Horror Game: Kidnapping The Lady Of The Horror Tavern

Chapter 170: Coax Siqin Again, And Take Advantage Of The Danger Of Ghosts

Seeing that Si Qin went to summon the ghosts in the Bianhua community, and the mayor of the past life community, he also felt a sense of urgency.

"Hurry up!" the district chief urged.

However, he forgot that the current four directors have already lost their own thoughts.

However, under his urging, the fourth director still endured the pain in his soul and body, and pulled out the second seven-kill nail.

Then the district chief grabbed a seven-kill nail nailed to his torso just as he got rid of his right hand.

Even the district chief yelled out in pain when he directly touched the seven killing nails that took effect, but he still endured the pain and pulled out the third and seventh killing nails.

And this also caused cracks to appear on his soul body, which had recovered a little because he had just devoured the great director's soul power.

It seems that he is also in a hurry, otherwise it would be impossible to do it now.

But after pulling out the third seven-kill nail, the district chief took a rest.

He had to consolidate his state and wait for the slow recovery of his soul body. He was sealed by the Seven Killing Nail, and he couldn't recover his soul power naturally at all.

Therefore, it is necessary to play steadily. If the soul body suffers too much damage due to the eagerness to attack, then even if they are out of trouble, it will be difficult for them to be opponents outside.

At this time, the ghosts in the Bianhua community also came here one after another.

Even some daring horror game players have come here.

And this also made Ye Fan realize that he seemed to have underestimated the strength of the Bianhua community.

His calculations were correct before. If the Bi'anhua community is full, there can be more than 1,800 residents.

But Ye Fan forgot that some apartments, day apartments live in more than just a ghost.

And besides these ordinary residents, there are also many insiders in the Bianhua Community.

These personnel are all survivors from the last battle, there are several hundred in number, and more than half are ghosts, and the rest are all high-level evil ghosts.

All of a sudden, more than 3,000 ghosts gathered here, looking terrifying.

Afterwards, Si Qin told the ins and outs of the matter.

Hearing that the district chief was going to unblock, the internal personnel of the Bianhua community became nervous.

And those Bianhua residents who had not experienced the previous war heard for the first time that such a powerful ghost was sealed under the Bianhua community, and they were so frightened that they almost turned their heads and ran away.

So Si Qin had no choice but to say: "Everyone, once he breaks the seal, the entire Bianhua community will cease to exist."

"However, I also know everyone's concerns, so I can promise that when this barrier of soul power is about to be broken, everyone can leave on their own."

"He will be dealt with by us."

After getting the guarantee from Si Qin, these ghosts were relieved.

If possible, they don't want to give up the Bianhua community.

After all, they have lived here for so long, this is their home, and they spent a lot of money when buying real estate.

If the Bianhua community is gone, then their apartment will also be gone.

Under the dual effects of love and real estate, all the ghosts around stayed temporarily.

"Thank you, everyone."

During Si Qin's thanks, ghosts attacked the soul power barrier in front of them one after another.

After that, more than 3,000 ghosts all began to attack the soul power barrier in front of them.

Although most of them are not strong, there are only a few hundred ghosts, and most of them are ghosts that survived the previous battle.

But the accumulation of little things makes a lot, more than 3,000 ghosts, the power that can be erupted is astonishing.

The energy in that soul power barrier is also being consumed rapidly.

Seeing this scene, Si Qin was overjoyed. If they also shot together, they might be able to break through this barrier of soul power within three days.

The district chief was even more panicked, and before the four directors could recover for a while, he began to ask him to pull out the fourth seven-kill nail.

Every time a seven-kill nail is pulled out, he will be less suppressed and his state will be better.

And after the fourth director pulled out the fourth seven-kill nail, his soul body was already very transparent.

However, the district chief still didn't understand him, and continued to ask him to pull out the fifth seven-kill nail.

This time the four directors finally couldn't hold on any longer, and when they pulled halfway through, their souls and bodies dissipated immediately.

However, the district chief sucked in his mouth at this time, and directly sucked the soul power left by the four directors into his stomach after the soul body dissipated.

Then he slammed the fifth seven-kill nail that had been half-drawn out by the four directors, and it flew out directly.

However, the District Chief was also traumatized again, and he completely didn't dare to touch the other two Seven Killing Nails, and began to wait for the recovery of his soul and body.

"Ye Fan, let Zi Yun'er attack the soul barrier with me. We must break the soul barrier before the remaining two seven-kill nails are pulled out." Si Qin said.

"It's useless!" Ye Fan shook his head: "You see, although he pulled out the nail twice, he caused some damage to the soul and body."

"But the fluctuations in his soul power didn't drop in the slightest."

"Even because of absorbing the soul power of the chief director and the fourth director successively, there is still a lot of improvement."

"So what we have to do now is to maintain our state as much as possible and deal with the next decisive battle.

"This..." Si Qin also frowned: "I feel that the upper limit of his soul power when he breaks through the seal may exceed my previous guess."

"That's inevitable, so we have to maintain a good state." Ye Fan nodded.

"But can we really win?" Si Qin whispered, as if asking Ye Fan, or talking to himself.

"Actually, I have a way to increase our success rate." Ye Fan said suddenly.

"What way?" Si Qin asked quickly.

"That is, I have a method that can allow you to increase your upper limit of soul power by six thousand points in one day, and allow you to increase your upper limit of soul power by ten thousand points every day..."

"What you said is true?" Before Ye Fan finished speaking, Si Qin couldn't help getting excited.

"Really!" Ye Fan nodded: "However, the cost of using this method is a bit high, you need to sign a contract with me.

"Master-servant contract?" Si Qin's complexion changed a little.

"It's not, it's another kind of contract, but the binding force is also very strong, so you need to think about it three times."

At this time, Ye Fan also thought about it, the morality and immorality of going to hell, and whether he was taking advantage of the danger of ghosts.

Signing a contract with a ghost depends on this mouth.

It doesn't matter what happens, coax her over first, and then talk about it. If it's a big deal, just treat her better later.

Look at Zi Yun'er, how happy she is every day!

Uh......Is this a bit scum......

Forget it, regardless of these, these are not important.

After thinking for a moment, Si Qin nodded as Ye Fan expected: "I agree.

"Well, you make arrangements first, and then I will help you improve your soul power." Ye Fan said.

"Okay!" Si Qin nodded, and then summoned the second and third directors.

"You bring the ghosts here and continue to attack the soul barrier, I want to prepare for the next battle.

"Yes!" The second director and the third director nodded in agreement at the same time.

Then Siqin entered, and Ye Fan used the hidden jade talisman to set up the soul power barrier.

This can make the ghosts outside not aware of what they are doing inside. .

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