【"Our immortal ship was originally launched because an emperor who unified the planet built and set sail in order to find a pharmacist in order to achieve immortality. However, we have lost our way now and can no longer find the direction of our ancestral star."

"After sailing for more than 2,000 years, we finally met the Medicine Master. After praying, the Medicine Master gave the immortal boat a sacred tree named Jianmu. This tree took root in the immortal boat Luofu. It could not be destroyed by metal, nor could it be soaked by water or fire. It drew the light of the stars and the moon and flourished. It grew ten feet during the day and seven feet at night."

"In a short period of time, the sacred tree Jianmu had grown taller than a mountain. Its spreading and growing aerial roots drooped down, even crushing and destroying several caves. From afar, it looked like a sacred mountain supporting the heaven and earth, and its canopy reached straight into the universe, absorbing the light of the stars. It was truly a tree that connected the heaven and the earth."

"Later, the sacred tree produced golden fruits. After all the immortals ate them, they became immortal. Among the many abundant miracles, Jianmu was unique. They did not need to devour their own kind, eat raw meat and drink blood, or even change their lifestyle. They only needed to eat a fruit to gain immortality. No individual or civilization could resist this temptation."——Collapse Star Railway Jingyuan】

【"Wouldn’t that be great? You can get a long life without having to do those disgusting-sounding things. Does the pharmacist treat Xianzhou differently?"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423)】

【"This lady is right, if that's all. But this gift has become a curse. Such easy-to-obtain immortality has had a profound impact on the Xianzhou society. All human social forms and spiritual traditions are based on the premise that people will die, so you can roughly guess what those nobles who hold power will do."

"During the most chaotic and cruel period of Xianzhou, people multiplied endlessly, but never died.

The old people lingered in high positions, always controlled power, and enjoyed long-term wealth in the world, while the vast majority of poor people had no place to stand.

With the uncontrolled reproduction, the Xianzhou was overcrowded and starving everywhere.

Even when resources were insufficient, a considerable number of people in Xianzhou could not get enough food and could only endure the torture of hunger day and night.

Even because of their immortal bodies, they would not die no matter how hungry or sick they were, and could only suffer forever like falling into the hungry ghost realm!

"——Collapse Star Railway Jingyuan】

【"Ugh! This is so scary. The thought of being hungry but not dying of hunger is so scary!"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423)】

【"Not only that, although the bodies of the immortals can live forever, it is precisely because of this immortal body that the body will reject all foreign objects. Some immortals are born with disabilities or genetic diseases, and because of this reason, they will never be cured. In the end, all immortals will embark on the path of the devil body."——Collapse Star Railway Jingyuan】

【"What is the demonic body?"——Honkai Impact 3: Bronya】

【"I have been interested in this question and studied it for a while. The demonic body is what the Xianzhou people call it. Other people of Fengcuo call it metamorphosis, rebirth from the cocoon, and divine revelation. Even the Xianzhou people called it the body of a celestial being before they followed the hunting tour, and called those who fell into the demonic body the Chenglu Tianren."

"This situation occurs in all short-lived species that have been blessed with the gift of abundance. From my research, the principle of longevity for the people of abundance is that cells throughout the body can transform between specialized cells and stem cells as needed. This transformation follows specific rules and will not cause any disorder."——Collapse Star Railway: Black Tower】

【"As for the rules of transformation, they are mysteries among mysteries, which I have not yet discovered. I only know that it is not based on endocrine levels or other indicators, but on the standards that are set when a person is born. Between the transformation of differentiation and specialization, cells keep the characteristics of a person's body constant within the original standards."

"Therefore, the standard for those Xianzhou people who were born with disabilities was the appearance of their disabilities. No matter how they were treated, they would eventually return to their original standard due to mysterious reasons."

"However, this state of immortality will not last forever. At a certain critical point in the life cycle of the immortal species, it will suddenly enter a new stage - the original standard will be broken, and the body will show extremely destructive growth, turning people who originally lived in the civilized world and followed the civilized order into monsters without intelligence. The Xianzhou people call them"abundant evil creatures"."

"The views of Xianzhou people and other Fengrao people on this matter are completely opposite.

Xianzhou people believe that those who are before the demon body are human beings.

In the eyes of Fengrao people, those who break the restrictions are their own people.

From the company's understanding of Fengrao people, Fengrao people will not wait for the arrival of the demon body, but will accelerate the arrival of the demon body, accelerate the changes, embrace the power of abundance, and evolve their bodies in a more powerful direction.


"As for the so-called spiritual wisdom that was abandoned in the process, in their view, it was just a trivial price to pay in the process of evolution."

"This is the essence of the gift of abundance. It heals your body and tortures your mind. He sets innate standards, allowing the short-lived species to evolve towards the goals engraved in their genes. The standards established by the short-lived species and the moral codes they follow are worthless in the face of abundance."——Collapse Star Railway Black Tower. 】

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