Horror Game: Kidnapping The Lady Of The Horror Tavern

Chapter 169: A Chance To Subdue The Violinist

"What's the situation?" Ye Fan asked Si Qin.

"I don't know!" Si Qin also frowned at this time.

"But it is absolutely impossible for the district chief to break through the seal. I checked it not long ago."

"Furthermore, it is not so easy to break through the seal of a complete set of top-grade first-order genital artifacts, and the entire Bianhua community.

"If you want to break through the seal, you must first destroy the formation of the Bianhua community."

"What about the current situation?" Sensing the growing vibration of the apartment building, Ye Fan asked.

"He should be hitting the seal now, let's stop him quickly." Si Qin flew outside.

Seeing this situation, Ye Fan had no choice but to follow quickly.

The second and third directors behind also followed.

But at this moment, their faces were already filled with fear.

They thought of the great war that terrified them.

Going outside the apartment building, Ye Fan saw that it wasn't just their high-end apartment building.

Even the entire Bianhua community was shaking, but the shaking was the most violent here.

Obviously, as Si Qin said, the head of the past life community is breaking the seal.

And such a big movement naturally made the residents of the entire Bianhua Community notice the situation here.

Those ghosts who were still in the high-end apartment left room 21 one after another.

Even the evil ghosts or unjust souls in other apartments around have gathered towards this side curiously.

"District Chief, is the one below coming out?" A group of high-ranking ghosts quickly came to Si Qin and asked, with fear still on their faces.

They are all survivors who survived the last great war.

So they all know what is under the Bianhua community.

"Don't worry, there will be no problems." Tong Qin comforted.

Then Siqin looked at Ye Fan and said: "Our action has to be advanced, we will go underground now to prevent him from breaking through the seal."

"Good!" Ye Fan nodded.

However, just when they wanted to go underground, a large hole suddenly collapsed in front of the high-end apartment building, revealing a large hole.

Along the big hole Ye Fan and the others saw the situation underground.

A huge cross stands in the empty basement.

Then a ghost with a fierce face and exuding fluctuations in red-clothed soul power was nailed to the cross.

What nailed him was a penis like a nail.

The soul power that escaped from Ye Fan and the others before is also merging into his body.

It seems that this ghost is the mayor of the Shengsheng District.

But this is not the most terrible thing, the most terrible thing is that next to the mayor of the past life community, there is a pet with dull eyes that looks fat and fat.

It turned out to be the four directors who said before that they would not come back.

It turns out that the chief director and the fourth director are all his people, or people controlled by him. This is really deep enough to hide.

At this time, the four directors were stretching their hands towards the nail nailed to the head of the district chief.

"Fourth director, stop!" Si Qin shouted anxiously.

But the four directors ignored it and continued to stretch out their hands.

And when he grasped the nail on the district chief's head with his hand, the fourth director immediately let out a painful scream.

At the same time, blood-red lines, like meridians, began to spread on the fourth director's body, seeming to annihilate his soul.

But even so, the four directors were still unwilling to let go, as if they had lost their minds.

Then the four directors pulled out violently, and a seven-kill nail was pulled out.

"Stop him." Si Qin rushed over.

After receiving Ye Fan's signal, Zi Yun'er also rushed over.

But just as they were about to enter the basement along the entrance of the cave, a barrier of soul power suddenly blocked them.

"This is..." Seeing this soul power barrier that terrified her again, Si Qin had a look of panic for the first time.

"Siqin, I didn't expect that!" The head of the pastoral community who was crucified on the cross raised his head to look at Siqin above.

"Within three days, you will absolutely not be able to break through this barrier of soul power."

"And after three days, I can get out of trouble."

"When the time comes, you will all pay the price." (bdeh)

"Now, run away as much as you want, and see how soon I can catch you.

"Hey number․.........․Hey hey hey..."

At this time, the four directors were stretching their hands towards the second seven nails on the head of the district.

"I'm sorry, I'm the one who got you bothered this time." Si Qin bit her lip and said.

"Give up now?" Ye Fan came to them and carefully looked at the soul power barrier in front of them.

"Is this soul barrier really that strong?"

"Very strong!" Zi Yun'er nodded. With my current strength, even with my avatar, I'm afraid I won't be able to break it within three days.

"Then what if the ghosts of the entire Bianhua community unite together?" Ye Fan asked.

"It's useless!" Si Qin shook his head: "This barrier of soul power was set up by the district chief using the secret method before.

"It was this barrier of soul power that enveloped the entire past life community."

"Although the current soul power barrier is not as good as the previous one, our current strength is far inferior to that of the past life community, so it is impossible to break through it at all.

"So you're giving up? Are you willing?"

"So what if you are not reconciled, as he said, when he comes out, we will all die, so let's run for our lives as soon as possible.

"What about you, let's go together?"

Si Qin shook her head: "No, it's the Bianhua community I established, so stay here."

"Why bother!" Ye Fan shook his head, then walked over, looked at the district chief below and said, "Actually, it's not like there's no turning point, at least it's not dead.

"Do you still have a way?" Si Qin quickly cast a hopeful look.

"Look!" Ye Fan pointed to the fourth director: "His soul and body have been greatly traumatized, how many long nails do you think he can pull out?"

"That's right." Si Qin's eyes lit up immediately: "At most three, with his current state, he can pull out at most three seven-kill nails."

"That is, there are three left. You think the remaining three seven-kill nails that he needs to pull out by himself, how much damage it will cause him, it should not be small."

"It is precisely because of this that he wants you to escape."

"That's because he is not sure that he will be able to kill all of you when he just got out of trouble."

"Or based on the deep hatred between you, can he remind you?"

"Yes!" The hope in Si Qin's eyes became even stronger.

"Human, when I get out of trouble, I'll be the first to eat you." The district chief looked at Ye Fan with vicious eyes and said.

"Okay, stop bluffing." Ye Fan turned his head to look at Si Qin and said, "Call all the ghosts in the Bianhua community to attack this soul power barrier."

"Okay!" Si Qin hurriedly went to summon the ghosts.

And Ye Fan is thinking, now seems to have a good opportunity.

A good opportunity to subdue Siqin, that's it, isn't it a bit too dangerous. .

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