【"The source of all Herrs is a projection of a creature called the Cocoon of the End. No one knows the origin of the Cocoon of the End. We only know that it came to our solar system much earlier than human civilization. The civilizations on Venus and Mars were destroyed by the destruction brought about by the Cocoon of the End."

"The Cocoon of the End can parasitize on the tip of the Imaginary Tree, intercepting the imaginary energy that should nourish the world and processing it into Honkai energy, and every time it"touches" a Herrscher is created. Even now, we have no way of knowing whether the Cocoon of the End is naturally generated or built and deployed by an advanced civilization."——Collapse Star Railway - Walter Yang】

【"……It's really a wonderful thing. It would be great if I had the opportunity to study it. If Ms. Jizi's weapon can reach the space station, then your world must be within the range of the observable universe. It may be that the end cocoon is covering it up so it can't be found."——Collapse Star Railway·Black Tower. 】

There is no doubt that the Cocoon of the End and the Herrscher have aroused the interest of the Black Tower, and she has decided to look for a place called the Solar System.

【"Let’s put these grand topics aside for a while and get back to the main topic."——Honkai Impact 3: Raven】

【"Of these options, we all know the Second Herrscher's record. The destructive power she caused is unprecedented in human history. She cannot be described as shameful in any way."——Honkai Impact 3: Otto】.

【"Humph! Without you, the damage she caused wouldn't have been so great!"——Honkai Impact 3: Tesla.

Seeing Otto's rare bubble, Dr. Tesla would not miss this opportunity and started scolding Otto.

【"So the answer should be among the three options A, C, and D."——Honkai Impact 3: Theresa~】

Theresa looked at Wendy, who lowered her head and acted like an ostrich. Now Wendy's body functions have recovered more than half, and she can accept more intensive rehabilitation training, but she can't fight in actual combat yet.

In fact, Wendy is also curious about what she will look like after becoming a Herrscher.

After all, she has been with Mei, the Herrscher of Thunder, for so long, and she eats with her every day. The image of the Herrscher has become less scary in her mind.

【"This title is contradictory. It says that this Herrscher has a brilliant record, but then says that she is the most shameful one. Unless the villains use very low-level methods when they attack her, such as the Mad Dog Fist, the Thousand Year Kill, the Clothes Explosion Technique, the Beauty Trap, the Dream Shattering Knife, etc., it is impossible to explain the shameful implication."——Honkai Impact 3: Einstein.

Dr. Einstein said some very extraordinary words in a serious tone.

【"Dr. Einstein, you seem to have said something quite extraordinary."——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423).

Kiana was ashamed of her behavior of understanding things immediately. She had experienced a lot of things in her early years. After all, she was so cute, and it was normal for people with bad intentions to target her. Although all the people with bad intentions failed in the end, Kiana knew all the things that a little girl should not know.

Thinking of those incredible words, Kiana blushed. If she encountered such a thing, her life as a Herrscher would be ruined.

【"There are still too few clues in the question, and I can't guess it at all."——Honkai Impact 3: Theresa.

Theresa's eyes were wandering and her face was red, as if she had suddenly been instilled with a bunch of strange knowledge.

She was originally looking at the conversations on the barrage, trying to find some information and clues, but she was confused. Everyone was talking too much, and she was confused.

As a result, she saw Dr. Einstein's fierce words. The simple school principal said that he didn't understand it at all, but the studious school principal took out his mobile phone and started to check. The result was amazing.

Little Theresa felt that she had opened the door to a new world.

【"Indeed, if you choose randomly, you are just relying on luck, which is not a good choice. If you really want to choose, let Kiana and Padu guess. They are lucky."——Honkai Impact 3: Fu Hua】

【"Sister Hua! Why are you like this?"——Honkai Impact 3: Pre-Civilization: Padofilis】

【"Monitor! How could you do this?"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423).

Fu Hua was quite aware of her luck. When she thought of the extremely vicious punishment, she didn't want to try it. If her breasts were reduced in size, she would be gone.

【"Since we can't tell from the question, let's analyze it from the options. The adjective of the Herrscher is"outstanding in battle", which proves that the Herrscher did cause considerable damage. The possibility of Sirin can be ruled out. Neither Bronya nor Raiden Mei caused much damage, so option D, Miss Wendy, is very likely."——Honkai Impact 3: Einstein.

Dr. Einstein found the key clue in just a few words, which shocked everyone.

【"Dr. Einstein is truly one of the greatest scientists in human history."——Honkai Impact 3: Rita】

【Time is up, please answer the question. If no one answers within the time limit, the system will randomly select a person to answer the question. Those who answer correctly will be rewarded, and those who answer incorrectly will receive a small penalty.

Time is up, and no one comes out to answer the question. Because the penalty is too harsh, everyone is still scared.

【"If no one answers, let me answer! I choose D"——Honkai Impact 3rd: Wendy. 】

Since she was among the options and was the most likely answer, Wendy took the initiative to answer the question.

She was also quite curious about her Herrscher form.

After answering, Wendy looked at the light curtain nervously, hoping that she could answer correctly.

The light curtain did not disappoint her.

【Congratulations to Wendy for answering the question correctly. The prize is being drawn.……】


【Congratulations to the test taker Wendy for obtaining the Eye of God - Wind!】

【Eye of God: The Eye of God is a specialty of the world called Teyvat. It is an external magic organ that allows mortals to use the wild and primitive power of the light world. When faced with uncontrollable situations, people always sigh about their own powerlessness. But at the steepest turning point in life, if the desire of mortals reaches the extreme, the sky will look down and give rewards to those who dare to step out of their predetermined fate.】

【This item can be processed by this system and can convert the Honkai energy into harmless elemental energy. Although its versatility is reduced, the damage to the user will be reduced to 0.】

【Eye of God - Wind: Destiny of desire and turnaround.

From small things like harmonious neighborhoods to big things like world peace, those who cannot obtain what they want are all looking for a turnaround, and the Wind God blesses them, helping them fly with the wind to a brighter direction.

Each of us lives under oppression, just like Old Mondstadt ruled by Decarabian.

But please don't be indifferent, because the wind direction will always change.

One day, it will blow in a brighter direction.

From now on, live more calmly with my blessings.

A sphere emitting a light blue light fell on Wendy.���In the middle of the night, a feeling of freedom from inside to outside enveloped Wendy's body.

A feeling of freedom appeared in Wendy's heart, as if the air that enveloped her at this moment came alive and could help her as she wished.

Under the wrapping of this breeze, Wendy floated in the air like a free bird.

The painful past that seemed unacceptable in the past seemed less important under the breeze.

No matter where the future will go, now she finally got this little freedom.

After Wendy received the reward, everyone congratulated her, and then looked at the light curtain carefully, wanting to know more information.

The light curtain began to play the video.

First, a line of subtitles appeared: The real Herrscher of the Wind, controlling the atmospheric circulation, tearing the earth's plates and the human joint fleet like taking things out of a bag, acting as the end of the world, condensing the collapse of the dead spots to clean the surface, destroying civilization, and reconstructing the world!

The fake Herrscher of the Wind was beaten by the cook, kicked by the paramecium, evaded by the duckling, and finally knocked down by a punch from the Titan father. He died in the hands of Cocolia, which was a shame for the Herrscher. How could he face those predecessors with brilliant achievements when he returned to the Cocoon of the End?

After seeing this line of comments, Wendy, who was having a lot of fun in the air, covered her face unconsciously. This introduction was really embarrassing. As the Herrscher of the Wind, it was okay to be entangled by three Valkyries, but she was also knocked down by a punch from the Titan. Where could she put her face!

Then, the video began in a steel passage, which looked like a heavily guarded base.

Kiana, Mei and Bronya were running along the same path, all fully armed. The road was full of dead soldiers, broken machines and the bodies of Valkyries who died in battle.

·· ···Request flowers··· ·

【"Is this... the Oceania branch of Tenman? It seems that it has been hit by a great collapse. Is this the time when Miss Wendy will become a Herrscher?"——Honkai Impact 3: Yulandel.

As a super-duper person, Yulandel spent a year to fight all the masters in all the branches of Tianming in the world. After the fight, her evaluation was: none of them could beat them!

So she still remembered some of the display facilities of the Oceania branch, one of the previous destinations.

At this moment, Ji Zi's virtual communication appeared in front of the three-person team.

Ji Zi issued a serious order

"Lieutenant Kiana, you have arrived in New Zealand now. How is the landing site?"

Kiana looked around and saw some dead soldiers and Honkai beasts, but they were not too powerful.

"The landing site is near the branch of Destiny Oceania. There are a few remnants of Honkai energy explosion, and the number of dead soldiers and Honkai beasts is relatively small. It should be a small local Honkai event."

Bronya quickly observed the surroundings and combined the results of the detection instrument to reply to Jizi

"According to detection intelligence, a day ago, a strong Honkai reaction broke out in New Zealand. The intensity is definitely not as strong as the one two years ago. According to satellite reconnaissance, a large number of dead soldiers and Honkai beasts appeared in the densely populated areas of New Zealand. Members of other teams have gone to the city to perform search and rescue missions. You are the Valkyries with the best performance in this mission, so your task is the heaviest!"


Ji Zi seriously explained the seriousness of the matter

"Today, New Zealand and even eastern Australia have suffered huge losses. The Oceania branch of Tianming has been paralyzed, with only a few survivors. Most importantly, the 'Gem of Desire' kept by the Oceania branch has disappeared!"

"At present, the advanced Houkai energy detector crashed on the Hyperion has detected a huge Houkai energy radiation source in the KW-001 laboratory in front of you, which is very likely to be the Desire Gem. Therefore, your task is to search for the Desire Gem at the target location. If you can recover it, that would be the best. If a strong enemy appears, you need to call for help immediately."

"Please note that the Gem of Desire is one of the Herrscher cores recovered by Destiny from the Herrscher of the Void, so the possibility of the birth of a Herrscher in this Honkai event does not rule out. If you find that the concentration of Honkai energy is increasing rapidly, you must retreat immediately!"

"We got it!"

The three of them agreed in unison.

Then they carefully sneaked into the KW-001 laboratory ahead through the route they had discovered earlier. This laboratory was built and put into use by Tianming twelve years ago. Its confidentiality level was quite high, but at this moment, it had become the nest of the dead soldiers.

"Sister Mei, be careful. With the defense strength of this laboratory, it is impossible for so many dead soldiers and Honkai beasts to be entrenched in it, so there is only one possibility.

Yaya frowned and analyzed.

"What is possible?"

"That is, the source of Honkai energy is in this laboratory. It should be that a high concentration of Honkai energy exploded in the laboratory, and the entire laboratory collapsed in an instant."

"Doesn't that mean……"

Mei's face was not very good. With such a large laboratory, the permanent population of researchers, security personnel, logistics personnel and family members should be no less than 5,000.

However, the life detector did not find any trace of living people.

"This is the collapse……"

All three of them were a little depressed

"Bronya just called up the design of this laboratory. Here... and here... This is the escape route that was left when it was designed. If nothing unexpected happens, it is still closed. We can quickly enter the place where the Desire Gem is stored through these places without having to fight a large number of dead soldiers."

Following Bronya's instructions, the three of them entered a secret passage from a seemingly inconspicuous communication room. Sure enough, there were no enemies or monsters here except that the concentration of Honkai energy in the air was higher than normal.

The three of them moved quickly while checking their personal terminals. Under the remote command of Bronya and Hyperion, they turned around in the complex passage and came to an open-air garden.

There, a silent person sat in a wheelchair and was in a daze.

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