Jiangcheng, City Branch.

Office of the branch president.

“Mr. Li, please help as much as possible… I’m tired of you.

The governor said, hung up the phone, let out a long sigh, frowned, and his face was full of sorrow.

This quarter’s deposit task, completely clueless and landed, what can be done.

Every year, the head office assigns tasks to each branch.

The completion of the task is related to the year-end bonuses and various welfare benefits of the branch and its branches.

If it is not completed, it is only a small part, and perhaps at least a little affect the welfare, and the problem will not be too big.

But if it is a little too much, then maybe he, the president, will have to go up to make reports, write inspections, and even be criticized.

And this year, their branches, the tasks broken down for four quarters, the first quarter was successfully completed, and there were some excesses, which made the second quarter a lot less stressful.

I originally thought that the second quarter would not be difficult.

As a result, it was much worse.

The gap of more than two billion, coupled with the third and fourth quarters is not optimistic, based on the current outflow of funds, it is estimated that the annual deposit gap is at least more than 10 billion!

Just because, a few days ago, the White Bear Country was subjected to economic sanctions, which suddenly affected all walks of life, and many related industries were greatly affected.

Some import and export trade has been suspended for dozens of days, and the losses are great.

Therefore, those CEOs and rich people have withdrawn the funds from their accounts and injected them into the company to maintain operations.

But as a result, the amount of deposits in their branches has fallen rapidly, and the task is hopeless.

These days, he has only made one phone call after another, putting down his old face to contact the heads of major enterprises and local rich businessmen, hoping to bring in some savings.

But the effect is not much, those people are also difficult, love can not help.

Just as he was sighing, his face full of helplessness, but he had to cheer himself up, ready to make a few more calls to try his luck.

The phone itself rang first.

Picking it up and answering it, there was the voice of his old classmate, a depositor information supervisor at the head office.

“Lao An, congratulations… Your deposit mission is complete.

“Hang you, how? To be sarcastic about me? I just watched it this morning… Don’t say it’s done, I’m afraid it’s dangerous all year round! The

governor glared, and retorted angrily.

“Oh, that’s because you didn’t check again.”

Sold a pass over there, deliberately whetting an appetite.

After a moment’s pause, he said mysteriously, “There is an investment tycoon who has transferred money from the securities platform to a bank account.

The governor paused, his eyebrows raised, “How much?” ”

More than two hundred… Billion! ”

Two billion !? Or an investment boss… Private Account !! The

governor shook and trembled, and the whole person bounced up from his position.

If it is a company account, a public account.

20 billion funds, although a lot, but not too impressive, such money can not be counted as a deposit.

Because it will be mobilized at any time, it is extremely mobile.

No amount of money in such a company account can be counted as completing a task.

But private accounts are different….

If the funds of 20 billion yuan are not transferred away and placed in the bank, Mo said that this quarter, the savings business for the whole year can be completed!

That’s why he was so surprised.

First, the headache of the task has a clue.

Second, the liquidity of 20 billion yuan is too amazing, what is the origin of this investment boss?

“Lao An, you can rest assured, his funds are absolutely clean, and those who supervise have checked it, and there is no problem at all.”

“And 20 billion is all cash flow… If you can keep him, you will have no problem with your deposit tasks throughout the year.

“I’ll send you the depositor’s information, try to keep him in our bank… Don’t be snatched away by other banks, this is also the instruction of the head office. ”

There’s a lot of advice over there.

Although there is a purpose to find old classmates to catch up, the most important thing is to convey the instructions of the head office.

A private person with 20 billion cash savings is worth more than a corporate account with 200 billion assets!

After all, the former’s money can be used by the bank to invest, and the latter is basically asking the bank for money to borrow.

Which is more important and which is important, it is natural to distinguish clearly.

Now among various banks, this absolutely high-quality, strong user is also looking at the tiger, this is really going to be poached, it is definitely a loss for their bank!

“I know.”

The president hurriedly responded, hung up the phone, and called up the information.

Very young, but in his twenties.


In his twenties, he has 20 billion cash flow, you must know the boss and rich businessman boasted by the news media, the so-called assets of hundreds of billions.

But in fact, they are all heavily in debt, and it is difficult to come up with more than a billion or two billion cash flow.

With a cash flow of 20 billion, this capital is undoubtedly extremely strong.

Unexpectedly, in the morning, he still worked hard for half a day, hot face close to people’s cold ass, to coax the group of bosses, just to complete the task.

As a result, inexplicably someone transferred money in, and the task of this quarter was completed in an instant.

A little excited, the governor did not forget the business.

“I have to apply for a glory gold card for him first, and he will be promoted to the highest service authority.”

The president frowned, more brain-strenuous and more attentive than asking others to save.

In addition to the basics of elevating permissions and improving services.

On the branch side, you have to give gifts to the big guy, and the gift is not strange, so as to enhance the good impression of the big guy to the bank.

However, what is good to send?

Rice noodles?

This is to fool ordinary savers, and they can’t take it.

Gold and silver jewelry, cigarette Maotai?

I’m afraid that the gold and silver other party feels tacky, and the cigarette Maotai is only afraid that they will smoke and drink until they vomit.

The best thing is still calligraphy and painting antiques, rich people are good at this mouthful.

But even with the authority of his branch president, using entertainment funds, the gift giving cannot exceed the standard too much.

This is a headache, what to send with that little money, in order to move the big guy and reflect the bank’s intentions?

After a headache, the governor shook his head.

Everyone gathered firewood and the flame was high, or let the subordinates think about it.

So, took out his mobile phone, and in the work group chat of the branch, sent out the request.

“There is a depositor’s information, sent to many people, and everyone brainstorms about his information to think about what to send to improve the satisfaction of depositors with our bank.”

“Two thousand dollars for opinions being adopted.”



In the office in the branch, dozens of staff members are busy with the work at hand.

Generally speaking, it is the branches that face depositors directly.

Branches, on the other hand, are more responsible for management and administrative work, and have much less direct business for depositors.

So, a little free.

In a corner cubicle, working men in uniform are entering information at work.

Seeing that the work was almost done, he did not rush to finish, but slowed down.

Every now and then, take out your phone and take a look and smile.

Blind date and love classmates.

“Alas, it’s been so many days, I don’t know where Lin Fan has joined.”

“I could see him before, but now I can’t see anyone.”

“Wouldn’t it be too humiliating to look for a job in another city?”

“It’s possible that … This kind of brother Gongzi who does not learn and has no skills is now down and wants to die to save face.

“Is it possible to follow Feng Xiaoding and take the preparation exam?”


Seeing that his name was mentioned on the group, Feng Xiaoding, who was in the bank office, frowned and snorted with some displeasure.

The screen is pressed.

“If you want to take the exam, he must also have this ability, and if he doesn’t study in college, he is also worthy?”

“It makes sense, too.”

“How is it so easy to take the exam, I didn’t take the exam this year.”

“It seems that a few people in the class were just admitted.”

“It is.”

There was a lot of discussion in the group.

Feng Xiaoding wanted to say again.

Ding dong.

There is a message in the work group chat, and a prompt pops up on everyone’s mobile phone for all members of Aite.

After a while, all the staff stopped what they were talking and picked up their mobile phones.

See if any urgent notice is issued.

Feng Xiaoding also didn’t care to continue to chat, cut out to see that the news was sent by the president.

The reward is 2,000 yuan to collect ideas for gifts for large depositors in the bank.

Big savers?

Feng Xiaoding was a little surprised, what kind of large depositors of what size and level actually asked the branch president to give gifts!

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