"But why did Xiao Hao curse the townspeople who had raised him for so many years?"

"Is it really for a woman?"

"Or is there another hidden story?"

Chen Xun stared at the village chief and asked.

He didn't believe that things were that simple.

Or was that guy another pervert with a twisted mind like the town chief?

The town chief thought for a while and continued:

"Ah~ The townspeople also have some responsibility for this matter."

"At the beginning..."

When the village chief said this, his face suddenly changed.

Small runes appeared on his skin all over his body in an instant.

The runes glowed red, and then black smoke came out.

It seemed that the village chief's words triggered some kind of ban, which was constantly burning the village chief's body.

"What's going on?"

Chen Xun frowned slightly.

Is this old guy going to die?

Then, the village chief's eyes widened, with an unbelievable look on his face.

He looked at the runes on his body, with a somewhat crazy smile on his lips.

"Hehe... Xiaohao, Xiaohao, you really put a curse on me."

"At the beginning, I picked you up from the snow, I... I am your... father...!"

"How could you do this to me...?"

After saying that, the village chief's body began to collapse rapidly.

Then, it turned into a pool of pus.

Chen Xun looked at this scene and was stunned.

This guy, he brought two guests to take pictures, and the two guests died.

Now he asked some questions to the village chief, and the village chief also died.

The most important thing is that the village chief has not explained the matter clearly.

Chen Xun shook his head.

Fortunately, he also got some information about the town's past.

However, Chen Xun still didn't know what the specific reason was that caused that guy to curse the entire town's residents.

And who is this Xiaohao?

"Boss, go away."

"I have a bad feeling here."

"It's another curse."

At this moment, Ying's voice suddenly came.

Chen Xun frowned.


But Chen Xun didn't mean to stay any longer.

The village chief is dead. If the villagers find out, they don't know what they will do.

Chen Xun walked out of the door, and the young ghost came over.

"Sir, how was the chat with the village chief?"

"He didn't say anything nonsense, did he?"

Chen Xun smiled awkwardly.

"Not bad."

People are talking to death, and you ask me how the chat went?

Then, I saw the young ghost suddenly took out a land deed.

"Sir, this is the industry in the town when the village chief was young."

"It's a restaurant."

"But now no one dares to go to the town anymore, and this industry has no use."

"Since you are from the town, this thing may be useful to you?"

Chen Xun quickly understood the young ghost's idea.

Chen Xun asked:

"How much do you want to sell it for?"

The young ghost smiled:

"This property is worth at least 500,000 ghost money in the town."

"Just give us 300,000 ghost money, how about that?"

Chen Xun glanced at the young ghost.


After saying that, Chen Xun directly took out more than 500,000 ghost money and handed it to the young ghost.

The extra part will be regarded as compensation to the village chief.

After seeing these ghost money, the young ghost's eyes widened.

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir."

Chen Xun continued:

"By the way, your village chief just said not to get close to his house."

Chen Xun kindly reminded.

Because maybe these villagers will be infected with those curses when they enter the house.

The young ghost nodded after hearing this:

"Don't worry, the village chief never lets us get close to his house. He seems to have the curses of the town."

"Even if the village chief is going to die now, no one will get close to him."

Chen Xun nodded and walked out of the village.

The next thing is to deal with the photo task.

Now that his guest is dead, can he still complete this task?

At one end of the village, Xiao Jie was still playing with those child ghosts.

Xiao Jie had a big villain smile on his face.

And those children huddled in the corner, their bodies trembling constantly.

They seemed to be very afraid of Xiao Jie.

"In the next game, how about we nail each other's heads with nails?"

"This game is absolutely exciting!"

Xiao Jie stared at these child ghosts coldly with a weird smile.

These child ghosts were trembling and didn't dare to agree at all.

"Xiao Jie, let's go."

It was at this time that Chen Xun came.

Xiao Jie entered Chen Xun's body with a sense of satisfaction.

And those child ghosts looked at Chen Xun with gratitude as if they had been pardoned.

They walked out of Fenglin Village and came to the driver's parking position.

At this moment, the driver was putting his feet on the steering wheel and humming a song.

Chen Xun opened the door and got into the co-pilot.

"Let's go back."

The driver looked at the back seat and then looked around.

"Where are the guests?"

Chen Xun stared at the driver coldly and said:


"If you don't want to be like them, you'd better start the car immediately."

Chen Xun exuded a strong ghost aura.

The driver saw this and his face changed immediately.

"Boom boom boom~"

The roar of the car began to sound continuously, and then the car started and drove towards the direction of the town.

Along the way, there was no unpleasant music in the car, and the driver did not hum a ditty.

Instead, he drove very seriously.

Chen Xun and his friends did not know that when they left Fenglin Village, Fenglin Village was suddenly shrouded in a thick ghost aura.

The villagers of the entire village wandered around the village like zombies.

Including the dead village chief.

As the sky gradually darkened, Chen Xun and his friends returned to the town.

Chen Xun took the camera and prepared his words.

He told the camera ghost that the guest had gone back and was very satisfied with the photos.

The balance had also been paid.

Finally, Chen Xun only needed to give the money to the camera ghost, and he could complete the task well.

But when Chen Xun entered the Happy Photo Studio.

The two guests in the photo studio suddenly stood up and looked at Chen Xun.

"Photographer, you are finally back?"

"We have been waiting for you for a long time."

The two ghosts still had that weird smile on their faces.

They were Chen Xun's guests.

The moment he saw these two guys, Chen Xun was stunned.

But after a few seconds, Chen Xun understood something.

It was the curse of the town.

Even if they died outside the town, their souls would still return to the town and then endure endless pain.

Will they know who Xiao Hao is?

Chen Xun looked at the two ghosts and said:

"Do you know Xiao Hao?"

When they heard the word Xiao Hao, the two ghosts looked ferocious, as if they were trying to recall something.

"I seem to have some impression."

"But I can't remember it."

"Photographer, why are you asking this?"

Chen Xun smiled and said:

"It's okay."

It seems that the town residents' memories of Xiao Hao have also been deleted by this curse.


Just then, the door of Happy Photo Studio opened.

A man and two ghosts walked in.

"Finally, the photo shoot is finished."

"Dear guests, I will show you the photos later."

"You will definitely be satisfied with today's photos."

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