obviously, when he first met Su Shixiu, he was not so special.

But now, he also looks so handsome and handsome.

It seems that it should not only be the eighteen changes of the female majority, but also the eighteen changes of the male majority.

As long as he likes it, then he can look better than anyone in her eyes.

Gently rubbing Su Shixiu's head, Mebius smiled:

"Although childish, it feels unexpectedly good."

Then, she turned around and slowly walked out of the back garden.

Lawyers, it is not so easy to get cold.

Because in his arms, she also felt the warmth of spring in winter.

"If one day, I also hope to unload so much baggage and step into such an ideal hall with you."

"However, I will wait for you until the day when your ideal is realized."

"In that way, I can tell you that with the blessings of the whole world."

"O blessings to the whole world... Presumably, it will be a very romantic thing, right?"

"After all... You are the light in my heart, Ash."

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