In the entire third floor, in addition to the living room, there are three rooms.

Chen Xun and Zhao Yiheng acted separately and groped in these rooms.


Come to a room, Chen Xun turned the door handle.

Fortunately, the door here was not locked.


Open the door, and a cloud of dust is raised.

This room seems to have not been cleaned for a long time.

It is full of dust.

Even Chen Xun saw a few mice in the corner.

These mice are as big as Chen Xun's two palms.

They have a pair of red eyes.

Seeing Chen Xun coming, these mice timidly crawled into some cabinets.

Chen Xun's eyes swept through the room.

This looks like a study room.

Books are neatly placed on the bookcase.

Soon, Chen Xun spotted something.

There is a notebook on the desk.

If the village chief has the habit of taking notes, this notebook may contain some important information.

He walked to the desk and opened the notebook.

On the first page, there were crooked and awkward handwriting.

It seemed to be written by someone who had just learned to write.

"It seems that these should be written by a primary school student."

Chen Xun muttered softly.

Judging from these words, this should not be the village chief's notebook, so its owner can only be one.

Xiao Hao!

Chen Xun glanced over the notebook:

"March 21, sunny."

"I found that they looked at me more and more strangely. They didn't treat me as a normal resident, but as a monster."

"These looks made me particularly uncomfortable."

"April 29, cloudy."

"I discovered their secret. They wanted to eat me. Perhaps, on a full moon night."

"I heard their conversation."

"They treated me as food, pigs, and wanted to wait for me to grow up and then eat me."

"They are a group of demons. I must escape from here quickly."

"But where can I escape to when I am young?"

"This world is full of terrible demons."

Then, the diary was full of strange records.

Most of them were talking about how terrible the residents of the town were.

Turn to the middle pages.

"March 1, heavy rain."

"I am already fifteen years old this year, and my body is growing very fast."

"I found that the demons in the town looked at me with strange eyes from time to time."

"I am familiar with this look, because I will also show the same look when I see delicious food."

"I have a hunch that they will take action soon."

"No, they have already taken action."

"They don't know that the guy who took action has been killed by me and buried in a lush forest outside the village."

"I hope other demons will not find out, and I can still pretend to live as if nothing happened."

"September 18, sunny."

"Today, many teachers came to the town to teach, and even a few young people from the city Beautiful girl. "

"I feel my heart beating like never before."

"October 30, cloudy day."

"They are getting more and more frequent."

"I feel my hands are covered with blood."

"Will I become like these demons?"

"March 5, heavy rain."

"Those volunteer teachers are leaving, maybe they can take me with them?"

"April 8, light rain."

"How could they treat her like this?"

"How could they do this?"

"Demons, everyone in this town is a demon."

"They deserve to die!"


Open the entire notebook, if this is really Xiaohao's diary.

Then, there is a clear conflict between what is recorded in this diary and what the village chief and Chen Xun said.

In the words of the village chief, Xiaohao was raised by the residents of the entire town.

The town treats Xiaohao like a child.

But Xiao Hao dragged the entire town into the abyss for a woman.

In this diary, Xiao Hao said that the residents of the entire town were demons.

The residents of the town even wanted to eat Xiao Hao.

This Xiao Hao seemed to be a human?

Chen Xun was thoughtful.

He thought that if he found Xiao Hao, the past of the town might be successfully revealed.

But now it seems that things are far from as simple as he imagined.

There may be more...Another cover-up.

Thinking of this, Chen Xun put the notebook into his system space.

Then he searched the study again.

He left after finding nothing else of value.

The past of the town has been revealed.

These days, Chen Xun has also thought about using the mysterious paper box to see if he can get some clues from the paper box.

But something embarrassing happened.

The clues drawn from the paper box can only be clues to some main tasks.

And the past of the town is a side task...

After walking out of the study and closing the door,

Chen Xun saw Zhao Yiheng coming out of another room.

"What did you find?" Chen Xun asked.

Zhao Yiheng waved his hand.

"I searched this room carefully, and apart from some normal furnishings, I didn't find anything useful."

"By the way, what about you, Master?"

Chen Xun shook his head:

"Same as you."

Chen Xun didn't plan to tell Zhao Yiheng about the diary.

After saying that, Zhao Yiheng looked at the only room left.

"It seems that the clue is in this room."


Before Zhao Yiheng finished speaking, he saw mysterious runes suddenly appearing in front of the last door.

These runes emitted red light and looked particularly strange.

Then, red tentacles grew out of these runes and stretched out towards Chen Xun and the others.

"The boss is a curse."

"We have to leave quickly!"

"It's not easy to deal with these things."

The voice of Ying rang in Chen Xun's mind.

But just as Ying's voice fell, the walls and ceiling of the entire room were also covered with dense curses.

Tentacles stretched out towards Chen Xun and the others.

"Go! Go!"

Ying Jin's shouting voice rang in Chen Xun's mind.

Chen Xun pulled Zhao Yiheng and walked quickly towards the door.


The sound of a heavy door closing rang out.

These tentacles seemed to have received some kind of ban, and when they touched the door, they quickly retracted.

These curses could make Ying so anxious, and they were definitely not something easy to deal with.

But fortunately, he had already got the clue.

Zhao Yiheng looked at Chen Xun blankly:

"Great God, why did you pull me out?"

Chen Xun glanced at him and said:

"You can go in again by yourself now, I will never stop you."

Zhao Yiheng glanced inside the door, then shook his head slowly.

Although he didn't know what those red runes and tentacles were, it was obviously not a good thing that could make the great god who was not afraid of anything so afraid.

"So what should we do next?" Zhao Yiheng asked.

Chen Xun glanced at the store manager's ID card on his chest, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't you think our mission is a bit boring?"

"Now, maybe we can add a little fun to this mission?"

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