【"Ms. Heita's analysis really opened my eyes. She is worthy of being a member of the Genius Club. She is right. In the eyes of the Xianzhou people, the demonic body is a symptom of the Xianzhou people after living for a long time. The six senses are reversed, and human relations are lost. Humans desire immortality, but they cannot afford the price of immortality."

"Before falling into the demonic body, the immortal boat people will show the signs of the five declines of the heavenly beings - disability, defilement, anger, transformation, and unconsciousness."

"The so-called disability refers to the serious damage to the body caused by external violence, which must be repaired through self-healing ability for a long and painful period of time. However, the self-healing ability of the immortal boat people is very difficult to control. If the thoughts and will of the injured person are distorted, his entire body will also be distorted in a weird direction."

"The so-called contamination refers to the fact that the Xianzhou people are infected with some tenacious extraterrestrial viruses or bacteria and are unable to kill and metabolize them. However, since the Xianzhou people's bodies are immortal, they cannot be killed by those viruses and bacteria. They can only be tortured by them forever in their long lives. Under the painful torture, the spirit of the Xianzhou people is easy to collapse, causing the body to be deformed and twisted."

"The so-called anger refers to the fact that the Xianzhou people have lost the ability to control their emotions over time, making them unable to feel their own emotions and unable to empathize with others. The love they swore before and the family affection they supported each other in times of difficulty are like flying sand in the wind in their hearts. In their hearts, ethics and morality are no longer constraints. The only thing that can drive them is instinct."

"The so-called transformation refers to the fact that after the spirit of the immortal boat people collapses, their bodies become deformed, and they grow into lumps of flesh and blood, and their organs mutate. They can no longer maintain the stability of their human form, and can only become a mass of grotesque flesh and blood monsters. They devour all nutritious things according to their instincts, and the same kind of people are the most attractive to them."

"The so-called unconsciousness means that the mind is occupied by an inexplicable sense of emptiness, and falls into a state of confusion.

This state is the most dangerous, because in this state, abundant divine power will emerge uncontrollably from the depths of the body, not only turning oneself into a moving monster of flesh and blood, but also radiating out to seduce normal immortal boat people and trigger their demonic Yin bodies in advance.

It is very dangerous.

If not handled properly, it will be a major incident.

"——Collapse Star Railway Jingyuan】

【"From our Xianzhou research on the demonic Yin body, the life span of the immortal species is theoretically infinite, but the capacity of human memory is limited. As people grow older, one day, the memory will fill all the storage organs in the brain. Since the Xianzhou people are born, the standard is constant, so even if the memory fills the brain, they cannot forget it."

"At this time, under the erosion of time, your emotional perception ability has become extremely dull, and those beautiful and peaceful memories have gradually been hidden, leaving only the most extreme and vivid memories. In other words, the remnants of painful and regretful memories will eventually fill up your memory space."

"This also means that you can no longer feel happiness and joy. What stimulates you all the time are only the pain, regret, hatred and other emotions that are engraved in your heart like scars. Under the torture of these extreme emotions day and night, unless a few extremely strong people can endure it, others will be deformed mentally and physically under this torture, and thus turned into a rich evil creature."——Collapsed Star Sky Railway·Jingyuan. 】

Hearing this shocking information, the heroes of the former civilization looked at Hua

【"Sister Hua, I remember that one of the side effects of becoming a fusion warrior was hyperamnesia, right?……"——Honkai Impact 3: Pre-Civilization: Padofilis】

【"That’s right, it seems that if I didn’t have Yu Duchen’s help to delete unnecessary memories when needed, I would probably become a demon like the people in Xianzhou!"——Honkai Impact 3: Pre-civilization: Hua】

【"Indeed, there was a period of time when my mind was in a state similar to unconsciousness, but how did I recover?"——Honkai Impact 3: Fu Hua.

Recalling the past in her mind, Fu Hua suddenly covered her forehead and groaned, as if there was a scar there.

Jing Yuan and Fu Xuan explained in great detail the side effects of the immortality of the Xianzhou people, so that others would not embark on the path of pursuing abundance. However, the desire for eternal life is the instinct of all life.

No one will truly wake up without suffering the exact consequences.

But even so, Xianzhou will not give up.

【"Indeed, just listening to the general's story is terrifying, but if that fruit was placed in front of me at this moment, I probably wouldn't be able to refuse it!"——Honkai Impact 3: Infinite Tower Himeko】

【"In our world, whether it is the kings of the East or the nobles of the West, the pursuit of long life and eternal youth permeates the entire history. However, in our world, the technology and means that can enable all individuals of a civilization to obtain longevity do not exist yet."——Honkai Impact 3rd: Rita. 】

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