The moment Ike walked into the photo studio, he also saw Chen Xun.

"Haha, friend from the East, I didn't expect you to come back so early this time?"

Chen Xun glanced at Ike, and then looked at the guests behind Ike.

The two guests didn't look very good.

Chen Xun smiled slightly and didn't say much.

The two ghosts looked at Ike coldly and said:

"Stop talking nonsense and show us the photos you took today."

"If you don't take good photos, you will waste our time."

"You know the consequences!"

Ike immediately took out the camera and walked to the cashier and handed it to the camera ghost.

"Don't worry, the photos I take are definitely beautiful."

"It's not something that some amateur photographers can compare to."

"Just prepare to be surprised!"

Ike grinned, and when he spoke, he glanced at Chen Xun.

This amateur photographer, he was talking about Chen Xun.

What kind of photos can a guy with such ugly lighting take?

He was even imagining what kind of wonderful expression would appear on the face of this oriental player when he showed his photo to his guests!

I'm afraid this oriental player will be eaten by his guests, right?

The camera ghost held the camera in his hand and looked at Ike viciously.

"Little ghost, if you don't complete the task as I asked, maybe you have to leave a part of your body to make amends?"

The camera ghost said, took out the card from the camera, and then inserted it into the computer.

The computer here is still the kind of ancient big-head monitor.

The running speed is also extremely slow.

The screen on the monitor is still flashing.

Ike walked up to Chen Xun and said:

"Friend from the East, let me tell you that the photography I took in the real world has won national awards."

"Although the model is not very good, I still took very beautiful photos of those two ghosts."

"I can definitely complete this mission perfectly."

Chen Xun glanced at Ike.

This guy is obviously showing off.

When he heard Ike talking about beautiful photos, Chen Xun smiled slightly and said:

"Then you are really amazing."

"I can't do it. The photos I took are ugly and hard to look at."

Ike suddenly laughed when he heard this:

"Player from the East, I saw you take photos before."

"It's really a little bit worse."

"But your level is probably just like that."

"Don't be discouraged, maybe it will be easier to pass the next copy?"

In Ike's eyes, Chen Xun has been eliminated.

Chen Xun grinned and didn't say anything more to Ike.


Ike curled his lips and looked at the cashier.

The camera ghost was constantly importing photos.

And Ike's two customers were staring at the computer screen.

Ike could even feel the other party's surprised expression.

In the real world, he would get at least tens of thousands of dollars to take a set of wedding photos for others.

For such a poor town, his photos can only be described as high-end.

But just when he was constantly rejoicing in his heart.

He found that the faces of his two customers suddenly became more and more ugly.

Even the expression of the camera ghost gradually became ferocious.

"What's going on?"

"What's their expression?"

Ike said in his heart.

It was at this time that the camera ghost looked at Ike.

"Little ghost, what did you take a picture of?"

Ike looked puzzled and walked over.

He looked at the photo on the computer screen.

Whether it was the composition or the use of light, the photo was very beautiful.

Ike stared at the Photo Ghost in a daze and said:

"Is there anything wrong with this photo?"

However, the next second, a strong ghost aura came out of the Photo Ghost.

"Haha, your photo is taken like this, and you dare to ask if there is any problem?"

"Didn't you see that the guests' faces turned ugly?"

"Little ghost, you need to pay the price for your stupid behavior!"

"Perhaps, only by giving some parts of your body to these two guests as gifts as an apology can the guests' negative emotions towards the Photo Ghost be eliminated."

The photo studio was suddenly filled with a strong ghost aura.

The air seemed to be suppressed at this moment.

Ike paused.

Up to now, he still hasn't thought about the use of his photos.

He glanced at Chen Xun and said:

"His photos must be veryBad!"

"I want to see his photo!"

Ike knew that Chen Xun's photo must be very ugly. Even if he died now, he had to take someone with him.

The camera ghost said with a cold look:

"You are not qualified to negotiate with me!"

After that, the camera ghost waved his hand, and several long nails flew out, nailing Ike to the wall of the photo studio.

Blood kept flowing from Ike's limbs.

This camera ghost is a level 7 ghost, and Ike is no match for it.

And Ike's guests stared at him coldly with big eyes.

"Damn human, you ruined our most important wedding photos."

"I want to watch you bleed dry and then die in fear!"

After that, they kept staring at Ike, watching Ike's blood keep flowing out.

On the other side, the camera ghost also looked at Chen Xun and said:

"Little ghost, it's your turn. "

"If your photos are so ugly, then your fate will be the same as his!"

The camera ghost's eyes were cold.

Chen Xun handed over the camera indifferently.

And Chen Xun's guests, the two ghosts who always had smiles on their faces, stood in front of the computer.

There was an indescribable weirdness in their expressions.

And the camera ghost kept importing the photos taken by Chen Xun into the computer.

Ike was nailed to the wall, looking at Chen Xun coldly.

He knew that this Eastern player would soon be the same as him.

And the photos taken by the other party were definitely not as good as his own.

This Eastern player would only die more miserably.

This was also the reason why he had not left this copy for a long time.

He wanted to see Chen Xun's miserable condition.

But the next second, he saw that the camera ghost's brows were much relaxed.

He looked at Chen Xun's guests and said:

"You two, what do you think of these photos? "

The two ghosts stared at the computer screen.

The flickering light of the screen shone on their faces, making them look even more weird.

"Yes, we are very satisfied with these photos."

"But why do I always feel a little regretful?"

The two ghosts looked at Ike who was nailed to the wall, with a hint of loss in their eyes.

And Ike was stunned.

He couldn't believe what he heard.

This Eastern player's photos actually passed the test?

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