The young ghost took Chen Xun into the village.

The whole village looked particularly desolate.

There were only mud houses that were about to collapse.

When Chen Xun entered the village, he even saw a few children playing football.

However, the ball under their feet was actually a bloody human head.

The skin of the human head was peeled off, leaving only blurred flesh and skull.

"New toys!"

When Chen Xun approached, these children looked at Chen Xun coldly and walked towards him.

A malicious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Chen Xun found that even the level of these child ghosts was three or four levels.

If other ghost masters came here, they would probably have been eaten by these ghosts.

"Go away, go away!"

"This adult today is not someone you can mess with."

Seeing this, the young ghost immediately began to drive these children away.

The children seemed disappointed when they heard this.

At the same time, Xiaojie's voice also rang in Chen Xun's mind.

"Boss, let me play with them."

Chen Xun heard Xiaojie's voice, then looked at the children, smiled and said:

"It's normal for children to be playful."

"How about I let another little brother play with you?"

The children immediately became excited when they heard this.

They could sense the existence of Xiaojie in Chen Xun's body:

"Okay, okay."

"It seems that we have a new friend."

"But I hope this new friend can be more playful."

The children looked at Chen Xun with ill intentions.

It seemed that they regarded Xiaojie as their toy.

"Xiaojie, come and play with them."

After that, Xiaojie's figure appeared in front of the children.

He grinned and looked at the children coldly.

"Hello, my friends."

"What are we going to play?"

When the kids saw Xiaojie, they were stunned for a moment, then pointed at the bloody head under their feet and said:

"Kick the ball."

"We can kick the ball to the other side, and the person who is kicked must not cry!"

Xiaojie looked at the head on the ground, and seemed to have no interest.

"I think we can play some more exciting games, what do you think?"

"Of course, if you are a coward, just ignore me."

The kids were stunned for a moment, then they mustered up the courage to say:

"There are no cowards here!"


After letting Xiaojie out, Chen Xun ignored Xiaojie.

He believed that Xiaojie would have a lot of fun with these kids.

Then, he followed the young ghost to a small yard.

The young ghost pointed to the house in the yard and said:

"That's the village chief's house."

"However, he doesn't like outsiders very much and doesn't let us get close to his house."

"Wait a minute, you go in by yourself."

After that, he shouted into the house:

"Village chief, someone wants to see you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a skinny old man, who walked out of the house slowly with his back hunched.

But under his skin, it seemed that something was constantly squirming.

He glanced at the young ghost coldly and said:

"How many times have I told you that I don't see outsiders."

"Also, stay away from my house!"

The young ghost looked at the village chief and said:

"Village chief, this guy gave money."

"Given a lot of money, tens of thousands."

"Enough for our village to use for a long time."

"If you don't see him, we have to return all the money."

Hearing the young ghost's words, the village chief frowned.

"Let that guy in!"

After saying that, the old man turned around and went back to the house.

"Sir, go in."

"While the village chief is still sober, ask whatever you want to ask."

"I guess he will be confused again soon."

The young ghost looked at Chen Xun and said.

Chen Xun didn't waste any words and walked directly into the village.

The village chief's house was neatly arranged.

There was no stench in the air.

This surprised Chen Xun.

"Outsider, what do you want from me?"

The village chief sat on a chair, looking at Chen Xun coldly.

In his hand, he was holding an old pipe.

He took a deep puff, and the smoke came out of his mouth and... forehead.

Chen Xun found that this guy's head was missing a piece.

After a pause, Chen Xun asked:

"Village chief, this ghost town isHow much do you know about the curse in the house? "

When Chen Xun said this, the village chief's body suddenly stiffened.

Then he widened his eyes and looked at Chen Xun coldly.

"There is no news you want to know here!"

"Get out!"

After saying that, the village chief rushed towards Chen Xun, his skinny body trembling constantly, and he looked extremely excited.

He wanted to drive Chen Xun out of the house.

Chen Xun said slowly:

"Village chief, you are also from the Ghost Town."

"You don't want the past of the Ghost Town to be buried forever, so that the townspeople there will always suffer, right?"

"Tell me the truth, and I may be able to help you solve the curse of the town. "

Chen Xun was also guessing.

This village chief actually came from a small town, and he must have some feelings for the townspeople. He couldn't just watch the residents of the town being cursed all the time, right?

Although, Chen Xun didn't know what this curse was.

But I heard from the young ghost that the village chief came from a small town.

Maybe the village chief even has relatives in the town?

It seems that Chen Xun's words really touched the heart of the village chief.

The village chief hesitated for a moment, and then said:

"Can you really solve those curses?"

Chen Xun waved his hand:

"You can try."

After speaking, Chen Xun let the shadow come out, exuding a terrifying breath.

The village chief must believe that he has the possibility of solving the curse.

Feeling this breath, the village chief frowned, and then asked:

"What do you want to know?"

Chen Xun said:

"What happened in the town?"

"Also, who cursed the residents of the town? "

If I'm not mistaken, this matter is closely related to the past of the town.

It's a very important clue.

Hearing Chen Xun's question, the village chief's sunken eyes trembled slightly.

It seems that he recalled some past events.

"It's Xiao Hao."

"He cursed all the residents in the town."

Chen Xun asked:

"Who is Xiao Hao?"

The village chief picked up the pipe, took a deep puff of the cigarette, and then continued:

"He is a child picked up in our town."

"When he was still a baby, he was thrown in front of the town gate."

"It was the residents of the town who picked him up and raised him up."

"The residents of the town raised him for more than 20 years until an outsider woman came."

"But because of this outsider woman, he dragged the entire town into the sea of ​​suffering."

"He actually cursed all the residents of the town! "

"Those are the people who have raised him for more than 20 years!"

At this point, the village chief's voice began to tremble.

"This curse will take effect every full moon night, and the entire town will be immersed in endless pain."

"Moreover, the curse is contagious."

"As long as the uncursed people stay in the town, or touch the cursed ones, they will be infected with the curse."

"Then they will be trapped in the town forever, tasting that pain over and over again."

"Until the curse is lifted."

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