"Boss, the sanitation is done. Are you satisfied?"

Soon after, a prisoner came to Chen Xun and said respectfully.

Chen Xun looked around the cell.

In just half an hour, the whole cell seemed to be brand new.

Although there was still a little smell, it was much smaller than before.

After all, this cell only had a small window at the iron door, and the air permeability was really poor.

"Okay, you guys take a rest." Chen Xun said.

After that, he lay down on the bed to rest, and Ying stood beside him to protect him.

The other ghosts in the cell huddled in the corner of the third, not daring to breathe.

According to the reminder of the prison warden who gave Chen Xun the key, if they wanted to move in the dark, they had to be after 0:00 in the morning.

And at this time, Chen Xun could just take a rest.

Chen Xun slept soundly, and he was not alert at all because of these ghosts in the cell.

After all, with Ying there, these guys can't do anything to him.

Time soon came to 0:00 in the morning.

[Ding~ It's midnight. Players who have obtained the qualification for the night activity, please find an NPC who is making soup in the prison. Maybe you can get a key fragment from her. ]

[When the key fragments are integrated into a complete key, you can open the door to leave the prison. ]

When the early morning arrived, the broadcast of the game sounded in the mind of every player.

Chen Xun sat up from the bed in a daze, and then rubbed his eyes.

He just heard the broadcast of the game, and now he came to the iron door of the cell with the key given to him by the prison warden.

Insert the key and open the iron door.

Chen Xun even asked Ying to try to open this iron door before, but it seemed that it was due to some kind of restriction, and only the key could open it.

The prisoners behind Chen Xun were stunned when they saw this scene.

When they saw Chen Xun leaving the prison through the iron gate, they began to whisper:

"This newcomer actually has the key to leave the prison at night?"

"Should we go out too? It's too boring to stay in this prison."

"But those things outside are not easy to deal with. We might die once we get out."

"It's better to close the cell door quickly, so as not to let those guys break in."

"As for the newcomer, he will die if he dies."

The ghosts said, and suddenly fell silent.

In the end, it was the tattooed man who walked forward and closed the cell door.

In their opinion, this cell seemed to be locking them up, but in fact it was protecting them.


It was dark and windy at night.

After Chen Xun walked out of the cell, he came to the square.

In the horror world, the night is often accompanied by some terrifying and weird things.

It is also the most dangerous to move at night.

At the moment when Chen Xun walked out of the cell, he saw players coming out of several other cells.

Some held lanterns, and some held flashlights.

There were actually four or five players coming out.

It seems that the players who can survive in this dungeon are still quite skilled.

After these players looked at each other, they did not want to communicate with each other.

After all, in the game dungeon, some strangers are simply unreliable.

Maybe they will hurt you.

However, everyone's mission this time is the same, which is to find the guy who made soup in the dark.

In fact, it doesn't seem to be that difficult.

Because at this moment, Chen Xun and his friends have seen a little fire not far away.

A ghost set up a pot with wood on the square of Prison No. 8.

Even not far from the pot, there was an eight-immortal table.

There were four long stools on the four sides of the eight-immortal table.

There were also a few plates of steaming dishes and two sets of bowls and chopsticks on it.

It seems that there should be two ghosts eating.

However, there is only one ghost boiling soup in front of the pot.

Chen Xun and the others walked over and soon saw the appearance of the ghost.

This is a middle-aged female ghost, and the flesh on her face looks rotten.

She is wearing a white apron, which is stained with a lot of red flesh and blood.

And in her chest, there is a dagger.

The dagger has rusted, and it is unknown how long it has been stuck in the chest of this woman.

At this moment, the woman holds a soup spoon in one hand and keeps stirring it.

The rotten flesh on her face even falls into the soup pot from time to time.

The woman picked up the soup spoon, then scooped up a spoonful and put it to her mouth to taste it.

"The taste is still a little off."

"It seems that the cooking time is not long enough."

The woman shook her head and continued to stir the soup in the pot.

Chen Xun and the other players looked into the pot.

There was almost no meat in the pot, but white bones.

The bones looked as clean as stones.

They also knew what animal bones they were.

But soon, Chen Xun and the others got the answer.

Because they saw a skull in the pot...

When Chen Xun and the others approached, the woman also looked over.

A smile appeared on the rotten face:

"You are all Ah Hai's friends, right?"

"Ah Hai told me that several friends are coming to visit our home today."

"It's just that Ah Hai went out to play football alone just now. You see, I can't leave here."

"Can you help me call Ah Hai back?"

"It's almost time to eat."

The woman pointed to the soup pot in front of her and said.

Chen Xun and the others were also stunned.

Is this the task that the woman assigned to them?

Where is the key?

All the players sat there blankly.

Is there such a task in this prison?

Seeing Chen Xun and the others standing there in a daze, the woman looked at everyone and continued:

"Go quickly, or the food will get cold."

"By the way, Ah Hai said that he prepared a gift for his best friend."

"But I don't know who the best friend he is talking about is yet."

After hearing this, all the players realized a point.

This gift is likely to be the so-called key fragment.

"Um, where did Ah Hai go to play football?" A player said at the moment.

After thinking for a while, the woman pointed to the path leading to other prisons.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be the football field in front of Prison No. 3."

"Ah Hai likes to go there to play football alone at night."

"But he always comes back before dinner. I don't know why he came back so late today."

After saying that, the woman showed a trace of worry on her face again.

"But I heard that a very scary gangster appeared nearby recently, and people die at the hands of that gangster every day."

"When you go there, you should also be careful."

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