
After hearing what the woman said, all the players became alert.

They didn't think that the tasks in the horror game could be completed easily.

So, they would definitely encounter trouble when they looked for this so-called Ah Hai later.

But no player would back down.

Thinking of this, all the players walked towards the direction of Prison No. 3 without any prior agreement.

Chen Xun found that some players seemed to be very familiar with this prison.

It even gave Chen Xun a feeling that they were not entering this dungeon for the first time.

Especially those players from the Beautiful Country.

Chen Xun clearly saw that they did not go to that path today, but now he could clearly know the location of Prison No. 3.

Walking onto the path, the street lights on both sides of the road flickered.

Besides that, other places were pitch black.

Chen Xun even had a feeling that something would emerge from the darkness.

One by one, the players walked on this road with flashlights or lanterns.

Soon they arrived at the football field in front of Prison No. 3.

But at this moment, the football field is empty.

There is no so-called Ahai.

There is no ghost here.

There is only a football constantly bouncing on the football field.

As if it has endless power.

"What's going on?"

"Where is Ahai?"

After seeing this scene, many players were stunned.

A player said:

"When I entered this dungeon for the first two times, Ahai played football in this stadium."

"As long as you can beat him, then Ahai will go back with you."

"But, where is Ahai now?"

Sure enough, there are players who entered this dungeon for the second time.

Chen Xun frowned.

Now that Ahai is gone, this mission has lost its clue.

Many players were stunned on the spot.

Then Chen Xun and his team began to search near the stadium.

The only strange thing now is the constantly bouncing ball.

But at this moment, no one wants to check the meaning of the ball.

It seemed that the ball had nothing special in their eyes.

"The ball is still here, but Ah Hai disappeared?"

A player wondered:

"But does anyone suspect that there is something wrong with the ball?"

The player who entered the game for the second time just now said:

"This ball is like this, it will keep jumping."

Although they said so, these players still walked towards the ball.

Now the only place where they can find clues may be this ball.

But after they walked over, the ball was not unusual except for the constant jumping.

Even many players picked up the ball and observed it carefully, but still did not find anything wrong.

"The clue is interrupted."

"Let's go and take a look around?"

As they said, these players walked around.

Only Chen Xun stayed on the spot. He looked at the football and then picked it up with one hand.

Although the items in the horror world are often not guessed by common sense, a normal football cannot keep jumping here by itself.


"Little ghost, let me go!"

Sure enough, the next second the football ghost started talking.

If a football can bounce continuously, there is a high probability that it is a football that has become a spirit.

At this moment, other players are looking for clues around, and some players have even left the football field, wanting to try their luck elsewhere.

No one paid attention to Chen Xun here.

Chen Xun's eyes were fixed on the football, and a face was actually outlined on the football at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xun smiled and said:

"Talk nicely."

This kind of item can also become a ghost if it absorbs ghost energy for a long time.

But the level of the ghost is extremely low.

After hearing this, the football ghost immediately showed a dissatisfied expression on his face:

"Who the hell are you? If you ask me to talk nicely, I will talk nicely?"

This is still a football ghost with a bad temper.

Chen Xun didn't mean to talk nonsense with the football ghost. The next second, he took out the bloody brick and raised it high.

"Stop talking nonsense, where did Ah Hai go?"

"You'd better be honest, otherwise I can't guarantee that I won't beat you to pieces!"

The moment the football ghost saw Chen Xun holding up the brick, the expression on the face of the ball suddenly became polite.

"Hahaha, brother, I did speak a little loudly just now."

"Why are you asking about Ah Hai?"

The football ghost looked at the brick in Chen Xun's hand, and was obviously a little afraid.

Chen Xun said:

"Just tell me when I ask you!"

The football ghost was stunned for a moment, then said politely:

"It seems that Ah Hai, that idiot, was kidnapped by a fierce man just now."

"You don't know, that guy has a long scar on his face, which looks scary."

Chen Xun said:

"Where did that ghost go?"

The football ghost hesitated for a moment, then said:

"I didn't see it clearly, but he left a letter here before he left."

Chen Xun asked:

"Where is the letter?"

As soon as Chen Xun finished speaking, the football ghost immediately spit out an envelope.

There were three big words on the envelope:

"Ransom letter"

Put the football on the ground, then tear open the envelope.

There were some crooked Chinese words inside:

"When you see this letter, your son Ah Hai may have been kidnapped by me. "

"If you want your son to see the sun tomorrow, please take 300,000 ghost money as ransom to the 3rd floor of Prison No. 3, Cell No. 34 to redeem him."

"Remember, after seeing this letter, do not try to contact any prison guards, and do not play any tricks."

"Otherwise, what you will see will be your son's body!"

"I will remind you again, after you see this letter, please ask someone to come!"

Finally, there is a signature on the envelope.

However, after the signature was written, it was smeared again, and finally signed again.

'The vicious criminal'

After Chen Xun read the contents of the letter, he immediately put the envelope away.

After glancing around, he finally walked towards Prison No. 3.

But Chen Xun didn't know that the moment he got the envelope, a figure in the dark was staring at him.


At the staircase of Prison No. 3, here The dim lights kept flickering.

I don't know why, but in the night in the prison, I didn't even see a prison guard.

Chen Xun walked up the stairs and headed towards the third floor.

If this letter was really left by the criminal.

Then the cell No. 34 on the third floor is where the criminal is.

And I only need to pay a ransom of 300,000 ghost money to rescue the so-called Ah Hai.

But at the moment when Chen Xun walked up the stairs, a figure appeared in the darkness and followed behind Chen Xun.

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