Chen Xun took the bag of black food in his hand, and his eyes suddenly fixed.

Delivering food to prisoners in prison seems to be a very simple thing.

But if it was really that simple, the prison warden would not let Chen Xun go.

So, there must be some unknown danger in this matter.

Chen Xun guessed that the ghosts in the No. 4 prison were probably not easy to mess with.

But Chen Xun nodded and said:

"Of course."

To complete this copy, you need to get the right to go out at night.

And there is only one way to get this right, that is to complete the tasks assigned by the prison warden.

"Where is the No. 4 prison?"

Chen Xun looked at the prison warden and asked.

The prison guard immediately pointed to the path not far away and said:

"Go straight along this path, and you will see a big '4' in a building. On the first floor of the building, other prison guards will tell you what to do."

"By the way, after delivering the food to the prison, remember to ask that guy to give you that thing."

"Only in this way can you get the right to act at night."

Chen Xun frowned when he heard this:

"What is it?"

The prison guard's face turned cold and said:

"You give the food to that guy, and after he is satisfied, he will naturally give it to you."

Chen Xun took the black bag in his hand and walked towards the path.

In the square, many ghosts were already looking at Chen Xun.

There was coldness and greed in their eyes.

But after seeing the prison guard, their eyes were slightly restrained.

In the daytime of the prison, no fighting or brawling is allowed.

Otherwise, the prison guard will use the iron rod in his hand to popularize the prison rules to these ghosts.

Although this copy is said to have no rules, the prison has its own rules.

As long as it is night, there will be a new "carnival" here.

The content of these "carnivals" can be seen from the limbs that are constantly taken out of the prison.

Chen Xun ignored the gazes of the prisoners in the prison and walked straight towards the path.

After leaving the door, he subconsciously looked at the big number on the wall of his prison: "8".

In other words, this is Prison No. 8.

After making a note of this, Chen Xun continued to walk forward along the path.

Prison No. 7, Prison No. 6,... Prison No. 4.

Chen Xun's eyes swept over these prisons.

Except that the houses looked a little shabby, it seemed that there was not much difference from other prisons.

However, in Prison No. 8, the prisoners had basically walked out of the cells and moved around in the square.

However, Prison No. 4 was quiet.

At the same time, Chen Xun's eyes also stayed on the prison guard sitting at the staircase of Prison No. 4.

When the prison guard saw Chen Xun, a sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"Haha, another one is here to die."

After the prison guard finished speaking, he asked Chen Xun:

"Little ghost, which cell are you going to?"

Chen Xun said:

"Cell No. 44."

After hearing this, the prison guard's eyes suddenly glared, and then laughed:

"Haha, little guy, it seems that your luck is not too good."

"The guy in Room 44 has swallowed a lot of humans like you in the past two days."

After speaking, the prison guard took out a cigarette from his arms and put it in his mouth and smoked.

Soon after, he exhaled a wisp of smoke from his mouth, and then turned sideways to leave a way for Chen Xun.

"On the fourth floor."

After speaking, the prison guard ignored it.

And Chen Xun also walked up the stairs.

The stairs were dim, and the walls were covered with dark green moss.

A damp smell with a hint of blood came.

Chen Xun walked up the stairs slowly and found that the prison was unusually quiet.

When he arrived at the fourth floor, Chen Xun soon stood at the door of cell 44.

What was strange was that in this cell, the heavy iron door was actually open.

There were red bloodstains on the door and the door frame.

These bloodstains seemed to have appeared not long ago.

It even exuded a bloody smell.

This seemed to be normal in the horror world.

So Chen Xun was not too surprised.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

Chen Xun's hand knocked on the door, and the knocking sound also rang.

"Who is it!"

An impatient voice soon came from the door.

Chen Xun said:

"I'm here to deliver food."

As soon as Chen Xun finished speaking, a heavyFootsteps sounded.

Finally, a black hand with corpse spots on it grabbed the door and quickly opened it.

A burly ghost with a strong ghost aura appeared in front of Chen Xun.

This aura was actually a ghost king!

After seeing Chen Xun, the ghost king's eyes showed a hint of coldness.

"Have you brought the things?"

Chen Xun nodded, and then handed over the black bag in his hand.

"Is this what you are talking about?"

After seeing the bag in Chen Xun's hand, the ghost king immediately snatched it away.

The bag contained sticky food.

But the ghost king did not have any intention of eating the food, but kept scooping it up with his hands.


"Damn it, how could there be no?"

"Did those guys forget to bring it to me?"


The ghost king muttered in a low voice, and the next second his eyes suddenly looked at Chen Xun.

There was a hint of anger in his eyes.

"Damn human, did you take away the cigarettes hidden in the food again?"

"Do you know that it's my life!"

As he said that, the ghost king suddenly revealed a strong ghost aura.

Chen Xun was also stunned.

Didn't he come to deliver food? What's going on?

What cigarettes?

Chen Xun was confused.

But the next second, the ghost king's strong ghost aura wrapped Chen Xun up.

"Little ghost, you are looking for death!"

As the ghost king said that, the ghost aura turned into black ghost hands, and then attacked Chen Xun.

"Boss, be careful!"

But the next second, Ying's figure appeared beside Chen Xun.

She protected Chen Xun behind her, and her body blocked those ghost hands.

At the same time, Ying's hand suddenly pinched the neck of the burly ghost king.

And lifted him up.

This ghost king is only a first-level ghost king.

But Ying's strength has reached the level of a third-level ghost king.

So he can easily control this ghost.

"Little ghost, you seem very arrogant?" Ying said to the ghost king.

And the ghost king also widened his eyes, with an unbelievable look on his face.

The moment he found Ying appeared, even the ghost energy all over his body began to become disordered.

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