"What a touching scene."

The ghost that was chasing pierced the mother's back with its black palm, and then penetrated through her abdomen.

In the dim light, you can see red blood dripping from the ghost's hand to the ground.

The mother's expression froze.

She looked down at the little girl in front of her, and then pushed the little girl out.

"Xiao Jing, run!"

"Run out of the community!"

The mother shouted with her last strength.

Then her consciousness gradually disappeared, and then she passed out.

Humans are so fragile when facing terrifying ghosts and without the protection of rules.

On the other side, the little girl froze as she watched her mother fall in a pool of blood.

The ghost in front of her was too scary.

She was still young, and her body was trembling at the moment, so scared that she didn't have any strength to escape.

The next second, the little girl collapsed on the ground.

"Fear is so delicious!"

The ghost licked his lips, then looked at the little girl again, looking at the fear on her face.

He enjoyed the process.

"Wonderful and delicious food, now release your fear."

The ghost said, licked the blood on his hands again, and walked towards the little girl step by step.

The little girl finally reacted and began to move backwards.

But the fear had already spread to her whole body, so she didn't move fast.


It was at this time that the sound of shoes stepping on the ground sounded.

The little girl found that someone seemed to be standing behind her.

She immediately looked back, and a slightly familiar face appeared beside her.

"Huh~ There are still people coming in to die?!" When seeing this figure, the ghost in front of the little girl also looked at Chen Xun in surprise.

"Are you still a ghost master?"

The next second, the ghost's expression froze for a moment.

He was not a fool, and of course he knew that there were beings in this world that could fight against them.

Thinking of this, the ghost's heart immediately became nervous.

He knew that since this human dared to enter the fog, he must have some ability.

"Human, leave here."

"This is our territory!"

At this moment, the ghost stared at Chen Xun fiercely and said.

Here, a terrible adult will come later.

As long as the adult arrives, a gap will be opened in this city, and then the whole city will be filled with those fogs.

They can occupy this city.

And the human in front of them, including the human beings in the whole city, will completely become their food.

Fear will soon cover this place.

Hearing the ghost's words, Chen Xun's brows frowned.

Then, under his feet, black chains began to stretch out, and the next second, the tip of a chain pierced the ghost's head.

"This is my home!"

Seeing the ghost fall, Chen Xun's eyes swept around instantly.

The thick white fog made his sight less than five meters.

"Is this what it looks like in the fog?"

This was the first time Chen Xun entered the fog.

After he became a ninth-level ghost master, his body senses were magnified countless times.

He could even feel the ghosts walking in the community.

Chen Xun felt very uncomfortable.

There were many familiar faces in this community. Although he didn't have much friendship with them, if he really saw these people die one by one, Chen Xun felt that his heart would definitely be a little complicated.

Then, he looked at the mother of the girl who fell to the ground.

He still remembered that this aunt was his neighbor upstairs, a northerner.

In the past, when the New Year was approaching, he would specially make a lot of dumplings and warmly invite their family to eat.

Thinking of this, Chen Xun's mood suddenly fluctuated.

This is not a horror world, this is his home!

It must not be occupied by those weird things!

Otherwise, what will this world become?

Thinking of this, Chen Xun's eyes condensed, and there was suddenly a hint of coldness in his eyes.

In the past, he always felt that as long as he was strong, he could be safe.

Even if these weird things really came, he would not be hurt.

But when the fog really spread to his home, he really understood.

If this world is really shrouded in these fogs, and all the familiar people are killed by these ghosts.

Then even if he is alive, such aWhat's the point of existence?

Chen Xun walked to the mother and felt her breath.

Although she had lost too much blood, she still had a faint breath.

"Master, what's wrong!"

It was at this time that the ghost master from the State Council Office arrived, and Zhao Yiheng came to Chen Xun's side.

As if he had seen too much blood, Zhao Yiheng's expression was not too surprised.

"There is still a breath, call an ambulance!" Chen Xun said.

In fact, the ambulance had already been waiting outside the community.

Soon, a ghost master came in with some paramedics and took the mother away from the community.

Even the little girl was taken out by other ghost masters.

Elder Lin looked at the mist in the air and frowned tightly.

"It seems that these mists have indeed appeared in the inland out of thin air."

After saying that, Elder Lin looked at the ghost-controlling master of the State Office behind him:

"Everyone, it's time for us to play a role now."

"Clear the ghosts in these mists, and try to take the residents of the community away."

The existence of their State Office is to deal with horror games and the situation in front of them.

After saying that, the ghost-controlling masters walked towards the inside of the community one after another.




Just when Chen Xun wanted to do something, something suddenly vibrated on the body of the ghost that Chen Xun had just killed.

Chen Xun walked over and touched the direction of the vibration.

It was a communicator.

Who would have thought that the communicator in this horror world actually appeared in the real world and could be used.

Chen Xun pressed the answer button, and soon a voice that sounded like crying and laughing came from the other end of the communicator.

"Hurry up and come to room 404 in building 3."

"We will be here to welcome the great ghost king."

"As long as the master comes, the whole city will become our spoils of war."

After saying that, the ghost on the other end of the communicator hung up the communicator ghost.

"Is it room 404?"

Chen Xun held the communicator with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Then he touched the finger bones of Yan Luo.

Although he didn't know how powerful the ghost king these guys were talking about was, Chen Xun felt that since a ghost king had invited him, he should go and receive him in person.

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