The evening breeze wakes people up, and everything is hidden in their hearts.

The morning breeze was sleeping, and all emotions were silent.

When I woke up again, I was woken up.

Looking at Eden, who was sitting next to him, smiling at himself, Su Shixiu felt a little embarrassed.

Wouldn't it be a bit embarrassing to see a child like himself?

"Of course not, my friend. On the contrary, I think the same as Ellie, you can relax and we will all be happy. "

I was about to sit up with my body propped up, but I found it a bit difficult.

The blood has not been circulating for a long time, even if the lawyer is not afraid to send it on the spot, it is a little unbearable for a while.

However, Eden stood up and held out her hand to him.

Su Shixiu thoughtfully, took her hand, and stood up with strength.

"Happy? That shouldn't be used to care about my situation..."

"You've always been thinking about others."

Eden shook his head and smiled to himself.

She had heard a lot about Su Shixiu's past.

The more I understood, the more distressed I was, but I was also happy for him.

Fortunately, the friends around him, they are not heartless people.

People who can be friends with him, even if they can't be so honest and selfless, but their hearts are definitely good.

Just like Su Shixiu, he can't be so good to anyone, and this is not like Alicia.

But there is no way, this Su Shixiu feels that he is very similar to his father.

Because when he was the head of the family, he was ruthless to the outsiders, let alone when facing the high-level of those other regions.

Su Shixiu's good repair is only revealed to the right people, only to the people he cares about.

Fortunately, the people he cared about never lived up to this heart.

"Yes? I still think I'm ruthless..."

"If you're ruthless, then we're all evil."

Listening to Eden's teasing, Su Shixiu could only shrug.

"But I'm really not that good."

Eden shook his head and didn't say anything more, but took out a lunch box from the bag beside him.

Oversized kind!

"I came back early today, so I gave it a try. Axiu, do you want to taste it? "

Eden's cooking, it seems that he can also eat?"

Last time on Sister Ellie's birthday, Eden also helped cook, although it was not much, but it seemed to be no problem.

Su Shixiu took the lunch box and opened the lid.

Three burgers... It is still a super large number of kinds, which makes people instantly embarrassed.

It's a bit much....

However, the aroma is fragrant, and it also makes people appetite.

There was soup next to it, but it smelled like tea.

The brewed tea is still a little meaningless, it is obvious that the craftsmanship is not familiar, but the tea leaves have been completely cleaned, which is rare.

After taking a bite, Su Shixiu's eyes instantly lit up.

Unexpectedly good.

"Well, it tastes good."

Seeing his expression, Eden knew he liked to eat.

"Well, it's pretty good."

"That's good."

Eden smiled, then suddenly pulled out his phone.

Looking at the information above, Eden helplessly handed the phone to Su Shixiu.

After taking it and seeing the above message, Su Shixiu was stunned.

Someone visiting? Looking for your own?

Holding the burger, Su Shixiu quickly handed the lunch box to Eden.

"Sister Eden, I'll see what's going on."

Eden nodded.

Soon, Su Shixiu's figure ran away, and Eden still walked in the direction of the house.

After a while, Su Shixiu had already arrived near the gate of the front yard.

Cheshire shrugged helplessly and pointed to the doorway.

Su Shixiu nodded, and then opened the door.

It's just that the moment after opening the door, when he saw the person coming, Su Shixiu was stunned.

"Long time no see, how is this time, Axiu?"

Su Shixiu was stunned for a moment, and then nodded slightly.

"Of course. It's you, Su Daxian'er, you carried me and Kevin behind your back, you have been alone for so long, have you ever become a doctor!

"Forget it."

Sue nodded and smiled gently at the youth.

"You... Actually started to grow long hair?

"It's nothing. Welcome, though!

"Well, long time no see, I'm happy too."

The two hugged, then clinked fists, and the smiles on their faces were bright.

At this time, the three major heavenly groups of boys in the Thousand Feather Academy were completely complete!


Small theater.

Paradise, waiting in the hall.

Raiden Bud Suit: ......

Sue: .

. Raiden Bud Suit: ...? (waving his hand)

Sue: ...


Holding his chin, Bud Yi looked confused.

"Just say something, visitor."

Sue's sudden opening startled her.

"You're not asleep?"

"I'm awake all the time."

"Well... Recognizing if you're asleep is difficult for me. Looking

at Su's posture with her eyes closed, Raiden Yi sighed undeniably, and then sat down on the sofa next to her.

"Visitor, you seem to have a question."

Bud Yi: ... "

It's okay, but it's okay to say."

Bud Yi nodded:

"... You and Kevin are old acquaintances, aren't you? You knew each other before you joined the Fire Moth.

Su spoke: "He is my best friend... It has always been so.

"I see your past."

"You also let me know his future... I'm still not sure. Confused

by Su's sentence, he wasn't sure what he meant, but Bud Yi didn't plan to ask Su about the things he didn't want to say.

"Do you still think he's still him?"

Su thought for a while and gave a reply:

"Whether Kevin's choice is correct or not, there are people from later generations to comment."

Without waiting for Bud Yi to speak, Su added another sentence:

"But I believe that even if the stars change, there will still be some parts of people's hearts that will not be worn out and changed."

Bud Yi was stunned: "This is the answer of the "enlightened one"?

Su shook his head: "This is "Sue"'s answer.

After thinking about it, Su handed Bud Yi an item.

"This is?"

"I think, look at this stuff and you'll have the answer."

Bud Yi nodded and took the phone.

This mobile phone looks obviously a little old, but judging from the level of production technology and technology, it has far exceeded their current level of civilization.

Click on the video above, and it seems to be something from a long, long time ago.

Kevin in the video was pressed to the ground by a certain hand and forced to kneel.


"Not convinced!"


Looking at this big pocket, Bud Yi was stunned.

Back then, there were actually people who dared to slap Kevin's big mouth???

However, what surprised her even more was still to come.


"I don't..."

"Do you obey?"

"I serve QWQ..." "

Kneel down and sing conquest!"

"■■I won't..."

"Come and watch the lyrics sing!"

“...... Just like that, I was conquered ♪ by you~"

Seeing the end, Bud Yi laughed without tension.

I didn't expect that Kevin, who was in the last civilization, actually had such an outrageous time before becoming a warrior.

In the famous scene of the fire moth, their boss Kevin was held with one hand, kneeling on the ground and singing and conquering!

In other words, I read his black history, I will not be extinguished, right?

Thinking of this, Leidian Bud Yi was shocked in his heart!

"Don't worry, visitor. If you don't open your mouth, it's okay. "

If I don't say it, it'll be fine, right?

Don't give it to me, recall in the video, when Kevin called the people who suppressed him... It seems to have been specifically silenced.

Is there any point?

"So, why show me this?"

"Let's just think that it was me as "Sue", a sudden impulse."

Sue shook her head, thinking back to what Alicia had told herself, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of embarrassment in her heart.

That news, even as an "enlightened being", is difficult to deal with calmly.

He is still alive, and he knows the visitor in front of him.

Then, he has all the more reason to help her.

I just don't know, is there still a chance to see my best friend again?

Bud Yi complained madly in his heart.

You might as well just say that you want to show me your friend's black history.

However, we can't save the face of our predecessors.

"But I want to know, who is the person Kevin is calling?"

Su pondered for a while and did not speak.

Just when Nha Yi thought that she could no longer get an answer from Sue and was about to leave, Su suddenly opened her mouth and called out to her!



Bud Yi turned around, looking confused.

"Sorry, I can't tell you the answer in advance. But, I can give you a hint.

However, the words that came out next directly made Bud Yi stunned!

"'Apocalypse,' you can look for this clue from other people."

"The answer can only be pursued by yourself."

Raiden Bud Yi was silent for a while, then put away the shock in his heart and nodded.

"I see, thank you, Sue."

"You're welcome, visitor."

It was a title she had known before she entered the Promised Land.

And now, from Sue's mouth, she learned the name again.

Questions that were not very important in the back of my mind suddenly became a lot more important.

Is there an answer she needs to pursue?

Then you can pursue it, although it may have nothing to do with herself, but for some reason, she just wants to know who the "apocalypse" is related to?

Not to mention, the voice of the person in the video is really familiar.

I just can't remember.

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