The ghost king stared at Chen Xun.

He had never thought that this ordinary-looking human in front of him had actually contracted such a powerful ghost.

He could even kill him at will.

He was able to grow into a ghost king, so his way of thinking was naturally not comparable to those brain-dead guys outside.

Soon, his angry eyes became gentle.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"That... Lord... Lord, I was joking with you just now."

He knew that he had no chance of winning against such a powerful ghost.

However, Ying's mouth was stunned:

"Little ghost, I'm not joking with you."

"You are very brave to bully our boss in front of me."

"Tell me, how do you want to die?"

After hearing this, the ghost king's burly figure began to tremble.


The ghost king was speechless for a while.

Finally, he could only look at Chen Xun with a pleading look.

Chen Xun did not intend to let the ghost king die, and then said:

"I have a few questions for you."

Based on Chen Xun's previous experience, he felt that this prison might not be simple.

There might be some past hidden.

It is also possible that there is some big boss.

The guy in front of him is a ghost king, and he might be able to provide him with some useful information.

Chen Xun said:

"First question, what's the matter with this cigarette?"

The prison warden asked Chen Xun to bring this food, and he did not touch this bag during the period.

How could he take the cigarettes inside?

So there must be something fishy.

After hearing Chen Xun's question, the ghost king immediately looked at the shadow, and then said:

"Sir, you can answer questions."

"That is, can you put me down first."

"It's uncomfortable to pinch my neck."

Although he is a ghost, he doesn't need to breathe.

But he doesn't want to be pinched all the time.

Chen Xun said:

"Okay, but you have to answer the first question first."

The ghost king's face suddenly showed a bitter expression.

But he still spoke:

"These cigarettes are hard currency in this prison, and the price is very expensive."

"The main reason is that these cigarettes can only be brought in by a prison guard who can contact the outside."

"Also, there is a limit on the amount of cigarettes brought in every day."

"Two days ago, I spent a lot of money to ask the prison guard to bring me two packs of cigarettes, and then asked him to put them in my breakfast today and send them to me."

"But now there is none!"

After the ghost king finished speaking, there was a hint of anger in his eyes, but he didn't dare to flare up.

Chen Xun said:

"Could it be that the prison guard forgot, or deliberately embezzled your money?"

Chen Xun made a guess.

But it was quickly denied by the ghost king.

"Impossible. Although the prison warden has a bad temper, he is still very honest. If he says he will help bring it in, he will definitely bring it in."

"I have asked him to buy cigarettes for many years, and he has never forgotten once."

"Otherwise, there would be no way so many prisoners would ask him to buy cigarettes."

Hearing the ghost's words, Chen Xun frowned slightly, and then stopped dwelling on this matter:

"You said that cigarettes are the hard currency here, so this thing is very important to the ghosts here?"

Chen Xun asked.

If this is true, he can find the prison warden and buy all the cigarettes every day.

Maybe it will be much easier to do this copy later.

Hearing Chen Xun's words, the ghost king immediately said:

"Of course, those who can be imprisoned here have some bad habits when they are outside."

"After being imprisoned in here, they can't contact the outside world at all."

"Some things can't be bought even if you want to."

"These cigarettes are the lives of many ghosts!"

"Even those guys in cell No. 1 have to use this thing to prolong their lives."

After the ghost king finished speaking, Chen Xun nodded slightly.

It seems that his idea just now was correct.

"Okay Ying, put this guy down." Chen Xun looked at Ying.

Only then did Ying let go of his hand, but still stood beside Chen Xun, looking at the ghost king vigilantly.

"Thank you, sir."

After being released by Ying, the ghost king rubbed his neck with his hand.

Then Chen Xun continued to ask:

"Do you know what inside information is in this prison?"

"Some past events, or there is a pervert who controls the prison here?"After the previous copies, it was basically these things.

After hearing Chen Xun's words, the ghost king was also stunned.

He had no idea why Chen Xun asked this question.

But after looking at the shadow beside Chen Xun, he said:

"Sir, if there is really an inside story about this prison, it is that there may be very terrifying beings imprisoned here."

"And the smaller the number of the prison, the more powerful the ghosts imprisoned."

"As for the pervert you mentioned, there is none."

"The warden of this prison is also a very terrifying existence."

"And, as long as you are imprisoned in this prison, there is basically no possibility of escaping."

"Because those imprisoned here are all death row prisoners!"

Hearing the words of the ghost king, Chen Xun also understood a lot.

This prison must be very unusual.

This is only Prison No. 4, and the ghost king is already imprisoned.

What if it is Prison No. 2 or Prison No. 1?

How terrifying would that be?

Then Chen Xun said no more, and immediately took out a ghost contract and said:

"Now, you have a chance to survive."

"Sign this ghost contract, and you will be my little brother in the future."

Although this guy is just a ghost king, his strength is not bad.

After the contract, Chen Xun will not lose anything, and maybe he can get an extra helper.

Seeing this ghost contract, the ghost king was stunned for a moment.

As a ghost king, he is completely unwilling to be a contracted ghost of a human.


However, the next second, the ghost energy on Ying's body came out.

"You only have one chance."

"I advise you to think about it carefully."

Ying sneered.

The ghost king was stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Of course, it is my honor to be your subordinate!"

Just kidding, if I don't sign this, I'm afraid I won't even have my life.

As for freedom?

He has been imprisoned, what freedom can he talk about?

So, the next second, his eyes swept across the ghost contract.

Then a drop of blood flew out from his fingers and fell on the ghost contract.

The contract was completed quickly, and the ghost king looked at Chen Xun with a smile: "My lord, it's done."

Chen Xun suddenly remembered something and said:

"By the way, where is the thing that the prison warden said?"

"Give it to me."

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