Hooked Boss

Chapter 1199

On this day, daining sat and stood uneasily.

In the evening, Philip came to pick up Daning, who was also out of his mind.

"Diana, why don't we go outing this weekend?" Seeing that the co pilot's Daning is not in a high mood, Philip suggested with a smile.

"Outing?" Asked daining, twisting her eyebrows.

"There is a good manor in the outskirts of Jiangzhou. It is said that there is also farm food in it. It is too noisy in the city. Let's go and relax." Philip laughed.

Hearing this, daining nodded his head and said, "well, listen to your arrangement."

Hearing daining's promise, Philip was very happy, and immediately told dianing about some outing arrangements. Daining promised every word, but his heart was full of worries about Lu Yiming.

At night, Daning is lying on the bed, pinching the mobile phone in the palm of his hand.

She wants to call assistant Wang to inquire about Lu Yiming's condition. However, she feels that she can't call. What qualification does she have to ask about Lu Yiming's condition now? Last time she had said it very definitely.

After falling asleep, Daning had a dream.

In the dream, she saw Lu Yiming, who was covered with blood and ran to her and called her name.

Obviously, their distance is very close, but Lu Yiming seems to be unable to run in front of him.

"Ah..." Daning screamed and woke up.

After realizing that it was just a dream, Daning wiped the cold sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand, which made her restless.

The next morning, daining went straight to the hospital. Fortunately, the newspaper published the name of the hospital where Lu Yiming was sent.

Dai Ning first went to the Department of trauma and asked the female nurse if there was a wounded person named Lu who was sent to the hospital because of the traffic accident two days ago. The female nurse refused to answer, saying that it was the patient's privacy, unless it was the patient's family member, otherwise she could not answer.

Daining had no choice but to leave the inpatient department and lingered outside the inpatient department.

A long time later, daining looked up and saw assistant Wang come out of the inpatient department. She went straight.

"Assistant Wang?" Dai Ning pretends to meet Xiao Wang's assistant.

Suddenly saw Dai Ning, assistant Wang looked back at the inpatient department behind him, and then asked in surprise, "Miss Dai, how are you here?"

Smell speech, daining way: "Oh, a friend of mine is in hospital, come to visit."

Hearing this, Xiao Wang looked suspiciously at daining.

At the next moment, daining tentatively asked, "assistant Wang, why are you here? Who is in hospital? "

After hearing Dai Ning's inquiry, assistant Wang has already understood that Dai Ning is definitely not a chance encounter here. She may have known about Mr. Lu's accident, but he can't tell the truth.

The next moment, assistant Wang looked around and said, "Miss Dai, do you have time to have a drink with me? I have something to tell you. "

On hearing this, daining nodded.

Then, assistant Wang and Daning walked out of the hospital and sat down in a cafe near the hospital and asked for two cups of coffee.

After sitting down, Xiao Wang went straight to the point: "two nights ago, Mr. Lu had an accident."

"How is he now?" Asked daining, frowning.

Because Dai Ning sees Xiao Wang assistant's face a bit dignified, difficult road Yiming's injury is very serious? Daning's heart was pounding at the moment.

Seeing the worry in daining's eyes, assistant Wang quickly said, "Mr. Lu is not in danger of life. Don't worry."

Dai Ning was relieved to hear this.

Later, Xiao Wang's assistant said: "Mr. Lu just suffered from a little skin injury. The doctor gave him a comprehensive examination. In addition to a slight concussion, there is no problem. He will be discharged in the next two days."

Hearing this, daining was completely relieved.

At the moment, daining looked at Xiao Wang's eyes and felt that he had betrayed his feelings. Xiao Wang should have seen that he came to meet him on purpose today.

Later, Xiao Wang's assistant said, "although Mr. Lu is lucky this time, it doesn't mean he won't have an accident in the future."

Daining frowned at this. "What do you mean?"

Assistant Wang then replied, "since I handed over what you gave me to Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu's mood has been very unstable. Every day, he worked hard. He didn't eat or go to bed on time. Sometimes he went out to get drunk at night. His stomach was very bad. But he didn't listen to what I said. Mr. Lu didn't let me tell his family. This accident happened after Mr. Lu went out to get drunk. "

Hearing this, daining's eyebrows frowned tightly.

To be honest, she didn't expect that she would have such a great influence on Lu Yiming. She thought that he would soon forget himself. Maybe another woman would come into his life soon. She didn't expect that he would.

At this moment, Daning's heart is tightly tangled together, and her heart is full of heartache for Lu Yiming. But she also knows that she can't do anything about this state. She has Philip now, and she can't apologize to Philip."If Mr. Lu goes on like this, I'm afraid something will happen to him in the future. Miss Dai, you are the only one who can persuade Mr. Lu! " Assistant Wang looked at daining with praying eyes.

Smell speech, Dai Ning then embarrassed way: "assistant Wang, I have a boyfriend now, I am not convenient to persuade Lu Yiming, please understand me."

"Are you really with Philip?" Asked Xiao Wang, frowning.

"Yes." Daining nodded.

"But the one you really love is Mr. Lu, and you will regret it later." Assistant Wang said eagerly.

At this time, Daning is smiling. "I don't love him anymore. I love Philip now."

"If you don't love Mr. Lu, why do you come to the hospital today? Don't say you give me a chance encounter. I can't see it at all, and I won't be around Mr. Lu for such a long time. I guess you just know that Mr. Lu was in a car accident and you are not sure about his condition, so you come here to pretend to meet me by chance? " Xiao Wang's eyes are sharp at daining road.

Xiao Wang's words made daining speechless for a while, and then faltered: "I Yes, you're right. After all, Lu Yiming and I were together. I don't want him to have anything, but it doesn't mean that I still love him in my heart. "

After hearing the speech, assistant Wang looked down for a moment, then looked up and said, "Miss Dai, I know that there are many things you may have been blaming Mr. Lu in your heart, but Mr. Lu also has his difficulties. Today, it is not easy to have this opportunity. I think I still need to tell you some things. This is the only thing I can do for Mr. Lu now."

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