Hooked Boss

Chapter 1198

"Chinese culture is broad and profound, and I have to study for many years, but I'm glad that you can be my tutor in the future. I think if we get along with each other day and night, my Chinese will certainly make great progress." Philip laughed.

Smell speech, daining bow to think for a while, feel and Philip get along with each other day and night, she was a little afraid.

Philip is a very easygoing and considerate person. Naturally, she is not afraid that Philip is not good to herself, but that she is afraid to adapt to two people's lives.

Women in love should not be very yearning to get along with their loved ones day and night, forever together? Why didn't she have that urgent thought?

Daning glanced up at Philip's house and felt that it was strange here. Besides, it was very easy for a lonely man and a widowed woman to miss a gun. What's more, with the help of alcohol, Daning is not ready to have anything with Philip.

Later, daining said, "I'm a little tired today. I'd like to have an early rest. I'd like to try your precious red bar some other day."

Hearing this, Philip saw that daining was worried and said with a smile, "well, we'll try it another day."

"Well." Daning then relaxed a smile, she knew that Philip would never force her, which made her very comfortable, but also let her feel something less.

At this time, daining even thought of Lu Yiming, he and Philip are different, happy to follow their own, not happy when they will be very overbearing, she even miss his tyranny at the moment.

After dinner, Daning is standing in the kitchen doing the dishes while Philip cleans up the leftovers.

Very warm picture, but it is lack of sweetness that lovers should have.

When they had finished, Daning said with a smile, "it's late, Philip. I'll go back first."

On hearing this, Philip came forward to hold daining's shoulder and said in a lost voice, "don't you stay here to chat with me for a while?"

Daning chuckled. "What are you talking about?"

"Talk about anything, as long as you are by my side, I am satisfied." With that, Philip took Daning in his arms.

With his face on Philip's chest, Daning felt secure and closed his eyes.

Soon after, Daning suddenly felt a warm thing touched her lips. Daning opened her eyes in surprise, but saw Philip gently kissing her lips.

Daning was startled and immediately reached out and pushed Philip away. "No!"

Pushed back a step back, Philip faltered for a moment and looked at daining suspiciously.

Seeing Philip's puzzled eyes, Daning immediately realized that he had lost his temper.

She and Philip are now in a romantic relationship, and they have been in love for nearly a month. Philip, not to mention kissing himself, is reasonable to ask for more intimacy.

However, she did not know why, these days, although her heart accepted Philip, but her body has never accepted her.

These days, Philip only took Daning's hand, and when they were most intimate, they hugged each other.

At the next moment, daining apologized: "yes..."

But Philip was the first to say, "I'm sorry, Diana. Please don't be angry. I'm I just can't help but want to get close to you and kiss you

At this time, daining is very guilty, why she pushed Philip away, and now Philip's guilty eyes make dianing very uneasy.

"I I'm just not used to it. I'm sorry, Philip. I'm... " Daning looked at Philip and apologized incoherently.

Seeing this, Philip was gentle and took Daning's shoulder and comforted him: "don't say it. I understand. You have to adapt to me slowly. Don't worry. I'll wait. I won't do it again in the future."

Looking at such a gentle and tolerant Philip, daining is very entangled in her heart and blames herself more. She should not push him away. She must have hurt Philip's heart.

This evening, Philip will daining back home, Daning lying in bed, suddenly feel tired and Philip get along.

Half a month later, Daning was looking down at the manuscript when Helen suddenly came in.

"Diana, big news." Helen, with a newspaper in her hand, whispered to daining.

Smell speech, Dai Ning doubts ask: "what happened?"

"Follow me." Helen then turned and went to the tea room.

When Diana entered the tea room, Helen closed the door.

"Why so mysterious?" Asked daining, frowning.

"See for yourself." Helen handed the newspaper to Daning.

Dai Ning took over the newspaper and looked down. He was stunned!

"Your ex boyfriend Lu Yiming had a car accident yesterday." Helen pointed to a bean curd in the newspaper.

Seeing the headlines in the newspaper, Daning's heart was tangled together, and her breath was blocked in an instant.

Daning's hand froze as she held the newspaper and read the following carefully.

However, the newspaper only said that Lu Yiming, the president of Lushi group, had a car accident in the early morning and was rushed to the hospital. There was no report on the condition of the injured.The next moment, daining asked Helen eagerly. "Why didn't it say how bad he was?"

"This is this morning's newspaper. I don't think it's time to report. Otherwise, the Lu family has not released the news." Helen replied.

Hearing this, Daning's back leaned against the wall, filled with worry about Lu Yiming, and prayed to God that he would not be in danger of his life.

Seeing daining's confused and worried expression, Helen said, "I think you still have an old love for him, don't you?"

Hearing this, daining immediately put away the worry and panic on his face and said, "how can it be? He and I have been over for a long time, but after all, I am an old friend and have helped me. I don't want him to die. "

"You just care about him. A lot of women hate their ex boyfriends to die." Helen said.

Smell speech, Dai Ning is feel oneself never have this kind of thought, she just hope that Lu Yiming can years well.

"Well, how are you getting along with Philip?" Helen listened in a low voice.

"Not bad." Daining replied.

Helen looked at daining carefully and joked, "strange, why don't I see the sweetness of a woman in love on your face?"

Hearing this, Daning gave Helen a push. "It's not the first time I fell in love. Where can I fall in love?"

"I've been in love for several times. I've been in love all the time, and I feel a palpitation every time. This is the magic of love. Otherwise, how could so many people yearn for love?" Helen put her hands on her chest.

Daining frowned at this.

Can you feel your heart beating every time you are in love? Why did she and Philip work so hard for so long, and still didn't feel like that?

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