"Lincheng is not close to the coastal cities, how could there be fog?"

Hearing the words of the ghost master, Elder Lin also frowned.

The fog in Lincheng is no joke.

At the least, it will cause panic, and at the worst, the whole Lincheng will be shrouded in fog.

And the ghosts in the fog will undoubtedly cause countless casualties.

"Is the news true?"

"Or is someone joking?"

Elder Lin asked seriously.

In their State Council Office, there is also a special study on fog.

But the fog gradually drifts to the shore from the sea, and there has never been a sudden fog in a certain place.

Hearing what Elder Lin said, the ghost master immediately said:

"Elder Lin, it should be true."

"In the player group of Lincheng, many players have taken videos and sent them to the group."

"And the angles are all different."

After the ghost master finished speaking, he immediately handed the mobile phone in his hand to Elder Lin.

Even Chen Xun was surprised.

He also joined the player group of Lincheng Horror Game.

So he quickly took out his mobile phone and opened the group chat.

Looking at the video in the group chat, Chen Xun frowned.

Who would have thought that the mysterious fog would suddenly appear in this city thousands of kilometers away from the coast?

Moreover, it appeared in the community where Chen Xun lived.

Although the community was already wrapped in fog at this moment, Chen Xun still recognized it at a glance.

He went out for a trip, and his house was robbed! ?

Chen Xun gritted his teeth, feeling particularly bad.

He even saw those weird things wandering around in his community.

"Damn it." Chen Xun cursed.

Although he could live in another place through the compensation given to him by the State Council Office for renting the Ghost Town.

But in that community, in an inconspicuous room, there was everything he cared about.

Childhood memories, photos with his parents.

That is, the photo of his parents and some happy memories still support Chen Xun to live hard.

If even these are gone, how lonely does Chen Xun feel?

Moreover, Chen Xun feels that these mists will be faced sooner or later, so it is better to take a look now, maybe he can gain some experience.

On the other side, after seeing them, Lin Lao and the others frowned:

"It seems to be true."

"Xiao Zhao, contact the headquarters now and report the situation here."

"The rest of you, follow me to deal with the situation here."

After that, a group of ghost masters ran out of the warehouse.

At their level, running is faster than driving.

So in an emergency, they basically turn into a group of ghost mist and run directly.

Chen Xun does the same.


At the same time, in the community where Chen Xun's house is located, white ghost mist shrouds the community.

Although it is dark now, under the illumination of the street lights, ghosts can still be seen clearly in the fog, walking around in the community.

Screams and begging for mercy continued to sound.

Room 403, Building 1.

This was originally a house for a family of three, but at this moment, the male owner of the house has fallen in a pool of blood.

The hostess curled up in the corner with her child in her arms.

They looked ahead with horror, and their bodies were shaking constantly.

Because right in front of them, two terrifying beings they had never seen appeared in their room inexplicably.

They were two ghosts with corpse spots all over their bodies and extremely terrifying looks.

One of the ghosts had some rotten hands, and there was still red blood on it.

Blood kept dripping from his palms onto the snow-white floor.

This blood was from the woman's husband.

They saw with their own eyes that the terrible ghost pierced his husband's abdomen with that hand.

"Hehehe, a wonderful taste of fear."

The ghost licked the blood on his hands, and stared at the mother and daughter who were trembling in the corner with his terrifying and rotten face.

It seemed to enjoy the mother and daughter's expressions of fear.

"Xiao Jing, run!"

Soon after, the mother didn't know where she got the strength from, and she actually started to pick up the little girl in her arms and ran out of the house.

Another ghost present stretched out his hand, ready to use his rotten ghost hand to pierce the mother and daughter's stomach.

But he was soon stopped by the ghost with blood on his hands.

"Don't worry, the fear of this mother and daughter is delicious, let me continue to enjoy it for a while."

As he said, the ghost looked coldly at the mother and daughter who fled to the door, and a weird smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"Run away,Just run away in terror like a mouse."

"Keep contributing your fear, I enjoy this feeling."

This is a ghost that absorbs fear to upgrade.

He looked at the mother and daughter and immediately chased them out.

However, he deliberately slowed down his pace and enjoyed the game of hunter chasing prey.

The ghost behind him reminded:

"Don't play too much, you have to know that we are here for other tasks."

"If these things prevent the boss from coming, we will all die."

The ghost that absorbed fear to upgrade waved his hand and smiled:

"Don't worry, I know my limits."

After that, the ghost chased out.

And the mother and daughter continued to flee frantically.

"Xiao Jing, let's run faster. I've seen the news. These ghosts can only move in the fog."

"As long as we run out of the fog, we will be safe. "

The mother began to hold the little girl and talked to herself.

It seemed that she was comforting herself and encouraging herself.

Soon she ran to the bottom of the stairs.

But the visibility downstairs was not good, the street lights kept flashing, and the community was full of fog.

Even she herself didn't know where to run to get out of the fog.

She even heard screams from many buildings.

Obviously there are many ghosts in the community.

"Mom, I'm scared."

At this moment, the little girl shrank into her mother's arms.

"Don't be afraid, Mom will take you away from here."

After saying that, she ran towards the gate of the community with the little girl in her arms.

Even though her vision was now obscured by the fog, she could still find out the route to the gate of the community through her memory.

It was just that she was weak to begin with, and soon she began to pant.

She even turned around and saw the scary ghost following behind him.

"It's almost there, I can see the gate of the community. ”

“As long as we pass the gate of the community, we can run out of the fog.”

The girl’s mother found that the fog was getting thinner and thinner, and she could even see the crowd outside the community gate, shining the flashlights of their mobile phones into the fog.


But in the next second, she seemed to kick something and tripped.

Even the little girl in her arms fell to the ground.

“Wow, mom, I’m scared. "

The little girl cried.

The girl's mother immediately got up.

The next second, something terrible happened.

Because the scary ghost had caught up and stood in front of the little girl.

The hands dripping with red blood seemed to be about to stab the little girl's abdomen in the next second.

The little girl's mother looked at the gate of the community.

Now as long as she ran a few more steps, she would be safe.

But her daughter would die.

It was at this juncture that the mother frowned, then gritted her teeth and ran towards the little girl.

She picked up the little girl, turned around and prepared to run.


But the next second, the sound of a sharp object piercing the flesh sounded.

The mother paused.

Red blood splashed on the ground in front of her.

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