In the cafeteria, in the unremarkable corner, on a dining table, there are two bowls of Yangchun ramen and millet porridge, as well as a plate of side dishes.

On both sides of this dining table, there were two people sitting at this time:

Su Shixiu, wearing a white coat, revealed the scientific research style of scholars and scientists.

The other, wearing a black and red dress, is as noble and arrogant as a princess.

Su Shixiu's ramen and millet porridge are both large bowl models, and Xi'er is naturally a small bowl.

At this moment, Xi'er, looking at Su Shixiu, who was eating in front of him, and looked at the noodles in front of him that had not been touched for a while, and couldn't help but feel a burst of desire to cry without tears.

Su Shixiu's spicy food made her almost cry!

But the problem is, she can't use chopsticks!!

Key Deadly Stab +1!

I'm afraid the only thing that can be done is to drink porridge, the key is that the millet porridge is still ridiculously hot, and Xi'er can't put his mouth down for a while!

I'm afraid that the cruelest thing in this world is that you are hungry, and the best food is placed in front of you, and you want to eat but can't eat it!

If it weren't for the stubborn self-esteem, coupled with the fact that there are many people in the cafeteria now, I'm afraid Xi'er would have ignored three seven twenty-one long ago, and directly reached out to grab the noodles!

But after all, that thing is humiliating, and if it is serious, it will die in place, and she still wants to live on this planet.

Xi'er: The old lady can do everything, but she can't use chopsticks!!

After a while, after Su Shixiu solved a bowl of noodles, he just drank a mouthful of porridge, only then did he notice that Xi'er didn't move!

"Why, don't like it?

Su Shixiu used chopsticks to pick up the side dish and eat the fragrance, and then drank the porridge again, almost without raising his head.

Proper cooking behavior, seeing Xi'er's angry teeth itching

: "I, I can't take chopsticks!"

Xi'er said aggrievedly, she was really embarrassed, but she could only let go of some dignity at the moment!!

Looking at Xi'er twisting and pinching, Su Shixiu couldn't help sighing, put down the chopsticks in his hand, sat directly next to Xi'er, and gently knocked on her brain.

"Stupid! Come, I'll teach you! Although

Su Shixiu's tone was accusing, there was pampering in his eyes!


Xi'er nodded with an embarrassed face, but there was a little joy in her heart.

She let Su Shixiu grab her right hand, followed Su Shixiu's gestures, and obediently learned to use chopsticks.

After a few minutes, although Xi'er's posture was not very standard, on the whole, it was much better than just now.

At least in such a short time, Xi'er can learn to eat noodles with a spoon, which is also a relatively unique way.

Taking advantage of Xi'er's cooking effort, Su Shixiu went to the window and bought a few more meals.

Two copies for Klein and Mebius, and two copies to bring back to the dormitory for Lixia and Cheshire.

Mebius and Klein's are still in control, after all, it is not the first time to help them bring food, and the taste has long been clearly remembered.

But their own Honkai beast and that child, what taste they like, Su Shixiu really doesn't know, can only order a neutral flavor of rice, not those that are too spicy or sour.

It's a big deal to ask next time, it's not impossible.

When Su Shixiu returned, he put the purchased rice in his place.

At this time, Xi'er had already drunk the millet porridge.

"Brother, these meals? Seeing

the hot meals on the table, Xi'er couldn't help but ask.

"Bring it for someone else. You hurry up and eat. After eating, I'll take you back early to rest.

Su Shixiu explained simply, and Xi'er immediately lowered her head and buried her head in hard eating.

After eating this meal, Xi'er was satisfied, and after eating, the two continued to walk towards the dormitory.

Walking outside the dormitory door, Su Shixiu suddenly stopped, turned around, handed Xi'er two obviously smaller box lunches in his hand, looked at her and slowly spoke:

"Cheshire and Lisha's dinner, go back and put it on the table." When they were awake, they asked them to eat, and when they didn't wake up, they let them go back to sleep.

"Che, got it."

After Xi'er took the lunch box impatiently, Su Shixiu opened the dormitory door by the way.

"You go first, brother go and help others deliver food."

"Is that Klein? Brother, she seems to be your junior sister?

Su Shixiu nodded, then smiled and patted Xi'er's head.

"Let's go back first, Xi'er, it's not early, why don't you talk when I come back." Remember to take a shower later.

"Oh, good.

Su Shixiu's care made Xi'er feel warm in her heart, but she quickly pinned her face, quickly entered the dormitory, and closed the door by the way.

Looking at the closed steel door and listening to the footsteps gradually walking away, Xi'er's eyes unconsciously turned red.

She took a deep breath, pushed back the tears that had welled up on her face, and then smiled again.

"Gee, these touching emotions are really troublesome, and they have to make people cry, it's really annoying!"

Picking up the two lunch boxes, Xi'er walked towards the house.


Putting down the lunch box in his hand, Su Shixiu lay directly on the sofa and sighed heavily.

"Senior, what can make you so sad?"

Klein cast his gaze over while eating fried rice.

"It's not worrying, at most it's a little worrying."

Rubbing his temples, Su Shixiu smiled helplessly.

"I didn't expect that I was so young that I didn't even talk about a girlfriend, so I had to experience the career of raising a baby in advance."

Klein was stunned for a moment, and then remembered Su Shixiu's sister Xi'er, and now Lixia.

However, Su Shixiu was not very worried.

Cheshire can reassure itself, as long as you don't call yourself in public.

"Senior Shixiu, Lixia is a very obedient child. And your sister, I'm sure she's just as reassuring as you are, and it shouldn't be that bad.

Su Shixiu was silent for a moment, then nodded.

Also, it's a big deal to go with the flow when the time comes, anyway, the matter of bringing a baby is not anyone's starting point, and the experience is all slowly accumulated.

Su Shixiu, who has taken Grace Xiu for a while, has the experience of a male mother who basically brings a baby.

Su Shixiu: Labor and management are not male mothers! (╬•̀皿•́).

■■■■■: Substitution!

Su Shixiu: ... I confess!

"Senior, do you want to go back to rest first? I still need you to help with tomorrow's operation,"

Klein was a little worried, Su Shixiu should still be very tired now!

If exhaustion affects tomorrow's state, then the situation is not very good.

The technology of Mebius and Klein is completely undoubted.

But Xi'er's situation is too special, even if the suppressor is limited, but her situation is not so good.

A chip is installed in the back of the brain, if the command is maliciously activated, it will instantly burn the brain nerves, which is likely to make Xi'er stupid with one click!

Because the location of this chip was so special, Su Shixiu was also forced to come over to help!

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