Ike's two guests also stood in front of the computer.

When they saw the photos taken by Chen Xun, they felt terrible.

Compared with the photos taken by Chen Xun, their wedding photos were so ugly!

If they were hung in front of the door when they got married, they would definitely be laughed at by other ghosts!

Thinking of this, the ghost energy in their bodies kept flowing out, and their eyes stared at Ike.

"Damn guy, you ruined our wedding photos!"

The next second, red blood splashed out.

Ike didn't understand until he died why his photos were not welcomed by these ghosts?

The photo ghost also looked at the two guests, and then said:

"Sorry, two guests, this guy is your apology."

"Tomorrow, I will arrange for you to reshoot."

Ike's guests just glanced at the photo ghost coldly, and then left the Happy Photo Studio.

Then, after sending Chen Xun's guests away, the photo ghost looked at Chen Xun.

"Little ghost, you did a good job today."

"I will use the photos you took as publicity for the photo studio."

"Here is your reward!"

After saying that, the photo ghost took out a fifty-denomination ghost money and handed it to Chen Xun.

Chen Xun took the ghost money without any concern.

The next second, the game announcement sounded from Chen Xun's mind:

"Ding~ Congratulations to the player for completing the task."

"The task performance is rated as excellent."

"Gained 8% favorability from the town residents."

"A new task will be issued tomorrow morning."

Chen Xun was stunned when he heard the game announcement.

His task performance was not perfect.

Chen Xun guessed that it might be because he took too few photos.

Of course, this was also due to the two guests who died in the middle of the process.

Chen Xun did not get any clues about the town's past from the task of taking photos.

However, he did get a lot of important information from Fenglin Village.

Next, as long as we find Xiao Hao mentioned by the village chief, we can probably solve the town's past.

I just don't know how much favorability we can get after revealing this past?

After leaving the Happy Photo Studio, Chen Xun returned to the Haunted Hotel.

Today is just one day, and several players have been eliminated.

The ghost masters of China gathered in Chen Xun's room, talking about the tasks in the town today.

However, among all the ghost masters, no one can complete the task perfectly.

Back in the room, Chen Xun took out the deed he got in Fenglin Village today.

This is the deed of the Ghost Restaurant in the Ghost Town.

As long as Chen Xun drips his blood on this deed, he can become the owner of this restaurant.

The next second, Chen Xun bit his finger and then dripped a drop of blood on the deed.

Suddenly, the connection with the Ghost Restaurant came to mind.

Chen Xun could see the chef who stole the restaurant's food, and the cashier who was sleeping in front of the cash register.

Even Chen Xun could send his instructions to these employees through his ghost power with a thought.

The Ghost Restaurant was not big, but it was the largest restaurant in the town.

It seemed that 500,000 ghost money was not a big loss.

Not long after, Chen Xun fell asleep.

That night, Chen Xun slept very deeply.


The sun set and rose again.

The next morning came quickly.

The dim sunlight shone through the clouds into the town.

At six o'clock in the morning, when all the players woke up, the game announcement sounded in their minds.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the player for triggering a new task."

"Please help in the Ghost Restaurant."

"After the task is completed, different favorability will be given according to the completion of the task."

"Note that the restaurant manager of the Ghost Restaurant has a bad temper, please do not provoke him casually."

"The guests on the second floor of the restaurant are the guests of the restaurant, and their tempers are also particularly strange. If you serve them well, you may get some unexpected gains."

"Please arrive at the restaurant before 7 o'clock. You will be punished if you are late."

Hearing the announcement of the game, Chen Xun was stunned.

I didn't expect that his task today was the Ghost Restaurant.

Isn't this his property now?

After having breakfast in the hotel.

Chen Xun walked towards the Ghost Restaurant early.

Soon, Chen Xun came to a wooden pavilion.

Above the gate of the pavilion, there was a large plaque.

In red, conspicuous font, there are a few big words:

"Ghost Restaurant."

This is where Chen Xun's mission today is.

"Haha, Master, I didn't expect that we would actually do the task in the same place today. "

At this time, a familiar voice came from behind Chen Xun.

Zhao Yiheng.

This guy's task today is also the Ghost Restaurant?

Chen Xun frowned slightly.

"What a coincidence." Chen Xun said politely.

"Hey, Master, I am familiar with the task of this restaurant!"

"I have entered this dungeon ten times, and every time there is a task for this restaurant."

"The first floor is okay, but the guys on the second floor here are not easy to deal with."

"Be careful when we go in later, don't let this task affect the progress of the entire task."

"Don't worry, I can protect you this time."

Zhao Yiheng said.

It seems that he has a lot of experience with this Ghost Restaurant.

"That couldn't be better. "Chen Xun said politely.

Soon, two more players came to the door of the restaurant.

Both of them were players from the United States.

When they saw Chen Xun and the others, they immediately looked disdainful.

In their eyes, Eastern players were just a group of game rookies.

Even though Esther had reminded them before, there was no way to change their prejudice.

Chen Xun and Zhao Yiheng ignored the two guys.

After walking into the restaurant, a ghost with a hideous scar on his face walked towards them.

The scarred ghost looked coldly at Chen Xun and the others.

"Why are you so late today? !"

"Hurry up and put on your work clothes, and then work!"

After that, the scarred ghost pointed at Zhao Yiheng and Chen Xun and said:

"Two waiters on the second floor of the restaurant have asked for leave today. You two go to the second floor to help today!"

Then he pointed to the other two players from the United States.

"You two, one goes to the kitchen, and the other serves guests on the first floor! "

Chen Xun glanced at the time, it was only 6:30 now.

This scarred ghost is quite good at oppressing employees.

Damn the capital...

Well... he is quite good at using time.

Zhao Yiheng looked at the ghost and whispered in Chen Xun's ear:

"Master, this guy is the manager of the restaurant."

"He has a bad temper and speaks very directly."

"Don't provoke him when you do the task later."

As soon as Zhao Yiheng finished speaking, the voice of the scarred ghost sounded again:

"What are you mumbling about?"

"Hurry up and put on these clothes!"

After that, two sets of clothes with a sour smell were thrown over by the scarred ghost.

"Put on your work clothes and go clean the tables on the second floor first!"

"Damn it, the owner of this restaurant has changed, and I don't know when the owner will come. "

After saying that, Scarface turned and left.

The players from the Beautiful Country looked at Chen Xun and Zhao Yiheng with gloating.

Being a waiter on the second floor is much more dangerous than being on the first floor.

The guests there are extremely difficult to deal with.

This time, the players from the East won the prize.

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