"Especially Mei and Kiana, you both have the Herrscher Gem in your body. If you can use the power in it a little, it will be enough for you to become a sword god."

"Sword God, God, is the ultimate change, the wonder of all things, and cannot be questioned by form. Sword God fills the space, and Sword God is space. Therefore, it is omnipresent and invincible. Sword God can attack both matter and spirit at the same time. If used skillfully, it can ignore the enemy's form and energy and directly damage the enemy's consciousness!"

"The Sword God is the essence of Taixu Sword Qi, and it is also the last research of the entire pre-civilization before its demise. It is a technology that uses Honkai energy with high efficiency, and can defeat or even kill Herrscher with less than one-tenth of Honkai energy! It requires very high Honkai energy and consciousness strength of the user."

"Kiana, if you can become a sword god, then the Herrscher consciousness in your body will be nothing to you.

Fu Hua said to Kiana, whose eyes were already turning into circles.

"I once used it on the Second Herrscher, but unfortunately it seemed to be blocked by something and I failed to kill her!"

"Valkyrie Psychology? I seem to have taken this course when I was training at the Destiny Headquarters. I didn't expect this course to be so important!"

Ji Zi said in surprise

"It turns out that we have already learned Taixu Sword Qi!"

"Wow! So awesome, ahem, ask for my advice from Lady Kiana next time!"

Chong Chong jumped up and posed like a knight she had seen in a TV series.

Well, if she closed her eyes, let her hair down, and made a cool expression, she would really look like a white-haired fairy.

No one would doubt Chong Chong's beauty, right?

"Stupid Kiana, don't jump up and interrupt the monitor!"

Bronya was taking notes attentively, while Mei was thoughtfully sensing the conquest gem in her body. After being forced out by Sister Lei Lu last time and kissing Kiana, Mei could control the power of lightning to a certain extent. The current lightning Mei just meets the prerequisite requirements of the sword god in the Taixu sword energy-the ability to control a large amount of Honkai energy.

So among the few people, Mei is the most attentive. Her family has the Beichen Itori, which is also a powerful martial art. However, compared with the Taixu sword energy, it is just a firefly. How can it compete with the bright moon? Fu Hua began to introduce the specific training methods. Mei listened and suddenly became enlightened. The feeling of swinging the sword again was completely different.

Compared with Mei's huge progress, Kiana and Bronya are very good at it. Bronya did not gain such a big harvest. Among the three starters, Yaya's adaptability to Honkai energy is the worst. She is not as good as Kiana who can accommodate several Herrscher gems, nor as good as Mei, who is a natural Herrscher of Lightning. If it weren't for the End Bugs who healed her injured brain, she probably wouldn't even be able to learn Kenshin.

It's just that everyone has their own path, and Bronya won't force herself to learn the Sword God.

When Bugs listened to Fu Hua telling the history of Taixu Sword Qi, she was so excited that she fell asleep reflexively, but she didn't dare to fall asleep because of Jizi's murderous gaze.

It was not easy to get to the actual combat stage. Bugs, who was finally able to have fun, rushed out like Husky.

The fulfilling day passed quickly, and it was time to answer questions today.

【"Good evening, everyone! We have entered Beloberg and are having a good"negotiation" with Cocolia!"——Collapse Star Railway: March 7】

【"Yes, we immediately controlled Cocolia. Cocolia has a great figure. What did she eat to grow like this? @Bronya Rand, your mother is really good!"——Collapse Star Railway: Star】

【"Idiot, is it okay to say something like that?"——Collapse Star Railway: March 7】

【"Uh... Thank you for helping Mother Cocolia get rid of the influence of the star core. Although Mother Cocolia was quite frightened, I still want to thank you for coming as the acting great guardian. It is you who have brought a ray of light to our civilization that is about to step into darkness!"——Collapse Star Railway: Bronya Rand】

【"Miss, although your posture when you grabbed me was not very polite, I am still very grateful for your coming. I just hope that next time when you strangle me, you don’t put your other hand in a weird place."——Collapse Star Railway Cocolia Rand】

【"Hehehehehe...by the way, what should we do with this star core?"——Collapsed Star Dome Railway·Star.】

This time, all the train crew members went out. When Cocolia and Star Core were not prepared, under the leadership of Land Duck, who was the incarnation of the guide party, they rushed directly to Klipperburg and captured Cocolia alive. Then Uncle Yang took action to temporarily free Cocolia from the control of Star Core.

Then, several people followed the clues. Before Star Core had time to escape, the train crew descended from the sky and surrounded it, and then it was beaten up. Although Star Core summoned the remnants of all the great guardians of the past, Star finally ignited the will of preservation and attracted the attention of the Amber King. He used the power of flames and protection to defeat them all.

Finally, facing the pure white storm sweeping the sky and the earth, Star used the power of preservation to wield the Holy Judgement of Heavenly Fire, directly unlocking the annihilation form, and the temperature and power of the red giant melted all the cold waves.

Then, the exhausted Star Core was controlled and sealed by the train crew.

It seemed as skilled as playing the second round, so skilled that the Star Core was solved in less than a day.

Cocolia seemed to be dreaming. She saw her good daughter and a group of strangers rushing to her in the morning and capturing her alive.

Cocolia took a breath of cold air. She thought her good daughter finally became filial and wanted to take her place.

Then the voices that had been lingering in her mind for a long time were blocked by the man with a magical device.

She seemed to wake up from a nightmare.

What was even more unexpected was that these people were so efficient that they had already taken back the star core with exhausted energy before the banquet held in the evening began.

Is this the Star Train and the Nameless Guest mentioned in the records?

It's so terrifying!

【"Tonight, everyone, it seems that the nameless guests have connected to a lost planet.

I have found the news of Yalilo in the records of the Immortal Boat.

It used to be a beautiful planet.

Many people from the Immortal Boat visited it.

However, after the outbreak of the Cancer of All Worlds, they lost contact.

In the past, we all thought that Yalilo No.

6 had been destroyed by the attack of the Antimatter Legion.

I didn't expect to see the day when Yalilo civilization is reborn!

It's really a cause for celebration!

"——Collapse Star Railway Jingyuan】

【"Hello, General of Xianzhou, our records of Beloberg also contain information about the Xianzhou Alliance.……"——Collapsed Star Dome Railway·Bronya·Rand.】

Rand Duck and Jing Yuanyuan started a wave of business mutual praise, and others also began to look for people to chat with.

It was mainly several doctors from the former civilization who asked the Black Tower for various knowledge. The Black Tower's casual reminders were golden words in their eyes, which could improve the level of science and technology.

With the help of the Black Tower, the former civilization has completed the development of the enhanced version of the Moonlight Throne, and is now gathering the last strength of the civilization to build it. If it can be successfully built, then defeating the Herrscher of the End will not be a fantasy!

【Good evening, fellow answerers.】

【Today's answering time is up, please pay attention】

【Please listen to the question: On the way to find Seele in the Quantum Sea, Bronya accepted Joachim's test and went to the three world bubbles. In the second world, she met a person who was completely different from her previous impression. Who is this person?】

【A:Otto Apokalis】

【B:Raiden Mei】


【D:Wuliangta Himeko】

【This question is a quick-answer question. After the countdown ends, everyone can answer the question. Those who answer correctly will be rewarded, and those who answer incorrectly will receive a small punishment.】

【"PS: Since Walter Yang of the Star Dome Railway World is an eyewitness of the incident, he is prohibited from answering this question, and is prohibited from giving any form of reminders to others. After answering the question, Walter Yang will be compensated with a small gift."】

After reading the questions and options, everyone had their own thoughts. However, after seeing Walter was banned again, everyone smiled knowingly.

【"Hahahaha, Uncle Yang is so pitiful, he has been banned again"——Collapse Star Railway: March 7】

【"In fact, I also want to be banned. Anyway, if others answer correctly, I can get rewards. This way, I won’t be afraid of my dark history being exposed by the screen when I answer incorrectly."——Honkai Impact 3: Deli���】

【"Ms. Theresa is right. I don't want to brush rare birds into my hair."——Honkai Impact 3: Einstein】

【"Is it Bronya's turn again? It seems that Bronya will go to the Quantum Sea to find Seele in the not too distant future. This is really good news. Then, who is Joachim in the title? Why does he want to test Bronya?"——Honkai Impact 3: Bronya】

【"The second world? What does that mean? Has Bronya been to many other worlds? Is the experience of a mercenary so impressive?"——Honkai Impact 3rd: Raiden Mei. 】

Mei is puzzled

【"In the second world, Bronya met someone with a completely different personality from what she had imagined? Who was that person?"——Honkai Impact 3: Theresa.】

Theresa frowned.

【"I feel like this question is harder to figure out than the previous one."——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423).

Chong Chong gave up thinking.

Thinking was not her strong point anyway, and with Bronya by her side acting as her external brain, she naturally didn't need to waste her few brain cells. Bronya was very happy to learn from the title that she would soon go to the Quantum Sea to rescue Seele.

She went to the Quantum Sea to find Seele, but why did she accept the test of Joachim?

【"Actually, my real name is Joachim Nokian Virtanen, and Walter... is the name of a predecessor I inherited."——Collapse Star Railway - Walter Yang】

【"It turns out that the one who tested Bronya in the question was Uncle Yang!"——Collapse Star Railway: March 7】

【"If this is Mr. Walter's test, then it seems that the test of these three world bubbles is Bronya's test to inherit the power of the Herrscher of Reason?"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423)】

【"From the question, we can know that Bronya accepted Joachim's test and passed the first world, then the second world. As for whether there is more after that, I don't know, but one thing we can be sure of is that Bronya successfully passed all of Walter's tests and finally inherited the power of the Herrscher of Reason."——Honkai Impact 3: Einstein】

【"You are right, that's exactly it!"——Collapse Star Railway - Walter Yang】

【"So back to the topic, we at Anti-Entropy discovered a very secret large facility left by a previous civilization on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean at Point Nemo. We called it the Eye of the Abyss. After research, we found that it was a device used by the previous civilization to explore the Quantum Ocean. I think that in the future, you will enter the Quantum Ocean through the Eye of the Abyss."——Honkai Impact 3: Einstein】

【"I have some impression of the Eye of the Abyss you mentioned.

I didn't expect it to be preserved.

It was originally a secret research institute located underground in Mu Continent.

Just like the information you found out, it was built to explore the information of the Quantum Sea.

I once worked there for a while.

���After Mu Continent was swallowed by the Rock Herrscher with a pseudo black hole, we lost all contact with the original location of Mu Continent.

"——Honkai Impact 3rd: Pre-Civilization: Mei】

【"But why was Joachim in there? And why did he want to give the power of the Herrscher to a little girl?"——Honkai Impact 3: Tesla】

【"I think... it should be related to the exploration plan we are preparing to carry out recently. Walter... must have encountered a powerful enemy in the quantum sea, so he had to make this choice."——Honkai Impact 3: Einstein】

【"I encountered a powerful enemy in the Quantum Sea, and you know that enemy. He is the fusion warrior of the previous civilization, the master of the World Serpent, and the most powerful warrior of mankind - Kevin Kaslana!"】


The heroes of the former civilization all looked at Kevin in surprise.

【"Is... the plan we left behind being implemented? But why is Kevin in the quantum sea?"——Honkai Impact 3rd: Pre-Civilization: Mei】

【"We have too little information now, so we can only put it aside for now and talk about the Quantum Sea first!"——Honkai Impact 3: Pre-Civilization: Velvet】

【"Our exploration of the quantum sea is still very superficial. The quantum sea is not a real ocean. It is not a fluid composed of liquid like water. Instead, it can be regarded as a kind of cornerstone that does not belong to any single universe, as a medium that can carry various possible worlds. Such a world can also be called a world bubble. The quantum sea is the ocean that contains all the world bubbles."——Honkai Impact 3: Einstein】.

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