"That's fine, the senior is much stronger than you think."

Su Shixiu shook his head, although he was a little tired, it didn't hurt yet.

"Senior, but..."

"How about that, Senior Klein, will you help me relieve my fatigue?"

Seeing Su Shixiu's playful smile, Klein, who was already ready to put down his work and went over to help, suddenly thought of something, and his little face instantly blushed.

"Whoa Senior's words are not impossible, I am afraid that I will be beaten to death by the doctor afterwards..."

Su Shixiu:???


..." "Needless to say, senior, although we are very familiar with each other, it is still a little too early to take that step..." Looking

at Klein's crossed hands "can't", Su Shixiu couldn't help but smile helplessly.

"Who turned you into this? Sister Ellie? Or a teacher? Klein

was stunned, and then she reacted, and Su Shixiu's gaze was always clear when he saw her.

She had a hint of foreboding.

"It's just a rub, what is going on in the little head?"

Klein was stunned, and then his face showed a lot of obvious embarrassment.

"Haha, I listen to you. Senior sister, then I will go back to rest first, and when the teacher comes back, remember not to let her eat those meals cold, it must be hot! Seeing

her embarrassed look, Su Shixiu couldn't help but laugh out loud, and said a few words of advice by the way.

"Got it.! When

Klein heard his instructions, his face became more and more blushing, and he quickly coughed a few times to ease his embarrassment.

"Haha, why are you like a child...

Looking at Klein's shy appearance, Su Shixiu couldn't help it.

"Senior, goodbye! With

that, Klein picked up Mebius' meal and turned to leave.

"Haha, goodbye!

Su Shixiu smiled gently, did not stop much, and left directly.


In Su Shixiu's dormitory.

"Yo, brother is back?"

Xi'er, who was leaning on the sofa with a pillow, was weakly greeting Su Shixiu, staring intently at the TV.

Seeing Su Shixiu come back, she just said hello a little and continued to watch TV.

"Well, it's you... Su

Shixiu walked to the kitchen, poured a glass of water and sat in the living room, and took the remote control from Xi'er's hand!

"Hey, brother, you..."

"It's not early."

Pointing to the clock on the ceiling, Xi'er found that she was already fascinated by watching TV, and she had actually seen it after 11 o'clock!

Then, despite Xi'er's pleading, Su Shixiu turned off the TV.


" "Don't be coquettish with me!"

After hurting Xi'er's brain, Su Shixiu pointed to his bedroom, "Hurry up and sleep, I will take you to do things tomorrow."

"But Ciel doesn't want to sleep..."

Seeing Su Shixiu's kind (no) kind (precious) (good) affinity (intentional) smile, Xi'er immediately jumped off the sofa from her heart!

"What a hassle! The older brother also rested early.

Su Shixiu nodded and looked at Xi'er, who went back into the bedroom, until the bedroom door closed, and couldn't help sighing.

"This girl, I always feel that I can't let go of it..."

After turning off the light, Su Shixiu lay directly on the sofa and quickly closed his eyes.

In the bedroom of his dormitory, there are three loli sleeping at the moment, and Su Shixiu still doesn't think that he can do it, that kind of thing that violates morality and ethics!

However, just after Su Shixiu gradually fell into a deep sleep, the bedroom door suddenly opened.

The cat-headed and cat-brained Cheshire quietly inquired about Su Shixiu's situation.

After confirming that her master was asleep, she held a blanket, tiptoed out, and directly covered Su Shixiu's body.

Looking at Su Shixiu's handsome and youthful face, Cheshire couldn't help but smile stupidly, and quickly kissed Su Shixiu's brain.

"Good night kiss, as a good night blessing. Dear, rest well, hehe! "


The next day, early in the morning.

"Ah~ so sleepy... "

Su Shixiu early in the morning was awakened by hunger.

Rubbed his sympathetic eyes, glanced at the clock on the wall, only to find that it was only six o'clock in the morning, and he felt in his heart that he was probably getting up too early?


Su Shixiu, who had just gotten up from the bed, sneezed violently, and then rubbed his nose, "Damn!

Glancing at the kitchen, Su Shixiu glanced at the closed dormitory door again, and suddenly remembered some of the things he could know last night.

"I don't know if I can eat well, so let's cook it yourself."

Su Shixiu rubbed the tip of his nose, walked towards the kitchen, and then turned on the fire and began to make breakfast.

Su Shixiu's cooking skills are not bad, at least he has been cooking by himself for a long time.

Otherwise, you won't survive high school at all.

At the beginning, Mei's father was not only the boss in charge of arms sales, but also a scientific research expert in his own face, and rarely stayed at home.

Su Shixiu, who borrowed from Mei's house, naturally did not dare to let Mei come to the kitchen to cook, and at most he could only let her help with it.

After about seven o'clock, a hearty breakfast was prepared by Su Shixiu and personally brought to the table.

"Hmm, it's so fragrant! Ahem, brother, did you do this? The

moment Xi'er smelled the fragrance, she had already slipped out of the bedroom.

It seems that when he was cooking just now, the little girl had already woken up.

"Of course, if you don't mind, try it? Seeing

Xi'er sitting on the sofa, Su Shixiu smiled slightly, personally took out a small longbao from the steamer, and directly handed it to Xi'er's hand.

"Ah! So hot! Hissy ~ delicious! In

the face of the temptation of food, Xi'er was instantly defeated, after all, the law of true fragrance is a great discovery of mankind.

Therefore, Xi'er didn't care about any face, so she wanted to endure the heat in her mouth and continue to go to the cage in front of her to get Xiaolongbao.

It's just that as soon as she stretched out her hand, she was slapped back by Su Shixiu.


"Hurry up and brush your teeth and wash, it's so big to talk about hygiene!"

Su Shixiu glared at Xi'er angrily, and Xi'er just snorted coldly in dissatisfaction.

"Cut, it's not yet brother, the buns you made are too delicious... Don't stare at me like that, I'll just brush my teeth and wash my face! Unable

to stand Su Shixiu's gaze, Xi'er immediately left the living room.

Su Shixiu smiled slightly, and then saw that over in the bedroom, Cheshire quietly poked his head and smiled.

Su Shixiu couldn't help but hold his head and sighed involuntarily.

"Is Lixia's little girl awake?"

"No, dear... Ahem, brother! Cheshire

quickly coughed twice, and then immediately changed his words: "Brother, Lixia slept deeply, and it seems that she had a good dream."

Su Shixiu nodded, and then abandoned that idea.

"Then let her sleep a little longer. Cheshire, remember to wash your face and brush your teeth.


Cheshire obediently ran to the bathroom, and Su Shixiu couldn't help sighing when he saw this.

Today I have to do surgery, although Su Shixiu has not done it without dissecting corpses, but these are two different things after all.

One is to dissect and the other is to save people, and the brain is a very critical part of the human body, so even Su Shixiu does not dare to guarantee that he can master the knife.

It's Lixia and Ciel... It is estimated that after these few days, it is time to discuss with Mei and decide to arrange for these two children to go to school.

Then the next thing is the European region, and when he thinks that there are quite a few things to do, Su Shixiu will inevitably feel a little tired.

"Oh, what a day!"

Stretching comfortably, Su Shixiu subconsciously turned on the TV, looking at today's latest news.

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