【"I actually guessed it right... Class monitor, how did you come up with the idea of choosing D?"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423). 】

Kiana looked at Fu Hua in surprise

【"I have a guess, I may have put a piece of Yudu Dust on Kiana, so I can help her in time"——Honkai Impact 3: Fu Hua.

Fu Hua took out a pink feather and showed it to her friends.

"Is this the legendary Key of God? It's the same treasure as my aunt's!" Kiana asked curiously.

【"That's right, this is the eighth divine key, the key of consciousness, Yu Duchen. Yu Duchen can manipulate brain signals and make people who see the feather fall into the illusion created by the holder of Yu Duchen. If the enemy thinks he is dead in his consciousness, then his body is just a breathing corpse."——Honkai Impact 3: Fu Hua】

【"The person who was with the stupid Kiana at that time was actually the class monitor?"——Honkai Impact 3: Bronya】

【"Was it the class leader who stopped Kiana from committing suicide? Why not us? Weren't we by Kiana's side at that time?"——Honkai Impact 3rd: Raiden Mei】

【"Could it be that we were assigned to other places? I remember that last time, Kiana went to Singapore with the squad leader to carry out the mission."——Honkai Impact 3: Bronya】.

【"Wait, the video starts playing!"——Honkai Impact 3: Infinite Tower Himeko. 】

The light screen began to play a video.

The screen showed a city in the night.

Between dawn and night was an abyss of pain, light and anxiety. The faces reflected in the worn mirror at night were no longer the same as before.

At the beginning, there was a TV that was broadcasting a notice:"Attention, citizens! Attention, citizens! A Honkai disaster is occurring in the northern part of Sky City. Citizens in the area are requested to evacuate the area quickly and seek refuge in the nearest shelter! Sky Patrol is rushing to the disaster area.……"

The flames were burning, and the Honkai beast silently killed everyone who entered its sensing range. The survivors wailed miserably. Kiana hid behind a collapsed robot, gritting her teeth and staring at the survivors who were about to be killed by the Honkai beast.

She wanted to save them, but……

"Kiana, you can’t touch Honkai energy anymore… Go… Go quickly… You can’t do anything now!"

Fu Hua’s voice rang in her mind, but she seemed not to hear it.

She took a firm step forward!

"Can't do anything? I have to……"

She still rushed forward, firmly standing between the surviving citizens and the Honkai beasts, just like Kaslana's family motto - the shield of the people!

She took her ancestral baseball bat and stood in front of the people.

"Run quickly and don't look back, I will hold them back!"

【"You are truly worthy of being me! A hero in the dark city, a warrior who saves the citizens!"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423)】

【"handsome!"——Honkai Impact 3rd: Previous Civilization: Kevin】

【"handsome!"——Honkai Impact 3: Pre-Civilization: Kosmo】

【"Cool! Do you also use a baseball bat? You must be very good at it!"——Collapse Star Railway: Star】

【"Stupid Kiana, didn't you hear the monitor admonishing you? You look like you have a physical problem. What if you can't defeat the Honkai beast?"——Honkai Impact 3: Bronya】

【"Humph! Little guy, you must be envious of my handsome appearance. I can easily defeat a mere tank-class Honkai beast with one blow!"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423)】

【"What happened to Kiana's body? Why did the squad leader say that Kiana could no longer come into contact with Honkai energy?"——Honkai Impact 3rd: Raiden Mei】

【"There are too few clues at the moment. We can only see that the video is of Sky City, where a collapse disaster occurred. Kiana appears there for unknown reasons, and there are no teammates around her. Only Fu Hua is communicating with her.々. "——Honkai Impact 3: Infinite Tower Himeko】

【"Let's keep reading, it will give us the answer."——Honkai Impact 3: Theresa.

Facing several tank-class Honkai beasts, Kiana should have been able to defeat one with one blow, but unexpectedly, Kiana's battle was quite difficult. The weapon had almost no effect on the Honkai beasts. Instead, every time Kiana dodged, her face became more painful.

After suffering countless scratches and after the survivors escaped, Kiana barely managed to get into a sewer and disappeared into the ruins.

【"Kiana, how could this happen?"——Honkai Impact 3: Raiden Mei. 】

Seeing Kiana in the video, covered in wounds but still determined to fight, Mei's eyes were red.

On an empty bridge, Kiana was stumbling and running.

A voice rang in her mind:"Kiana, why are you running away? They are all prey, and you are the hunter!☆"

Kiana turned a deaf ear to the voice and continued to flee in a panic, but was still blocked in a desperate situation by the current Honkai beasts.

Without Honkai energy, Kiana is just an ordinary girl with some strange powers, and she can't be the opponent of this group of Honkai beasts.

Kiana dodged left and right, and was finally knocked away by a Honkai beast. She rolled on the ground in a panic and hit the railing, with blood gradually appearing under her clothes.

"No...I can't die here, I still have……"

A Honkai beast rushed in front of Kiana, and its sharp spikes stabbed at Kiana's body.

Kiana could only barely raise her head and saw purple stripes spreading on her body. She covered her eyes tightly, and an orange-yellow light appeared from between her fingers.

As Kiana's eyes turned orange, a female voice sounded:"Leave this body to me!☆" followed by Fu Hua's voice:"Kiana!"

【"No way, how could I be so miserable?"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423)】

【"Kiana! This is!"——Honkai Impact 3rd: Raiden Mei】

【"This should be the process of Kiana's transformation into a Herrscher! First, Kiana was injured and could not use Honkai energy, and then she was forced into a desperate situation. In order to survive, the survival instinct of life activated the Herrscher gem in her body! It was similar to the situation of Mei's sister at that time! Damn!"——Honkai Impact 3: Bronya】

【"Damn it, who did this?"——Honkai Impact 3rd: Raiden Mei】

【"Grandpa, is this also part of your experiment?"——Honkai Impact 3: Theresa】

【"Miss Kiana looks so painful."——Collapse of the Star Railway·March 7.】

Otto did not reply. Speaking at this time would obviously attract all the hatred to himself.

In the picture, there is a broken church. Outside the broken roof is not the sky or the starry sky, but a layer of gray haze.

A black figure appeared at the end of the picture.

In the darkness, Kiana was falling upside down, and there was a bottomless abyss below.

Kiana's voice sounded, like a narration:"The girl once heard someone say that before dying, everything she experienced in the past will fly before her eyes like a revolving lantern."

"But now, there is only darkness in front of her eyes."

"Shouldn't I have been pierced by the Honkai Beast's spear?" The girl was confused.

"They should be like the victims who could do nothing but run away and cry, watching the Honkai beasts fall from the sky, being pierced, trampled, and slaughtered.……"

"……Why am I still alive?"

"——Because I have committed too many sins, I need to live and accept the punishment of fate."

"——Do you think you can resist the Herrscher's personality and that you still have a chance to save everything?"

"——Or, is there still a last bit of fantasy in her heart, hoping that all this is just a nightmare, and everything will return to normal after the classroom bell rings?"

She had no way of knowing.

There was only a bottomless darkness in front of her.

Kiana gritted her teeth, trying to control her mind that was about to lose control, and recalled everything worth remembering in the past...

In the end, the memories were fragmented and rushed towards her...

Familiar people appeared in front of the girl, her friends and relatives.


"Those friends who keep saying they want to take you home, after they see your true inner self, will they still be willing to let you get close to them and hug them? ☆" said the Herrscher in the sky

"At this moment, in their eyes, the girl named Kiana no longer exists. The only way to save you now is to destroy you.☆"

"Kiana, I'm so sorry!"

"I... have to do this!"

In the fantasy, Mei and Theresa thought of Kiana attacking.

"Theresa, Mei, what are you going to do? No!"

【"This is all a conspiracy by the Herrscher! How could I possibly attack Kiana?"——Honkai Impact 3rd: Raiden Mei】

【"Mei is right!"——Honkai Impact 3: Theresa】

【"I know I can control myself"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423)】

【"Pay attention, Kiana in the picture is not much older than she is now, this should have happened within a year!"——Honkai Impact 3: Bronya.

Bronya's size cast a shadow in the minds of several people, making Kiana and Meiyi terrified. Doesn't that mean that if there is no light curtain, Kiana will suffer such torture within a year?

She dared not imagine it. She would rather be tortured herself than watch Kiana suffer.

Meiyi felt heartbroken as she watched the fantasy of herself and Theresa cutting the blade into Kiana's body without resistance.

".「 Coward! Are you finally trying to accept your own power?"

The voice in her heart sounded, but this time, Meiyi was no longer afraid and terrified.

Kiana, the finale, had quietly defused the bomb in Meiyi's heart last time.

Seeing that Kiana did not resist, but allowed Meiyi and Theresa to attack, the Herrscher in the air shook his head in boredom, and the fantasy disappeared. Fu Hua's figure appeared in front of Kiana.

"Remember this hateful face?~☆"

"She betrayed your trust and was always very hard on you in the academy. You thought it was just her cold personality, but it wasn't.……"


"She treated you as a monster from the beginning to the end, always watching you and being on guard against you. In the end, she destroyed your life with her own hands and handed you over to Otto! To her, you will always be prey!"


Fu Hua thought about it, walked over to Kiana, sat with her, and expressed her opposition to the Herrscher's remarks with her actions.

"Don't worry, I won't be fooled by the lies of the Herrscher inside."

Unlike the desperate Kiana in the video, Kiana in the dormitory already knew the whole story, so she naturally wouldn't be fooled by Sirin's words.

In the picture, Sirin continued to use words to cut Kiana's heart.

"Now, she's hunting you again.~☆"

However, contrary to Xilin's expectation, Fantasy Fu Hua did not attack Kiana, but stood there and said:"Don't believe her, Kiana, don't let her control your thoughts!"

Xilin's face sank, and with a wave of his hand, Fu Hua's fantasy dissipated. Otto's figure appeared around him. He said to the culture tank in front of him:"Experimental subject number: K423, the donor cells are the direct descendants of the Kaslana family and the Shaniyat family, a combination of a knight and a saint."

"The second Herrscher's gene was transferred into the experiment. Like the previous test subject, although the embryo completed its development, it was in a vegetative state without any subjective activity. However, this time, after the Herrscher core was implanted, K423's brain waves showed regular patterns."

【"Hehehe, it seems that no matter what era it is, there are always some scum among humans and they rise to the top of the human race!"——Honkai Impact 3: Previous Civilization: Mebius】

【"You started the research on the Herrscher so easily. Should we say you are a genius or a madman?"———Honkai Impact 3: Pre-Civilization: Velvet】

【"People like this deserve to die!"———Honkai Impact 3: Pre-Civilization: Thousand Tribulations. 】

Kiana in the video widened her eyes, looking incredulous:"This is……"

The Herrscher in the air said,"This is the day you were born. To be exact, it is also the day I returned to the human world."

Xilin's cold voice broke Kiana's hope.

"This is not true!"

Kiana said excitedly

"It is these stupid humans who have created our tragedy!"

"They brought God's punishment upon themselves!"

"And you are just a container, a prison used by humans to bind me!"

"Your name and your past are all lies, they never belonged to you"

"You and I are both victims. If that's the case, why don't you join me and severely punish those humans who deceived us and manipulated our fate?"

Xilin's bewitching voice echoed in Kiana's ears, mind, and heart, denying all of Kiana's feelings and experiences in this life. Her words were like sharp knives, stabbing Kiana's already broken heart and making it bleed.

Kiana in the video was in pain, and Mei outside the video felt the same way. The sharp blades that chopped Kiana seemed to chop Mei's body at the same time.

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