"Is this work badge real?"

Zhao Yiheng was stunned for a moment when he heard Chen Xun's words.

Is this the first time Chen Xun has entered this dungeon?

How could he possibly get the work badge of the manager of the Ghost Restaurant?

Chen Xun nodded without explaining.

This work badge was condensed by ghost energy after he became the owner of the Ghost Restaurant.

This work badge can echo the ghost energy of the entire restaurant.

So the work badge cannot be faked.

As for the principle, Chen Xun didn't know.

After all, the existence of the horror world itself has too many unreasonable things.

It makes sense to have such a mechanism and rules.

Thinking of this, Chen Xun and Zhao Yiheng went down to the second floor.

Then they came to the rest room.

The door of the rest room was closed, but heavy snoring came through the door panel.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

Chen Xun stretched out his hand and knocked on the door panel a few times.

Soon, the breathing stopped.

Footsteps came from the door.


Turning the doorknob, the door opened.

The fat face of the supervisor appeared in front of Chen Xun.

This face was full of morning grumpiness.

When he saw that it was Chen Xun and Zhao Yiheng, his face suddenly became gloomy.

"You two little devils, dare to be lazy here instead of working?"

"Or do you want me to teach you how to be a qualified waiter?"

She had just slept well in the rest room, but was woken up by these two ignorant guys. How could she not be angry?

However, Chen Xun just smiled and said:

"Manager Wang, your job looks very leisurely."

"I come to the restaurant just to sleep, and I don't care about the things outside the restaurant at all?"

"Isn't your salary too easy?"

Hearing Chen Xun's answer, the supervisor was furious.

Who is she?

The supervisor on the second floor of the Wraith Restaurant!

Who is this guy in front of him?

A little waiter!

When did a waiter dare to talk to the supervisor like this?

"Waiter, who taught you to talk to your boss like this?!"

"I'm informing you now that you've been fired!"

"But before you leave, maybe you have to leave something behind to make up for the restaurant's losses!"

The supervisor said with a gloomy face, her eyes constantly sweeping over Chen Xun's limbs.

She even had her hand reaching for Chen Xun's collar.

However, her hand suddenly stopped just halfway.

Because she suddenly noticed the work card on Chen Xun's chest.

There were two glaring big words written on the work card.


"How... How is it possible?"

The supervisor immediately rubbed his eyes.

The position of manager has not appeared in the Wraith Restaurant for a long time.

It's even so long that she has forgotten that there is such a position.

This is a higher position than the manager.

After rubbing her eyes, the supervisor looked at Chen Xun's chest again.

The two characters "Store Manager" were very clear.

Moreover, this badge could match the badge on her chest.

This meant that the badge was not fake.

The human in front of her was really the store manager!

Yes, today the manager also said that the restaurant had changed its owner.

This guy might have been sent by the boss.

If she didn't perform well, she would most likely be fired.

Thinking of this, her ferocious expression just now suddenly became gentle.

"Store Manager, I just took a nap."

"I'll get busy later."

Chen Xun glanced at the badge on the supervisor's chest and said:

"From now on, you are no longer the manager of this restaurant."

"You can choose to resign, or become a waiter."

Chen Xun pointed to the busy waiter on the second floor.

The supervisor was stunned, but still did not dare to refute Chen Xun's decision.

The Ghost Restaurant is the best job she can find.

Even though she is a waiter now.

If she quits, she will probably have to go hungry.

"Yes, store manager."

The supervisor nodded.

Chen Xun just remembered something and said:

"By the way, where is the key to the main door on the third floor?"

"Give it to me."

Hearing Chen's words, the supervisor was stunned for a moment, and then said:

"Store manager, the key to the third floor has always been in the hands of Boss Liu... the previous boss."

"We don't have a spare key here."

"If you want to go to the third floor, maybe you can ask the boss first?"

Hearing this, Chen Xun frowned.

NoThinking that even the supervisor and the manager didn't have the key to the third floor.

In other words, no player has ever entered the third floor?

It seems that there are indeed some important clues that have not been discovered.

Chen Xun looked at the supervisor and said:

"Okay, you can go to work, waiter."

After that, Chen Xun turned around and walked away, and then continued to walk to the third floor.

Came to the front door.

Zhao Yiheng said:

"Master, how do I open the door now?"

Chen Xun didn't say anything, but held the big lock with one hand.


The next second, the big lock was broken into two halves.

"Okay, the door is open." Chen Xun said.

Zhao Yiheng's big eyes blinked.

Unexpectedly, after going around in circles, I still have to use this simplest method.

Fortunately, nothing bad happened after the lock was opened.

After opening the door, the third floor was dark and nothing could be seen.


I touched the light switch from the door and turned on the light.

The scene on the third floor suddenly appeared in front of Chen Xun.

Walking into the door, there is a large living room.

The living room is equipped with wooden sofas and a TV.

In addition, there are three doors.

It is a layout of three bedrooms and one living room.

"It seems that the third floor should be the boss's accommodation area."

Zhao Yiheng said as he looked at the scene in front of him.

"But I don't know what clues there are here?"

Chen Xun's eyes swept through the living room, and then stopped at a photo hanging on the wall of the living room.

This photo seemed to be torn in half.

The half left on the wall looks very similar to the village chief of Fenglin Village.

It should be the young village chief.

In the photo, the village chief's body is pierced by black needles.

The photo was stuck in the frame like this.

The other half is missing.

However, according to what the village chief said before, if the village chief is Xiao Hao's father.

Then the missing photo may be Xiao Hao himself.

And Xiao Hao should have lived here.

Here, perhaps some information about Xiao Hao can be found.

Zhao Yiheng also came over and said:

"Master, what did you find?"

Chen Xun shook his head and said:


"I didn't look in other rooms."

"Maybe there will be other discoveries."

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