【"We don't know much about the origin of world bubbles. We only know that there are endless world bubbles in the quantum sea. Those world bubbles are shadows of the world. Their life spans are long or short. Some world bubbles even have life in them. However, those world bubbles can only repeat what happened in a certain period of time until they break."——Honkai Impact 3: Einstein"】.

【"I once had an adventure in the quantum sea.

World bubbles can be formed naturally or artificially.

The ether that makes up the quantum sea will naturally form various membranes.

These membranes have the opportunity to evolve into world bubbles and keep them stable through ether anchor points.

Most of the world bubbles I have seen in the quantum sea are small worlds formed by the aggregation of information that overflowed from the intrinsic world after being affected by strong energy waves.

Depending on the degree of its completeness, the life of the world will also be longer.


"But the quantum sea is not safe either.

Some extremely unstable world bubbles must be strengthened by special means, otherwise they will not be able to withstand the decay force of the quantum sea, and eventually their contents will become fragments of time and space, completely disappearing or sinking to the bottom as bubbles.

There are many such world wreckages at the bottom of the quantum sea, and the surviving humans can only live in them like Tamagotchi, repeating the same day endlessly.

"——Honkai Impact 3: Yulandel.

Yulandel has many feelings about the adventure in the quantum sea.

【"There are some familiar people in the world bubble. We call these people peers, but their fate is very different from that of individuals in our world."——Honkai Impact 3 - Einstein】

【"I have also studied the quantum sea. I am sorry to show off in front of all the doctors. If you want to understand the quantum sea, you need to first understand the tree of imaginary numbers."

"There was a huge tree, whose top was invisible to the eye, whose branches and leaves blocked out the sky. Under the tree was a vast ocean, whose depth could not be explored and whose boundaries could not be touched."

"Between heaven and earth, there was only one tree and one sea, so they began an endless competition. The sea continued to expand and swell, while the giant tree continued to take root and grow. One wanted to drown the other, while the other wanted to absorb the other. The tree spent countless years under the nourishment of the sea, branching out countless branches and bearing countless flowers and leaves."

"Time flows in the trunk of the tree of imaginary numbers and branches into infinite worlds. Each branch is a form of existence of civilization, and each leaf bud is the past and present of the moment in the time dimension. Each branch is a world line, and each flower and leaf is a different parallel world."

"However, the development of the world needs constraints. In the competition with the quantum sea, a selective and corrective force offsets the growth of the world, a naturally formed force, a mechanism derived from imaginary numbers, a nurturing force, a baptism and elimination mechanism. For life and human civilization, this is a disaster called collapse."

"Essentially, collapse is inevitable, because everything on the imaginary tree is nourished and protected by the imaginary internal energy, and is also eliminated by this baptism. So humans must move forward, because the imaginary tree must grow, and those"failed" worlds will eventually sink to the bottom of the quantum sea and decay and wither."

"The vast majority of the countless world bubbles in the quantum sea are worlds that failed and fell from the tree of imaginary numbers. The world bubbles are the afterimages of the fallen real world. They have no future and are destined to face the planned fate of destruction."

"The lives in the bubble are also pathetic with no future. They are just a shadow made up of fragments of the past, and can only reenact what happened over and over again until the day when the bubble withers."——Honkai Impact 3: Otto.

Otto's description made all the intelligent human elites fall into deep thought.

【"Your explanation of the tree of imaginary numbers and the ocean of quantum has opened my eyes. You are a good talent. If you come to our universe, I can recommend you to go to the Boshi Society for further study. Although they are just repeating what others have said most of the time, there are some good points!"——Collapse Star Railway: Black Tower】

【"Thank you, Ms. Heita. If I have the chance, I will definitely meet you in person!"——Honkai Impact 3: Otto.

Otto's tone was polite. Through the light curtain, he communicated with people from other worlds. He knew how powerful Black Tower was.

【"So back to the topic, who did Bronya see in that...quantum sea?"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423).

The doctors were discussing the grand topic of the world and destiny, quantum mechanics, interstellar science, which made Kiana drowsy. Seeing that the time limit was about to expire, she had no clue about the answer, so she quickly jumped out to save face.

【"A peer who is very different from the person we are familiar with? Could it be a cold Mei who can't cook?"——Honkai Impact 3: Infinite Tower Himeko. 】

Teacher Himeko said teasingly

【"Or maybe an Aunt Ji Zi with a flat figure!"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423)】

【"Qi! Ya! Na!"——Honkai Impact 3: Infinite Tower Himeko. 】

Teacher Himeko used a chest attack on Kiana, making it impossible for Kiana to recover.

【"It's impossible to be a bright, kind, friendly, caring, selfless Otto, right? Haha"——Honkai Impact 3: Tesla.

Dr. Tesla even laughed at himself while talking.

【"It's hard to imagine Otto like this."——Honkai Impact 3: Tesla】

【"This is normal, Dr. Tesla. A person's personality is slowly formed through countless experiences, choices and events. Sometimes, it may change drastically because of a certain person or an event. The people we know in the world bubble may not have experienced the things we think, so it is normal for them to have different personalities."——Honkai Impact 3: Einstein】

【"So, does that mean that the me in other worlds might also be a tall, curvy, calm, intelligent, and able to take charge of the overall situation?"——Honkai Impact 3: Theresa】

【"Ms. Theresa, we are talking about different personalities. As for body shapes... hehe, there may also be the kind you mentioned."——Honkai Impact 3: Einstein. 】

Einstein smiled and didn't pour cold water on Theresa. After all, there was nothing wrong with imagining a beautiful dream.

Mr. Stargazer said he had something to say

【Time is up, please start answering. 】

The time limit is up, everyone starts to prepare for the answer.

"Auntie, what do you think?"

Chong Chong looked at his roommates in the dormitory, his big blue eyes revealing a gleam of wisdom.

"Um, I don't know either." Theresa said awkwardly.

"Bronya has a way to eliminate a wrong answer.

Yaya suddenly said

"What solution?"

Everyone looked at Bronya.

But Yaya didn't say anything directly, but asked Fu Hua directly:"Class monitor, if you were asked to choose, which answer would you give?"

Fu Hua was stunned for a moment after hearing this confusing question, and then said:"I should choose option D." After hearing Fu Hua's answer, Bronya clapped her hands and said:"Very good, we have successfully eliminated option D!"


Fu Hua looked at Yaya with a face full of nonsense in disbelief. She didn't expect that such a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes would start to tease an honest man like me!

""Squad leader, according to Bronya's observation, when you play games to draw cards, you always need to draw 180 times to get the big guarantee. The gashapon machine in the store has never delivered anything, and the scratch card is always a thank you for your patronage."

Every word of Yaya was like a bullet piercing Fu Hua's body, making her cover her chest with a painful expression.

"So Bronya thinks that you have a characteristic, that is, you have very bad luck, but you have survived a very thrilling experience and are still alive today, so Bronya has a guess."

"What guess?"

Kiana and Mei asked in confusion, and Fu Hua also covered her chest with her hands, since there was nothing to hold.

"Bronya felt that the squad leader might have accumulated his luck in normal times and used it all up at once when his life was in danger. When Bronya was a mercenary, she also met people like the squad leader. They usually had very bad luck, but they were always able to survive on the battlefield."

"So that's it."

After listening to Bronya's explanation, Fu Hua thoughtfully put down her hand that was about to use the inch force to open the sky spirit. Thinking back to her past, Bronya's words were really right. Her luck had always been bad, but at critical moments, her luck would always inexplicably get better.

It seemed that all her luck was used to save her life.

"Okay, I’ve eliminated one wrong answer for you, now start answering!"

· ·······Request flowers···· ·········

【If no one answers within the time limit, one person will be randomly selected to answer the question.……】

【Please answer the question from Kiana (K423) in Honkai Impact 3rd world】

【"why me!"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423).

Chong Chong was horrified. He didn't expect that he would be shot even when he was lying down. This was ruined!

【Please answer the question from Kiana (K423) in Honkai Impact 3rd world. If you exceed the time limit, your answer will be considered wrong.】

【"Now I can only guess, I choose A!"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423).

With the mentality of visiting her own grave, Kiana closed her eyes and randomly chose a

【Congratulations to the answerer Kiana Kaslana (K423) for answering correctly. The reward is being drawn.……】


Seeing that she had actually guessed the correct answer, Kiana laughed out loud.

【"Bronya couldn't accept it, why did stupid Kiana have such good luck!"——Honkai Impact 3: Bronya】

【"Hahahaha, you must be envious, jealous, my luck is just so good! Let's see what the reward is, I hope I can find the real Kiana!"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423)】

【"Kiana……"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423). 】

Seeing Kiana's expression change from arrogant to depressed, Mei couldn't help but comfort her, but when she thought of the word comfort, she thought of the time when she pressed Kiana against the wall and kissed her forcefully.


White steam came out from Mei's head

【Congratulations to the test taker Kiana Kaslana (K423) for winning Encounter*1!】

【Fate of Encounter: After using it, it can summon people who have had a causal relationship with the user, regardless of whether the target person is alive or not. To use it, just throw it into the sky in an open air place. It will automatically destroy after one use.】

【"It’s this. I remember Otto also got this reward before, but I don’t know who he summoned?"——Honkai Impact 3: Infinite Tower Himeko】

【"I'll go out and give it a try!"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423).

Kiana looked at the glowing blue hollow sphere that fell into her hands, jumped off the sofa, put on her shoes, and ran out the door.

Her companions looked at each other, and followed her out.

Coming to the small garden, looking at the stars and the moon at night, Kiana quickly calmed down. She took a look at the Encounter in her hand, and suddenly threw it into the sky.

After the Encounter was released, it turned into a blue meteor and shot into the sky, disappearing into the sky very quickly. Then, another blue meteor appeared from the place where the Encounter disappeared, and fell in the direction where Kiana was standing against the flying trajectory of the Encounter.

"Where is this place? What happened?"

The light dispersed, and Yulandel, wearing pajamas, appeared in front of Qiyana. She looked around blankly, and then immediately became alert.

"Senior Theresa, Teacher Jizi is you? How could you……"

Before Yulandel could finish her words, her communication device rang. After answering, it was Rita's anxious voice:"Lord Yulandel, are you okay? What happened? Just now you turned into a ray of light and disappeared beside me!"

"It was Rita's voice. Yulandel, why are you here? Did Kiana use the Fate of Encounter to summon you here?"

Theresa asked curiously. It was the first time she saw someone use the Fate of Encounter.

【"Rita, don't worry, I'm at St. Freya Academy now. Kiana used the Fate of Encounter to summon me here!"——Honkai Impact 3: Yulandel】

【"So that's how it is. Rita was really shocked!"——Honkai Impact 3: Rita. 】

Seeing Yulandel posting a barrage of comments in the light screen, Rita finally patted her surging chest and breathed a sigh of relief.


"Did they actually summon Lady Yulandel? As far as I know, Kiana (K423) has never met Lady Yulandel, so this cause and effect... hehe……"

Rita's expression is a little subtle

"K423 was able to summon Yulandel. This kind of cause and effect is really...……"

After learning that Yulandel was summoned by Kiana, Otto also showed a subtle expression.

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