"Are you Yulandel? The most powerful Valkyrie? I want to challenge you...……"

After confirming Yulandel's identity, Kiana showed an eager expression and was about to challenge Yulandel, but before she could finish her sentence, Bronya covered her mouth..

"I'm sorry, Senior Yulandel, Kiana is an idiot, you don't need to take idiots' words too seriously!"

Then Bronya whispered in Kiana's ear:"Stupid Kiana, Yulandel only needs the little finger of her left hand to hit you. Besides, can't you see that Yulandel is still wearing pajamas?"


As her mouth was covered, Kiana was speechless and could only express her dissatisfaction to Bronya with her eyes.

"It's already night, why don't you rest in St. Freya Academy for a night and leave tomorrow?

Theresa invited Yulandel

"This... okay!"

It is indeed not polite to go back to the Tianming headquarters now, not to mention that I am still wearing pajamas!

"Kiana, what a lively little girl!"

Yulandel thought to herself.

"Based on what Bronya knows now, the stupid Kiana has definitely never met Yulandel, but why is there a causal connection between Yulandel and the stupid Kiana? Could it be that they met when they were young? Or……"

Bronya also fell into deep thought. A terrible guess came to her mind, but she didn't dare to confirm it.

So the Valkyries returned to the dormitory and continued watching the video.

""Wendy, hello!"

When she entered the dormitory, Yulandel saw Wendy curled up on the sofa.

"It turned out to be Senior Youlan Dai"240" Er, hello!"

Wendy had seen Youlan Dai Er before, and had some understanding of her strength. Before she experimented with the Desire Gem, her goal was Youlan Dai Er. Although it was impossible to surpass her now, Wendy had relaxed her mind, and the Desire Gem had been properly kept. She still had a future.

Just as they returned to the dormitory, the light screen began to play a video

"This world is very warm... Bronya likes this world, but Bronya also has her own world.……"

Under the setting sun, Bronya stood on the rooftop of a school. The Valkyries recognized the familiar building in the video at a glance. It was indeed the St. Freya Academy where they were.

【"Are there St. Freya Academy in other worlds? Will there be another me and Mei?"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423)】

【"Stupid Kiana, you must have been distracted when I was introducing the Quantum Ocean just now!"——Honkai Impact 3: Bronya】

【"I... I didn't! I was listening carefully, okay?"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423).

The world around Bronya gradually faded, and Bronya seemed to be sinking, sinking, until she passed the edge of the world. She came to a strange place, surrounded by broken ruins and ripples of light of various colors. These ripples were unknown where they came from and where they ended.

These ripples constantly collided and interfered, forming more world bubbles.

Bronya stood on a huge plane of building ruins, looking at this strange world.

"You passed the test of the first world, and the maze has changed accordingly."A boy in school uniform who looked like a junior high school student appeared in front of Bronya and explained,"Next is the second world. It resonates with you and is calling you. Go, Bronya, I hope you can find your answer there."

After Joachim finished speaking, the void under Bronya's feet

【"Is this Uncle Yang when he was a child? What a cool kid!"——Collapse Star Railway: March 7】

【"Joachim was even cuter when he was a kid!"——Honkai Impact 3: Tesla. 】

Looking at the young Walter, several acquaintances smiled excitedly.

Bronya was paying attention to her position in the video.

【"The age of Bronya in the video is not much different from that of Bronya now. It seems that the time in the video is no more than one year away from now, which means that within one year at the latest, Bronya will be able to rescue Seele!"——Honkai Impact 3: Bronya】

【"Sister Bronya, you have to be careful!"——Honkai Impact 3: Seele.】

Knowing that she can't stop Bronya from looking for her, Seele can only tell Bronya to be careful.

"Wait! There seems to be someone in front!"

Hei Xier detected that there was a reaction of life in the overflowing world bubble in front of him. There was no doubt that it was a super strong man. Just a slight sense could feel his momentum that seemed to freeze the world.

"Xier, there may be danger ahead, leave here quickly!"

""Okay... okay, another me!"

Xier stood up quickly, trying to change direction and get away from this person.



A huge figure swam through the quantum sea, and the waves pushed Xier in front of the powerful man.

Kevin, who was meditating in the prison built by Su for himself in the depths of the quantum sea, suddenly felt someone approaching him. He opened his eyes and a pitiful little girl appeared in front of him. The power on her was very familiar.


"Seele, will you appear in this world?"

With this feeling, Bronya jumped into the second world bubble without hesitation.

Outside the video, Bronya stared at the video!

"Clues to saving Xi'er!"

【"Seele! It won't be long before Bronya comes to find you!"——Honkai Impact 3: Bronya. 】

In the video, on a small hill with snowflakes falling, Bronya from the outside world quietly descended here

"Karel, my child, take good care of Michael. If she steals your candy again, give her some. Take good care of Tanya. She can't walk yet."

In the darkness, Bronya heard a man talking. The man's voice was very familiar, and she felt a sense of danger out of nowhere.

She tried to open her eyes, but the wind scraped her eyelids like a knife, making Bronya unable to open her eyes. At the same time, there was something more painful and dazzling than the whistling wind, making Bronya unable to see the scenery.

"My child, you went first to prepare the way ahead."

The vision was slowly recovering. She tried to open her eyes, but closed them again. Tears slowly flowed down. Although it was only a few seconds, she saw it.

The dazzling and tearful thing was the sunlight. Only the sunlight on the snowfield could make people feel so stinging.

She tried to open her eyes again- this time, she saw the source of the voice clearly. It was a tall man wearing a black priest's clothes, with long golden hair tied on one side, looking handsome.

This man was someone Bronya was very familiar with, and he was also a very dangerous person. But how did that man appear here?

Also, could this expression appear on that man's face?

From Cocolia seen in the last world, Bronya knew that the isotope in the world bubble and the people she knew were completely different trajectories, so there was no need to care too much.

The suppressed sobbing sound came into Bronya's ears. She looked over and saw several familiar figures gathered around a tombstone.

There was Theresa, and a very familiar boy.

The priest who looked exactly like Otto prayed for the child in the grave with a heavy voice

"My children, if you ask me why some people die young... it is because death has passed first, and there is no more sorrow, crying, or terror, because what is past is past."

"This person is... Bishop Otto? And the dean and Joachim, this is the second world? Then what is the test of this world?"

Bronya thought secretly.

"Seele... Is Seele here too?"

While she was thinking, a little hand quietly held her hand. Bronya turned around and found Seele standing behind her and looking at her.


Seele didn't say anything, but just standing behind Bronya gave Bronya enough courage.

Bronya felt relieved and responded by holding Seele's hand behind her.

【"Is this the Otto in the World Bubble? He does look different. Can this kind of expression also appear on Otto's face?"——Honkai Impact 3: Tesla】

【"And me and Mr. Walter when we were little"——Honkai Impact 3: Theresa】

【"It seems that our guess is correct. I am afraid that Otto in this world is really a selfless good man."——Honkai Impact 3: Einstein. 】

Everyone was surprised to see an Otto who was completely different from the real person, because the impression Otto left on them was so bad that they could no longer imagine him as a good person.........

【"I want to see what Otto, the good guy in this second world, looks like."——Honkai Impact 3: Tesla】

"Children, let's go back. Do you have anything else to say to them?"

"Karel, I brought your favorite toy car. Joachim and I used crayons to fix the paint peeling off. I hope you don't mind.

Theresa, dressed as a nun, placed a small wooden car in front of the tombstone. Father Otto said something to the children and prepared to take them back. The other children also whispered something to the tombstone, and the atmosphere became heavier.

Then Otto left with the children.

Following the children's footsteps, Bronya deliberately slowed down her pace and walked to the end of the team with Seele.

"They are holding a funeral, should the children���At the funeral, there were no flowers, no photos, only an adult and a group of children bidding him farewell.……"

Bronya paused for a moment, turned to look at Seele and said,"It's a strange sight, but it's not strange to us..."

"It's an orphanage. These children are living in an orphanage just like us."

Seer said timidly, looking ahead:"Sister Bronya, look, there is a wooden house in front, that should be their home."

The children in the front row of the team began to walk into the door of the wooden house one by one. The priest gave them instructions one by one. He seemed to be very close to each child, and the children were also very close to him.

"That priest is the head of the orphanage."

"I didn't expect to meet Bishop Otto...."Seeing Otto who was completely different from her memory, Bronya's eyes twitched slightly.

"Does sister know him?"

"He is a very bad and dangerous person... But in this world, he may be completely different from the reality. After all, in the previous world, Mother Cocolia also became a completely different person... In short, the breakthrough of this world must be in Joachim, and we must find a chance to contact him."

Thinking, Bronya took Seele's little hand and walked into the house, and found that the priest had disappeared. The children sat around a shabby wooden table in silence.

Theresa tried to open the topic with lunch, but no one answered her. Everyone looked sad, and Theresa's eyes were a little dim.

Seele tried to agree with the other party, and Theresa took the opportunity to answer, and deliberately raised her voice to liven up the atmosphere, but it seemed to have no effect.

The children still looked sad.

"Theresa……"Joachim lowered his head and said,"I know you want us to cheer up, but you don't have to force yourself to take the responsibility of comforting us.……"

He said sadly in a low voice: 3.7"Karel is gone, everyone needs some time, you too."

Theresa put down the spoon and lowered her head. The atmosphere in the hall fell into silence.

"Joachim, that matter...are you really not going to think about it again?"

Theresa asked in a hopeful tone.

Looking at his companions, Joachim lowered his head and did not look at Theresa.

"I understand, but I've made up my mind."

"……Let's eat!"

Theresa changed the subject abruptly.

The children enjoyed their lunch in silence.

"Hmm? Are you guys eating? Father Otto's arrival broke the sad atmosphere.

"Father, you have changed your clothes. Are you going to town? Theresa wiped the tears from her eyes and pulled herself together.

"Well, winter is coming soon, and I want to go to the grocery store to buy some food.

"Theresa, do you want some bitter melon cake?"

"I want to eat, I want to eat hot bitter melon cakes! I like priests the most."

Theresa's eyes lit up. Theresa looked innocent and cute, matching her age and appearance.

Father Otto smiled and said to Theresa and the children,"Oh! I'll buy a few more and we can share them together!"

Joachim suddenly complained seriously,"Father, bitter melon cakes cannot be shared. No one except Theresa can eat them. In the end, they will all end up in Theresa's stomach."

【"I didn’t expect that my aunt in another world also likes to eat bitter melon so much!"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423)】.

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